summary refs log tree commit diff
diff options
authorEmma@Rory <>2023-09-08 15:01:16 +0200
committerEmma@Rory <>2023-09-08 15:01:16 +0200
commitabc28a07949f26c8d2afd1f73fd30cf428d2a40f (patch)
parentSuccessful build on RoryNix (diff)
Some refactoring work...
Diffstat (limited to '')
5 files changed, 190 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index a5bf4dd..bf78e5a 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@
         "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_2"
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1693895999,
-        "narHash": "sha256-yN1XVFltQxiwle833KCqWkZNfBuRLWkXyEnOD+ljoYY=",
+        "lastModified": 1694134858,
+        "narHash": "sha256-fG/ESauOGmiojKlpJG8gB62dJa5Wd+ZIuiDMKK/HD3g=",
         "owner": "nix-community",
         "repo": "home-manager",
-        "rev": "3c0e381fef63e4fbc6c3292c9e9cbcf479c01794",
+        "rev": "19c6a4081b14443420358262f8416149bd79561a",
         "type": "github"
       "original": {
@@ -162,27 +162,27 @@
     "nixpkgs-RoryNix": {
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1688392541,
-        "narHash": "sha256-lHrKvEkCPTUO+7tPfjIcb7Trk6k31rz18vkyqmkeJfY=",
+        "lastModified": 1694048570,
+        "narHash": "sha256-PEQptwFCVaJ+jLFJgrZll2shQ9VI/7xVhrCYkJo8iIw=",
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         "repo": "nixpkgs",
-        "rev": "ea4c80b39be4c09702b0cb3b42eab59e2ba4f24b",
+        "rev": "4f77ea639305f1de0a14d9d41eef83313360638c",
         "type": "github"
       "original": {
         "owner": "NixOs",
-        "ref": "nixos-22.11",
+        "ref": "nixos-23.05",
         "repo": "nixpkgs",
         "type": "github"
     "nixpkgs-rory": {
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1692044232,
-        "narHash": "sha256-KR+4xZq3+jU4q2gi6P86/7JlScSVzjZYD/FeYELQN84=",
+        "lastModified": 1694129307,
+        "narHash": "sha256-7B2tQzG3Nuj9tDJEem93SGsUl5fBq7c2wiEFZ1sdaFo=",
         "owner": "TheArcaneBrony",
         "repo": "nixpkgs",
-        "rev": "9a20648eb212d7c8d581ec7722ec41de5215e418",
+        "rev": "eea848e901b685afa7d209dd25f1c7b9c691bf21",
         "type": "github"
       "original": {
@@ -194,11 +194,11 @@
     "nixpkgs_2": {
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1693565476,
-        "narHash": "sha256-ya00zHt7YbPo3ve/wNZ/6nts61xt7wK/APa6aZAfey0=",
+        "lastModified": 1693663421,
+        "narHash": "sha256-ImMIlWE/idjcZAfxKK8sQA7A1Gi/O58u5/CJA+mxvl8=",
         "owner": "NixOS",
         "repo": "nixpkgs",
-        "rev": "aa8aa7e2ea35ce655297e8322dc82bf77a31d04b",
+        "rev": "e56990880811a451abd32515698c712788be5720",
         "type": "github"
       "original": {
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@
     "nixpkgs_3": {
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1693663421,
-        "narHash": "sha256-ImMIlWE/idjcZAfxKK8sQA7A1Gi/O58u5/CJA+mxvl8=",
+        "lastModified": 1693985761,
+        "narHash": "sha256-K5b+7j7Tt3+AqbWkcw+wMeqOAWyCD1MH26FPZyWXpdo=",
         "owner": "NixOS",
         "repo": "nixpkgs",
-        "rev": "e56990880811a451abd32515698c712788be5720",
+        "rev": "0bffda19b8af722f8069d09d8b6a24594c80b352",
         "type": "github"
       "original": {
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index e504fa0..205251b 100755
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
       url = "github:TheArcaneBrony/nixpkgs/master";
     nixpkgs-RoryNix = {
-      url = "github:NixOs/nixpkgs/nixos-22.11";
+      url = "github:NixOs/nixpkgs/nixos-23.05";
     botcore-v4 = {
       url = "gitlab:BotCore-Devs/BotCore-v4/staging";
diff --git a/hardware-configuration.nix b/hardware-configuration.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db87408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware-configuration.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Do not modify this file!  It was generated by ‘nixos-generate-config’
+# and may be overwritten by future invocations.  Please make changes
+# to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix instead.
+{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:
+  imports =
+    [ (modulesPath + "/installer/scan/not-detected.nix")
+    ];
+  boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "uhci_hcd" "ehci_pci" "ata_piix" "ahci" "sd_mod" "sr_mod" ];
+  boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ ];
+  boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];
+  boot.extraModulePackages = [ ];
+  fileSystems."/" =
+    { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/0b4aa781-1cbe-4e15-844b-2e90432106a6";
+      fsType = "ext4";
+    };
+  fileSystems."/boot" =
+    { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/7b5b60f1-38f6-482a-a17c-5bacda9ee7d5";
+      fsType = "ext4";
+    };
+  swapDevices =
+    [ { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/de97c09e-fbe1-4e55-94bf-77ab880517b5"; }
+    ];
+  # Enables DHCP on each ethernet and wireless interface. In case of scripted networking
+  # (the default) this is the recommended approach. When using systemd-networkd it's
+  # still possible to use this option, but it's recommended to use it in conjunction
+  # with explicit per-interface declarations with `networking.interfaces.<interface>.useDHCP`.
+  networking.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
+  # networking.interfaces.enp2s8.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
+  # networking.interfaces.wlp16s0.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
+  nixpkgs.hostPlatform = lib.mkDefault "i686-linux";
+  networking.enableIntel3945ABGFirmware = true;
+ = lib.mkDefault config.hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware;
diff --git a/host/RoryNix/configuration.nix b/host/RoryNix/configuration.nix
index 97030a3..a5dbf3b 100644
--- a/host/RoryNix/configuration.nix
+++ b/host/RoryNix/configuration.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
   imports =
@@ -8,69 +8,79 @@
     boot = {
-        kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
-	loader = {
-		grub = {
-			enable = true;
-			version = 2;
-			device = "/dev/sda"; # nodev for EFI only
-			# EFI
-			efiSupport = false;
-			efiInstallAsRemovable = false;
-		};
-	};
-        #readOnlyNixStore = false;
+      kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
+      loader = {
+        grub = {
+          enable = true;
+          device = "/dev/sda"; # nodev for EFI only
+          # EFI
+          efiSupport = false;
+          efiInstallAsRemovable = false;
+        };
+    };
+    #readOnlyNixStore = false;
   networking = {
-	hostName = "RoryNix";
-	networkmanager.enable = true;
-	wireless.enable = false;
-	firewall = {
-		enable = false;
-		# allowedTCPPorts = [ ... ];
-		# allowedUDPPorts = [ ... ];
-	};
+    hostName = "RoryNix";
+    networkmanager.enable = true;
+    wireless.enable = false;
+    firewall = {
+      enable = false;
+      # allowedTCPPorts = [ ... ];
+      # allowedUDPPorts = [ ... ];
+    };
   time.timeZone = "Europe/Brussels";
   i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";
   services = {
- 	xserver = {
-		enable = true;
-  		videoDrivers = [ "intel" ];
-  		desktopManager.gnome.enable = true;
-		libinput.enable = true;
-		layout = "us";
-		modules = [ pkgs.xorg.xf86videointel ];
-	};
-	gnome = {
-    		core-developer-tools.enable = false;
-		core-utilities.enable = false;
-		tracker-miners.enable = false;
-		tracker.enable = false;
-	};
-	printing.enable = false;
-	openssh = {
-          enable = true;
-          extraConfig = ''
-            MaxAuthTries 32
-            '';
-          #X11Forwarding = true;
-	};	
+    xserver = {
+      enable = true;
+      videoDrivers = [ "intel" ];
+      desktopManager.gnome.enable = true;
+      libinput.enable = true;
+      layout = "us";
+      modules = [ pkgs.xorg.xf86videointel ];
+    };
+    gnome = {
+      core-developer-tools.enable = false;
+      core-utilities.enable = false;
+      tracker-miners.enable = false;
+      tracker.enable = false;
+      sushi.enable = false;
+      rygel.enable = false;
+      gnome-user-share.enable = false;
+      gnome-remote-desktop.enable = false;
+      gnome-online-miners.enable = lib.mkForce false;
+      gnome-online-accounts.enable = false;
+      gnome-initial-setup.enable = false;
+      gnome-browser-connector.enable = false;
+      games.enable = false;
+      evolution-data-server.enable = lib.mkForce false;
+      at-spi2-core.enable = lib.mkForce false;
+    };
+    printing.enable = false;
+    openssh = {
+      enable = true;
+      extraConfig = ''
+        MaxAuthTries 32
+        '';
+    };	
+    pipewire = {
+      enable = true;
+      audio.enable = true;
+      pulse.enable = true;
+      wireplumber.enable = true;
+      jack.enable = true;
+      alsa.enable = true;
+    };
-  security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;
-  nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
-  nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
   sound.enable = true;
-  hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true;
+  hardware.pulseaudio.enable = false;
   users.users = {
     Rory = {
@@ -92,24 +102,27 @@
-    zsh
-    gnome-console
-    feh
-    #lsd
-    #steam
-    #nerdfonts
-    #element-web
-    sshfs
-    cinnamon.nemo
-    firefox-bin
-    #chromiumDev
+    lsd
+    duf
+    btop
+    jq
+    yq
+    pv
+    dig
+    cloud-utils
+    sshfs
+    cinnamon.nemo
+    firefox-bin
+    gnome-console
+    feh
     # Various extensions...
     # - Gnome
@@ -120,32 +133,31 @@
     # - Vim
+    # - zsh
+    zsh
+    zsh-powerlevel10k
+    zsh-nix-shell
+    zsh-you-should-use
+    zsh-syntax-highlighting
+    zsh-completions
   fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [
     (nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "JetBrainsMono" ]; })
-#  nixpkgs.overlays = [
-#    (self: super: {
-#        python3 = super.python3.override {
-#          packageOverrides = python-self: python-super: {
-#            markdown-it-py = python-super.markdown-it-py.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
-#              doInstallCheck = false;
-#            });
-#          };
-#        };
-#        haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.override {
-#          overrides = haskellPackages-self: haskellPackages-super: {
-#            basement = haskellPackages-super.basement.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
-#              patches = [
-#                ./patches/haskell/basement/IntWord64.patch
-#              ];
-#            });
-#          };
-#        };
-#      }
-#    )
-#  ];
-  security.polkit.enable = true;
+  nix = {
+    settings = {
+      experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
+      auto-optimise-store = true;
+    };
+  };
+  nixpkgs = {
+    config.allowUnfree = true;
+  };
+  security = {
+    polkit.enable = true;
+    sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;
+  };
   nix = {
     distributedBuilds = true;
@@ -168,9 +180,20 @@
     #ssh://Rory@ x86_64-linux,i686-linux /home/Rory/.ssh/id_ed25519 12 1 - - -
     #registry.nixpkgs.flake = pkgs;
     nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=flake:nixpkgs" ];
+    settings.trusted-substituters = [
+      ""
+      ""
+      ""
+    ];
+    settings.trusted-public-keys = [
+      ""
+      ""
+      ""
+    ];
   system.stateVersion = "22.11"; # DO NOT EDIT!
diff --git a/modules/base.nix b/modules/base.nix
index c89f963..7364dfa 100755
--- a/modules/base.nix
+++ b/modules/base.nix
@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@
-  boot.kernelParams = [ 
-    "memory_hotplug.memmap_on_memory=1"
-    "memhp_default_state=online"
-    "net.core.default_qdisc=fq"
-    "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr"
-  ];
+  boot = {
+    kernelParams = [ 
+      "memory_hotplug.memmap_on_memory=1"
+      "memhp_default_state=online"
+      "net.core.default_qdisc=fq"
+      "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr"
+    ];
+  }
   networking = {
     hostName = lib.mkDefault "Rory-nix-base";
     firewall = {
@@ -46,9 +48,10 @@
-    zsh
+    pciutils
+    duf
@@ -77,10 +80,19 @@
-  nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
- = true;
-  nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
-  security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;
-  security.polkit.enable = true;
+  nix = {
+    settings = {
+      experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
+      auto-optimise-store = true;
+    };
+  };
+  nixpkgs = {
+    config.allowUnfree = true;
+  };
+  security = {
+    polkit.enable = true;
+    sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;
+  };
   system.stateVersion = "22.11"; # DO NOT EDIT!