using System.Buffers.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; using ArcaneLibs.Extensions; using LibMatrix; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec; using LibMatrix.Helpers; using LibMatrix.RoomTypes; using LibMatrix.Services; using LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot.Interfaces; using ModerationBot.AccountData; using ModerationBot.StateEventTypes; namespace ModerationBot.Commands; public class JoinSpaceMembersCommand(IServiceProvider services, HomeserverProviderService hsProvider, HomeserverResolverService hsResolver, PolicyEngine engine) : ICommand { public string Name { get; } = "joinspacemembers"; public string Description { get; } = "Join all rooms in space"; private GenericRoom logRoom { get; set; } public async Task CanInvoke(CommandContext ctx) { //check if user is admin in control room var botData = await ctx.Homeserver.GetAccountDataAsync("gay.rory.moderation_bot_data"); var controlRoom = ctx.Homeserver.GetRoom(botData.ControlRoom); var isAdmin = (await controlRoom.GetPowerLevelsAsync())!.UserHasPermission(ctx.MessageEvent.Sender, ""); if (!isAdmin) { // await ctx.Reply("You do not have permission to use this command!"); await ctx.Homeserver.GetRoom(botData.LogRoom!).SendMessageEventAsync( new RoomMessageEventContent(body: $"User {ctx.MessageEvent.Sender} tried to use command {Name} but does not have permission!", messageType: "m.text")); } return isAdmin; } public async Task Invoke(CommandContext ctx) { var botData = await ctx.Homeserver.GetAccountDataAsync("gay.rory.moderation_bot_data"); logRoom = ctx.Homeserver.GetRoom(botData.LogRoom ?? botData.ControlRoom); await logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"Joining space children of {ctx.Args[0]} with reason: {string.Join(' ', ctx.Args[1..])}")); var roomId = ctx.Args[0]; var servers = new List() {ctx.Homeserver.ServerName}; if (roomId.StartsWith('[')) { } if (roomId.StartsWith('#')) { var res = await ctx.Homeserver.ResolveRoomAliasAsync(roomId); roomId = res.RoomId; servers.AddRange(servers); } var room = ctx.Homeserver.GetRoom(roomId); var tasks = new List>(); await foreach (var memberRoom in room.AsSpace.GetChildrenAsync()) { servers.Add(room.RoomId.Split(':', 2)[1]); servers = servers.Distinct().ToList(); tasks.Add(JoinRoom(memberRoom, string.Join(' ', ctx.Args[1..]), servers)); } await foreach (var b in tasks.ToAsyncEnumerable()) { await Task.Delay(50); } } private async Task JoinRoom(GenericRoom memberRoom, string reason, List servers) { try { await memberRoom.JoinAsync(servers.ToArray(), reason); await logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"Joined room {memberRoom.RoomId}")); } catch (Exception e) { await logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatException($"Failed to join {memberRoom.RoomId}", e)); } return true; } }