{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ../../modules/base-server.nix ]; services.matrix-synapse = { enable = true; withJemalloc = true; # https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/usage/configuration/config_documentation.html settings = { server_name = "rory.gay"; enable_registration = true; registration_requires_token = true; require_membership_for_aliases = false; redaction_retention_period = null; user_ips_max_age = null; allow_device_name_lookup_over_federation = true; federation = { client_timeout = "60s"; max_short_retries = 6; max_short_retry_delay = "10s"; max_long_retries = 5; max_long_retry_delay = "30s"; }; event_cache_size = "30K"; #defaults to 10K caches = { global_factor = 1.0; sync_response_cache_duration = "30m"; cache_autotuning = { max_cache_memory_usage = "2048M"; target_cache_memory_usage = "1024M"; min_cache_ttl = "30m"; }; }; # Alicia - figure this out later... #registration_shared_secret = builtins.exec ["cat" "/dev/urandom" "|" "tr" "-dc" "a-zA-Z0-9" "|" "fold" "-w" "256" "|" "head" "-n" "1"]; registration_shared_secret_path = "/var/lib/matrix-synapse/registration_shared_secret.txt"; listeners = [ { port = 8008; bind_addresses = [ "" "" ]; type = "http"; tls = false; x_forwarded = true; resources = [ { names = [ "client" "federation" ]; compress = true; } ]; } ]; dynamic_thumbnails = true; presence = { enable = true; update_interval = 60; }; url_preview_enabled = true; database = { name = "psycopg2"; args = { user = "matrix-synapse-rory-gay"; #passwordFile = "/run/secrets/matrix-synapse-password"; password = "somepassword"; database = "matrix-synapse-rory-gay"; host = ""; application_name = "matrix-synapse (rory.gay)"; cp_min = 5; cp_max = 50; #cp_reconnect_interval = "True"; }; }; app_service_config_files = [ #"/etc/matrix-synapse/appservice-registration.yaml" ]; rc_message = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; rc_login = { address = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; account = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; failed_attempts = { per_second = 0.1; burst_count = 3; }; }; rc_joins = { local = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; remote = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; }; rc_joins_per_room = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; rc_invites = { per_room = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; per_user = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; per_issuer = { per_second = 1000; burst_count = 1000; }; }; rc_federation = { window_size = 10; sleep_limit = 1000; sleep_delay = 100; reject_limit = 1000; concurrent = 100; }; federation_rr_transactions_per_room_per_second = 1; max_image_pixels = "100M"; ui_auth = { session_timeout = "1m"; }; login_via_existing_session = { enabled = true; require_ui_auth = true; token_timeout = "1y"; }; #sentry = { # dsn = "https://77c8de07855d4e0c90dbcf0945a04f01@sentry.thearcanebrony.net/14"; #}; report_stats = false; user_directory = { enabled = true; search_all_users = true; prefer_local_users = true; }; experimental_features = { "org.matrix.msc3026.busy_presence" = true; "fi.mau.msc2815" = true; "org.matrix.msc3881" = true; "org.matrix.msc3874" = true; "org.matrix.msc3912" = true; }; }; plugins = with pkgs.matrix-synapse-plugins; [ # Alicia - need to port draupnir... #matrix-synapse-mjolnir-antispam # matrix-synapse-pam ]; # extraConfigFiles = [ # (pkgs.writeTextFile { # name = "matrix-synapse-extra-config.yml"; # text = '' # modules: # - module: "pam_auth_provider.PAMAuthProvider" # config: # create_users: true # skip_user_check: false # ''; # }) # ]; }; systemd.services.matrix-synapse-reg-token = { description = "Random registration token for Synapse."; before = ["matrix-synapse.service"]; # So the registration can be used by Synapse wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"]; after = ["network.target"]; script = '' if [ ! -f "registration_shared_secret.txt" ] then cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9 | fold -w 256 | head -n 1 > registration_shared_secret.txt else echo Not generating key, key exists; fi''; serviceConfig = { User = "matrix-synapse"; Group = "matrix-synapse"; WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/matrix-synapse"; }; }; system.stateVersion = "22.11"; # DO NOT EDIT! }