using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using ArcaneLibs.Extensions; using LibMatrix; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State; using LibMatrix.Helpers; using LibMatrix.Homeservers; using LibMatrix.Responses; using LibMatrix.RoomTypes; using LibMatrix.Services; using LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot.Interfaces; using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using ModerationBot.AccountData; using ModerationBot.StateEventTypes; using ModerationBot.StateEventTypes.Policies; namespace ModerationBot; public class ModerationBot(AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric hs, ILogger logger, ModerationBotConfiguration configuration, HomeserverResolverService hsResolver, PolicyEngine engine) : IHostedService { private readonly IEnumerable _commands; private Task _listenerTask; // private GenericRoom _policyRoom; private GenericRoom _logRoom; private GenericRoom _controlRoom; /// Triggered when the application host is ready to start the service. /// Indicates that the start process has been aborted. public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _listenerTask = Run(cancellationToken); logger.LogInformation("Bot started!"); } private async Task Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (Directory.Exists("bot_data/cache")) Directory.GetFiles("bot_data/cache").ToList().ForEach(File.Delete); BotData botData; try { logger.LogInformation("Fetching bot account data..."); botData = await hs.GetAccountDataAsync("gay.rory.moderation_bot_data"); logger.LogInformation("Got bot account data..."); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogInformation("Could not fetch bot account data... {}", e.Message); if (e is not MatrixException { ErrorCode: "M_NOT_FOUND" }) { logger.LogError("{}", e.ToString()); throw; } botData = null; } botData = await FirstRunTasks.ConstructBotData(hs, configuration, botData); // _policyRoom = hs.GetRoom(botData.PolicyRoom ?? botData.ControlRoom); _logRoom = hs.GetRoom(botData.LogRoom ?? botData.ControlRoom); _controlRoom = hs.GetRoom(botData.ControlRoom); foreach (var configurationAdmin in configuration.Admins) { var pls = await _controlRoom.GetPowerLevelsAsync(); pls.SetUserPowerLevel(configurationAdmin, pls.GetUserPowerLevel(hs.UserId)); await _controlRoom.SendStateEventAsync(RoomPowerLevelEventContent.EventId, pls); } var syncHelper = new SyncHelper(hs); List admins = new(); #pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed Task.Run(async () => { while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { var controlRoomMembers = _controlRoom.GetMembersAsync(); var pls = await _controlRoom.GetPowerLevelsAsync(); await foreach (var member in controlRoomMembers) { if ((member.TypedContent as RoomMemberEventContent)? .Membership == "join" && pls.UserHasTimelinePermission(member.Sender, RoomMessageEventContent.EventId)) admins.Add(member.StateKey); } await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), cancellationToken); } }, cancellationToken); #pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed syncHelper.InviteReceivedHandlers.Add(async Task (args) => { var inviteEvent = args.Value.InviteState.Events.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "" && x.StateKey == hs.UserId); logger.LogInformation("Got invite to {RoomId} by {Sender} with reason: {Reason}", args.Key, inviteEvent!.Sender, (inviteEvent.TypedContent as RoomMemberEventContent)!.Reason); await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"Bot invited to {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(args.Key)} by {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(inviteEvent.Sender)}")); if (admins.Contains(inviteEvent.Sender)) { try { await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"Joining {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(args.Key)}...")); var senderProfile = await hs.GetProfileAsync(inviteEvent.Sender); await hs.GetRoom(args.Key).JoinAsync(reason: $"I was invited by {senderProfile.DisplayName ?? inviteEvent.Sender}!"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("{}", e.ToString()); await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatException("Could not join room", e)); await hs.GetRoom(args.Key).LeaveAsync(reason: "I was unable to join the room: " + e); } } }); syncHelper.TimelineEventHandlers.Add(async @event => { var room = hs.GetRoom(@event.RoomId); try { logger.LogInformation( "Got timeline event in {}: {}", @event.RoomId, @event.ToJson(indent: true, ignoreNull: true)); if (@event != null && ( @event.GetType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(BasePolicy)) || @event.GetType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(PolicyRuleEventContent)) )) await engine.ReloadActivePolicyListById(@event.RoomId); var rules = await engine.GetMatchingPolicies(@event); foreach (var matchedRule in rules) { await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccessJson( $"{MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMessageLink(eventId: @event.EventId, roomId: room.RoomId, displayName: "Event")} matched {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMessageLink(eventId: @matchedRule.OriginalEvent.EventId, roomId: matchedRule.PolicyList.Room.RoomId, displayName: "rule")}", @matchedRule.OriginalEvent.RawContent)); } if (configuration.DemoMode) { // foreach (var matchedRule in rules) { // await room.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccessJson( // $"{MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMessageLink(eventId: @event.EventId, roomId: room.RoomId, displayName: "Event")} matched {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMessageLink(eventId: @matchedRule.EventId, roomId: matchedRule.RoomId, displayName: "rule")}", @matchedRule.RawContent)); // } return; } // // if (@event is { Type: "", TypedContent: RoomMessageEventContent message }) { // if (message is { MessageType: "m.image" }) { // //check media // // var matchedPolicy = await CheckMedia(@event); // var matchedPolicy = rules.FirstOrDefault(); // if (matchedPolicy is null) return; // var matchedpolicyData = matchedPolicy.TypedContent as MediaPolicyEventContent; // await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync( // new RoomMessageEventContent( // body: // $"User {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(@event.Sender)} posted an image in {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(room.RoomId)} that matched rule {matchedPolicy.StateKey}, applying action {matchedpolicyData.Recommendation}, as described in rule: {matchedPolicy.RawContent!.ToJson(ignoreNull: true)}", // messageType: "m.text") { // Format = "org.matrix.custom.html", // FormattedBody = // $"User {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(@event.Sender)} posted an image in {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(room.RoomId)} that matched rule {matchedPolicy.StateKey}, applying action {matchedpolicyData.Recommendation}, as described in rule:
{matchedPolicy.RawContent!.ToJson(ignoreNull: true)}
" // }); // switch (matchedpolicyData.Recommendation) { // case "warn_admins": { // await _controlRoom.SendMessageEventAsync( // new RoomMessageEventContent( // body: $"{string.Join(' ', admins)}\nUser {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(@event.Sender)} posted a banned image {message.Url}", // messageType: "m.text") { // Format = "org.matrix.custom.html", // FormattedBody = $"{string.Join(' ', admins.Select(u => MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(u)))}\n" + // $"User {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(@event.Sender)} posted a banned image {message.Url}" // }); // break; // } // case "warn": { // await room.SendMessageEventAsync( // new RoomMessageEventContent( // body: $"Please be careful when posting this image: {matchedpolicyData.Reason ?? "No reason specified"}", // messageType: "m.text") { // Format = "org.matrix.custom.html", // FormattedBody = // $"Please be careful when posting this image: {matchedpolicyData.Reason ?? "No reason specified"}" // }); // break; // } // case "redact": { // await room.RedactEventAsync(@event.EventId, matchedpolicyData.Reason ?? "No reason specified"); // break; // } // case "spoiler": { // //
// //
// // // // // // CN // // : // // test
// // // // // // // //
// await room.SendMessageEventAsync( // new RoomMessageEventContent( // body: // $"Please be careful when posting this image: {matchedpolicyData.Reason}, I have spoilered it for you:", // messageType: "m.text") { // Format = "org.matrix.custom.html", // FormattedBody = // $"Please be careful when posting this image: {matchedpolicyData.Reason}, I have spoilered it for you:" // }); // var imageUrl = message.Url; // await room.SendMessageEventAsync( // new RoomMessageEventContent(body: $"CN: {imageUrl}", // messageType: "m.text") { // Format = "org.matrix.custom.html", // FormattedBody = $""" //
// // CN // : // {matchedpolicyData.Reason}
// // // // // //
// """ // }); // await room.RedactEventAsync(@event.EventId, "Automatically spoilered: " + matchedpolicyData.Reason); // break; // } // case "mute": { // await room.RedactEventAsync(@event.EventId, matchedpolicyData.Reason); // //change powerlevel to -1 // var currentPls = await room.GetPowerLevelsAsync(); // if (currentPls is null) { // logger.LogWarning("Unable to get power levels for {room}", room.RoomId); // await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync( // MessageFormatter.FormatError($"Unable to get power levels for {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(room.RoomId)}")); // return; // } // // currentPls.Users ??= new(); // currentPls.Users[@event.Sender] = -1; // await room.SendStateEventAsync("", currentPls); // break; // } // case "kick": { // await room.RedactEventAsync(@event.EventId, matchedpolicyData.Reason); // await room.KickAsync(@event.Sender, matchedpolicyData.Reason); // break; // } // case "ban": { // await room.RedactEventAsync(@event.EventId, matchedpolicyData.Reason); // await room.BanAsync(@event.Sender, matchedpolicyData.Reason); // break; // } // default: { // throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("recommendation", // $"Unknown response type {matchedpolicyData.Recommendation}!"); // } // } // } // } } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("{}", e.ToString()); await _controlRoom.SendMessageEventAsync( MessageFormatter.FormatException($"Unable to process event in {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(room.RoomId)}", e)); await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync( MessageFormatter.FormatException($"Unable to process event in {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(room.RoomId)}", e)); await using var stream = new MemoryStream(e.ToString().AsBytes().ToArray()); await _controlRoom.SendFileAsync("error.log.cs", stream); await _logRoom.SendFileAsync("error.log.cs", stream); } }); await engine.ReloadActivePolicyLists(); await syncHelper.RunSyncLoopAsync(); } /// Triggered when the application host is performing a graceful shutdown. /// Indicates that the shutdown process should no longer be graceful. public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { logger.LogInformation("Shutting down bot!"); } }