using System; using System.Collections; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Tsp; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509; using Org.BouncyCastle.Math; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp { /** * Generator for RFC 3161 Time Stamp Request objects. */ public class TimeStampRequestGenerator { private DerObjectIdentifier reqPolicy; private DerBoolean certReq; private IDictionary extensions = Platform.CreateHashtable(); private IList extOrdering = Platform.CreateArrayList(); public void SetReqPolicy( string reqPolicy) { this.reqPolicy = new DerObjectIdentifier(reqPolicy); } public void SetCertReq( bool certReq) { this.certReq = DerBoolean.GetInstance(certReq); } /** * add a given extension field for the standard extensions tag (tag 3) * @throws IOException */ public virtual void AddExtension( DerObjectIdentifier oid, bool critical, Asn1Encodable extValue) { this.AddExtension(oid, critical, extValue.GetEncoded()); } /** * add a given extension field for the standard extensions tag * The value parameter becomes the contents of the octet string associated * with the extension. */ public virtual void AddExtension( DerObjectIdentifier oid, bool critical, byte[] extValue) { extensions.Add(oid, new X509Extension(critical, new DerOctetString(extValue))); extOrdering.Add(oid); } public TimeStampRequest Generate( string digestAlgorithm, byte[] digest) { return this.Generate(digestAlgorithm, digest, null); } public TimeStampRequest Generate( string digestAlgorithmOid, byte[] digest, BigInteger nonce) { if (digestAlgorithmOid == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No digest algorithm specified"); } DerObjectIdentifier digestAlgOid = new DerObjectIdentifier(digestAlgorithmOid); AlgorithmIdentifier algID = new AlgorithmIdentifier(digestAlgOid, DerNull.Instance); MessageImprint messageImprint = new MessageImprint(algID, digest); X509Extensions ext = null; if (extOrdering.Count != 0) { ext = new X509Extensions(extOrdering, extensions); } DerInteger derNonce = nonce == null ? null : new DerInteger(nonce); return new TimeStampRequest( new TimeStampReq(messageImprint, reqPolicy, derNonce, certReq, ext)); } public virtual TimeStampRequest Generate(DerObjectIdentifier digestAlgorithm, byte[] digest) { return Generate(digestAlgorithm.Id, digest); } public virtual TimeStampRequest Generate(DerObjectIdentifier digestAlgorithm, byte[] digest, BigInteger nonce) { return Generate(digestAlgorithm.Id, digest, nonce); } } }