using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Encoders; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.IO.Pem { public class PemReader { private readonly TextReader reader; private readonly MemoryStream buffer; private readonly StreamWriter textBuffer; private readonly List pushback = new List(); int c = 0; public PemReader(TextReader reader) { if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); buffer = new MemoryStream(); textBuffer = new StreamWriter(buffer); this.reader = reader; } public TextReader Reader { get { return reader; } } /// /// A /// /// public PemObject ReadPemObject() { // // Look for BEGIN // for (;;) { // Seek a leading dash, ignore anything up to that point. if (!seekDash()) { // There are no pem objects here. return null; } // consume dash [-----]BEGIN ... if (!consumeDash()) { throw new IOException("no data after consuming leading dashes"); } skipWhiteSpace(); if (!expect("BEGIN")) { continue; } break; } skipWhiteSpace(); // // Consume type, accepting whitespace // if (!bufferUntilStopChar('-',false) ) { throw new IOException("ran out of data before consuming type"); } string type = bufferedString().Trim(); // Consume dashes after type. if (!consumeDash()) { throw new IOException("ran out of data consuming header"); } skipWhiteSpace(); // // Read ahead looking for headers. // Look for a colon for up to 64 characters, as an indication there might be a header. // var headers = new List(); while (seekColon(64)) { if (!bufferUntilStopChar(':',false)) { throw new IOException("ran out of data reading header key value"); } string key = bufferedString().Trim(); c = Read(); if (c != ':') { throw new IOException("expected colon"); } // // We are going to look for well formed headers, if they do not end with a "LF" we cannot // discern where they end. // if (!bufferUntilStopChar('\n', false)) // Now read to the end of the line. { throw new IOException("ran out of data before consuming header value"); } skipWhiteSpace(); string value = bufferedString().Trim(); headers.Add(new PemHeader(key,value)); } // // Consume payload, ignoring all white space until we encounter a '-' // skipWhiteSpace(); if (!bufferUntilStopChar('-',true)) { throw new IOException("ran out of data before consuming payload"); } string payload = bufferedString(); // Seek the start of the end. if (!seekDash()) { throw new IOException("did not find leading '-'"); } if (!consumeDash()) { throw new IOException("no data after consuming trailing dashes"); } if (!expect("END "+type)) { throw new IOException("END "+type+" was not found."); } if (!seekDash()) { throw new IOException("did not find ending '-'"); } // consume trailing dashes. consumeDash(); return new PemObject(type, headers, Base64.Decode(payload)); } private string bufferedString() { textBuffer.Flush(); string value = Strings.FromUtf8ByteArray(buffer.ToArray()); buffer.Position = 0; buffer.SetLength(0); return value; } private bool seekDash() { c = 0; while((c = Read()) >=0) { if (c == '-') { break; } } PushBack(c); return c == '-'; } /// /// Seek ':" up to the limit. /// /// /// private bool seekColon(int upTo) { c = 0; bool colonFound = false; var read = new List(); for (; upTo>=0 && c >=0; upTo--) { c = Read(); read.Add(c); if (c == ':') { colonFound = true; break; } } while(read.Count>0) { PushBack((int)read[read.Count-1]); read.RemoveAt(read.Count-1); } return colonFound; } /// /// Consume the dashes /// /// private bool consumeDash() { c = 0; while ((c = Read()) >= 0) { if (c != '-') { break; } } PushBack(c); return c != -1; } /// /// Skip white space leave char in stream. /// private void skipWhiteSpace() { while ((c = Read()) >= 0) { if (c > ' ') { break; } } PushBack(c); } /// /// Read forward consuming the expected string. /// /// expected string /// false if not consumed private bool expect(string value) { for (int t=0; t /// Consume until dash. /// /// true if stream end not met private bool bufferUntilStopChar(char stopChar, bool skipWhiteSpace) { while ((c = Read()) >= 0) { if (skipWhiteSpace && c <=' ') { continue; } if (c != stopChar) { textBuffer.Write((char)c); textBuffer.Flush(); } else { PushBack(c); break; } } return c > -1; } private void PushBack(int value) { if (pushback.Count == 0) { pushback.Add(value); } else { pushback.Insert(0, value); } } private int Read() { if (pushback.Count > 0) { int i = pushback[0]; pushback.RemoveAt(0); return i; } return reader.Read(); } } }