@echo off set BatchDir=%~dp0 set Target=%1 set CodesignFile=%BatchDir%BC_codesign.p12 set PasswordFile=%BatchDir%BC_password.txt set TimestampUrl=http://timestamp.comodoca.com rem set TimestampUrl=http://timestamp.sectigo.com set /p CodesignPass=<"%PasswordFile%" rem TODO Figure out how to locate this automatically, or somehow use the developer command prompt set SignToolDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x64\ set SignTool=%SignToolDir%signtool.exe echo Preparing to sign %Target% echo "%SignTool%" sign /f "%CodesignFile%" /fd sha256 /tr "%TimestampUrl%" /td sha256 /p "%CodesignPass%" %Target% || exit /b 1 echo Waiting for 20 seconds before issuing command (avoid timeserver rejection) rem Timestamp server requires 15 seconds or more between signing requests rem When publishing need to limit parallel build tasks to 1 in Tools|Options|Projects and Solutions|Build and Run ping -n 20 >NUL "%SignTool%" sign /f "%CodesignFile%" /fd sha256 /tr "%TimestampUrl%" /td sha256 /p "%CodesignPass%" %Target% || exit /b 1 "%SignTool%" verify /pa /tw %Target% || exit /b 1