using System; using System.IO; #if !PORTABLE || DOTNET using System.Net.Sockets; #endif using Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.Crypto; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Date; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Tls { internal class DtlsRecordLayer : DatagramTransport { private const int RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH = 13; private const int MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH = 1 << 14; private const long TCP_MSL = 1000L * 60 * 2; private const long RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT = TCP_MSL * 2; /// internal static byte[] ReceiveClientHelloRecord(byte[] data, int dataOff, int dataLen) { if (dataLen < RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH) { return null; } short contentType = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(data, dataOff + 0); if (ContentType.handshake != contentType) return null; ProtocolVersion version = TlsUtilities.ReadVersion(data, dataOff + 1); if (!ProtocolVersion.DTLSv10.IsEqualOrEarlierVersionOf(version)) return null; int epoch = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(data, dataOff + 3); if (0 != epoch) return null; //long sequenceNumber = TlsUtilities.ReadUint48(data, dataOff + 5); int length = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(data, dataOff + 11); if (dataLen < RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH + length) return null; if (length > MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH) return null; // NOTE: We ignore/drop any data after the first record return TlsUtilities.CopyOfRangeExact(data, dataOff + RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH, dataOff + RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH + length); } /// internal static void SendHelloVerifyRequestRecord(DatagramSender sender, long recordSeq, byte[] message) { TlsUtilities.CheckUint16(message.Length); byte[] record = new byte[RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH + message.Length]; TlsUtilities.WriteUint8(ContentType.handshake, record, 0); TlsUtilities.WriteVersion(ProtocolVersion.DTLSv10, record, 1); TlsUtilities.WriteUint16(0, record, 3); TlsUtilities.WriteUint48(recordSeq, record, 5); TlsUtilities.WriteUint16(message.Length, record, 11); Array.Copy(message, 0, record, RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH, message.Length); SendDatagram(sender, record, 0, record.Length); } /// private static void SendDatagram(DatagramSender sender, byte[] buf, int off, int len) { // TODO[tls-port] Can we support interrupted IO on .NET? //try //{ // sender.Send(buf, off, len); //} //catch (InterruptedIOException e) //{ // e.bytesTransferred = 0; // throw e; //} sender.Send(buf, off, len); } private readonly TlsContext m_context; private readonly TlsPeer m_peer; private readonly DatagramTransport m_transport; private readonly ByteQueue m_recordQueue = new ByteQueue(); private readonly object m_writeLock = new object(); private volatile bool m_closed = false; private volatile bool m_failed = false; // TODO[dtls13] Review the draft/RFC (legacy_record_version) to see if readVersion can be removed private volatile ProtocolVersion m_readVersion = null, m_writeVersion = null; private volatile bool m_inConnection; private volatile bool m_inHandshake; private volatile int m_plaintextLimit; private DtlsEpoch m_currentEpoch, m_pendingEpoch; private DtlsEpoch m_readEpoch, m_writeEpoch; private DtlsHandshakeRetransmit m_retransmit = null; private DtlsEpoch m_retransmitEpoch = null; private Timeout m_retransmitTimeout = null; private TlsHeartbeat m_heartbeat = null; // If non-null, controls the sending of heartbeat requests private bool m_heartBeatResponder = false; // Whether we should send heartbeat responses private HeartbeatMessage m_heartbeatInFlight = null; // The current in-flight heartbeat request, if any private Timeout m_heartbeatTimeout = null; // Idle timeout (if none in-flight), else expiry timeout for response private int m_heartbeatResendMillis = -1; // Delay before retransmit of current in-flight heartbeat request private Timeout m_heartbeatResendTimeout = null; // Timeout for next retransmit of the in-flight heartbeat request internal DtlsRecordLayer(TlsContext context, TlsPeer peer, DatagramTransport transport) { this.m_context = context; this.m_peer = peer; this.m_transport = transport; this.m_inHandshake = true; this.m_currentEpoch = new DtlsEpoch(0, TlsNullNullCipher.Instance); this.m_pendingEpoch = null; this.m_readEpoch = m_currentEpoch; this.m_writeEpoch = m_currentEpoch; SetPlaintextLimit(MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH); } internal virtual bool IsClosed { get { return m_closed; } } internal virtual void ResetAfterHelloVerifyRequestServer(long recordSeq) { this.m_inConnection = true; m_currentEpoch.SequenceNumber = recordSeq; m_currentEpoch.ReplayWindow.Reset(recordSeq); } internal virtual void SetPlaintextLimit(int plaintextLimit) { this.m_plaintextLimit = plaintextLimit; } internal virtual int ReadEpoch { get { return m_readEpoch.Epoch; } } internal virtual ProtocolVersion ReadVersion { get { return m_readVersion; } set { this.m_readVersion = value; } } internal virtual void SetWriteVersion(ProtocolVersion writeVersion) { this.m_writeVersion = writeVersion; } internal virtual void InitPendingEpoch(TlsCipher pendingCipher) { if (m_pendingEpoch != null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); /* * TODO "In order to ensure that any given sequence/epoch pair is unique, implementations * MUST NOT allow the same epoch value to be reused within two times the TCP maximum segment * lifetime." */ // TODO Check for overflow this.m_pendingEpoch = new DtlsEpoch(m_writeEpoch.Epoch + 1, pendingCipher); } internal virtual void HandshakeSuccessful(DtlsHandshakeRetransmit retransmit) { if (m_readEpoch == m_currentEpoch || m_writeEpoch == m_currentEpoch) { // TODO throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (null != retransmit) { this.m_retransmit = retransmit; this.m_retransmitEpoch = m_currentEpoch; this.m_retransmitTimeout = new Timeout(RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT); } this.m_inHandshake = false; this.m_currentEpoch = m_pendingEpoch; this.m_pendingEpoch = null; } internal virtual void InitHeartbeat(TlsHeartbeat heartbeat, bool heartbeatResponder) { if (m_inHandshake) throw new InvalidOperationException(); this.m_heartbeat = heartbeat; this.m_heartBeatResponder = heartbeatResponder; if (null != heartbeat) { ResetHeartbeat(); } } internal virtual void ResetWriteEpoch() { if (null != m_retransmitEpoch) { this.m_writeEpoch = m_retransmitEpoch; } else { this.m_writeEpoch = m_currentEpoch; } } /// public virtual int GetReceiveLimit() { return System.Math.Min(m_plaintextLimit, m_readEpoch.Cipher.GetPlaintextLimit(m_transport.GetReceiveLimit() - RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH)); } /// public virtual int GetSendLimit() { return System.Math.Min(m_plaintextLimit, m_writeEpoch.Cipher.GetPlaintextLimit(m_transport.GetSendLimit() - RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH)); } /// public virtual int Receive(byte[] buf, int off, int len, int waitMillis) { long currentTimeMillis = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs(); Timeout timeout = Timeout.ForWaitMillis(waitMillis, currentTimeMillis); byte[] record = null; while (waitMillis >= 0) { if (null != m_retransmitTimeout && m_retransmitTimeout.RemainingMillis(currentTimeMillis) < 1) { m_retransmit = null; m_retransmitEpoch = null; m_retransmitTimeout = null; } if (Timeout.HasExpired(m_heartbeatTimeout, currentTimeMillis)) { if (null != m_heartbeatInFlight) throw new TlsTimeoutException("Heartbeat timed out"); this.m_heartbeatInFlight = HeartbeatMessage.Create(m_context, HeartbeatMessageType.heartbeat_request, m_heartbeat.GeneratePayload()); this.m_heartbeatTimeout = new Timeout(m_heartbeat.TimeoutMillis, currentTimeMillis); this.m_heartbeatResendMillis = DtlsReliableHandshake.INITIAL_RESEND_MILLIS; this.m_heartbeatResendTimeout = new Timeout(m_heartbeatResendMillis, currentTimeMillis); SendHeartbeatMessage(m_heartbeatInFlight); } else if (Timeout.HasExpired(m_heartbeatResendTimeout, currentTimeMillis)) { this.m_heartbeatResendMillis = DtlsReliableHandshake.BackOff(m_heartbeatResendMillis); this.m_heartbeatResendTimeout = new Timeout(m_heartbeatResendMillis, currentTimeMillis); SendHeartbeatMessage(m_heartbeatInFlight); } waitMillis = Timeout.ConstrainWaitMillis(waitMillis, m_heartbeatTimeout, currentTimeMillis); waitMillis = Timeout.ConstrainWaitMillis(waitMillis, m_heartbeatResendTimeout, currentTimeMillis); // NOTE: Guard against bad logic giving a negative value if (waitMillis < 0) { waitMillis = 1; } int receiveLimit = System.Math.Min(len, GetReceiveLimit()) + RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH; if (null == record || record.Length < receiveLimit) { record = new byte[receiveLimit]; } int received = ReceiveRecord(record, 0, receiveLimit, waitMillis); int processed = ProcessRecord(received, record, buf, off); if (processed >= 0) { return processed; } currentTimeMillis = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs(); waitMillis = Timeout.GetWaitMillis(timeout, currentTimeMillis); } return -1; } /// public virtual void Send(byte[] buf, int off, int len) { short contentType = ContentType.application_data; if (m_inHandshake || m_writeEpoch == m_retransmitEpoch) { contentType = ContentType.handshake; short handshakeType = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(buf, off); if (handshakeType == HandshakeType.finished) { DtlsEpoch nextEpoch = null; if (m_inHandshake) { nextEpoch = m_pendingEpoch; } else if (m_writeEpoch == m_retransmitEpoch) { nextEpoch = m_currentEpoch; } if (nextEpoch == null) { // TODO throw new InvalidOperationException(); } // Implicitly send change_cipher_spec and change to pending cipher state // TODO Send change_cipher_spec and finished records in single datagram? byte[] data = new byte[]{ 1 }; SendRecord(ContentType.change_cipher_spec, data, 0, data.Length); this.m_writeEpoch = nextEpoch; } } SendRecord(contentType, buf, off, len); } /// public virtual void Close() { if (!m_closed) { if (m_inHandshake && m_inConnection) { Warn(AlertDescription.user_canceled, "User canceled handshake"); } CloseTransport(); } } internal virtual void Fail(short alertDescription) { if (!m_closed) { if (m_inConnection) { try { RaiseAlert(AlertLevel.fatal, alertDescription, null, null); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore } } this.m_failed = true; CloseTransport(); } } internal virtual void Failed() { if (!m_closed) { this.m_failed = true; CloseTransport(); } } /// internal virtual void Warn(short alertDescription, string message) { RaiseAlert(AlertLevel.warning, alertDescription, message, null); } private void CloseTransport() { if (!m_closed) { /* * RFC 5246 7.2.1. Unless some other fatal alert has been transmitted, each party is * required to send a close_notify alert before closing the write side of the * connection. The other party MUST respond with a close_notify alert of its own and * close down the connection immediately, discarding any pending writes. */ try { if (!m_failed) { Warn(AlertDescription.close_notify, null); } m_transport.Close(); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore } this.m_closed = true; } } /// private void RaiseAlert(short alertLevel, short alertDescription, string message, Exception cause) { m_peer.NotifyAlertRaised(alertLevel, alertDescription, message, cause); byte[] error = new byte[2]; error[0] = (byte)alertLevel; error[1] = (byte)alertDescription; SendRecord(ContentType.alert, error, 0, 2); } /// private int ReceiveDatagram(byte[] buf, int off, int len, int waitMillis) { try { return m_transport.Receive(buf, off, len, waitMillis); } catch (TlsTimeoutException) { return -1; } #if !PORTABLE || DOTNET catch (SocketException e) { if (TlsUtilities.IsTimeout(e)) return -1; throw e; } #endif // TODO[tls-port] Can we support interrupted IO on .NET? //catch (InterruptedIOException e) //{ // e.bytesTransferred = 0; // throw e; //} } // TODO Include 'currentTimeMillis' as an argument, use with Timeout, resetHeartbeat /// private int ProcessRecord(int received, byte[] record, byte[] buf, int off) { // NOTE: received < 0 (timeout) is covered by this first case if (received < RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH) return -1; int length = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(record, 11); if (received != (length + RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH)) return -1; // TODO[dtls13] Deal with opaque record type for 1.3 AEAD ciphers short recordType = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(record, 0); switch (recordType) { case ContentType.alert: case ContentType.application_data: case ContentType.change_cipher_spec: case ContentType.handshake: case ContentType.heartbeat: break; default: return -1; } int epoch = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(record, 3); DtlsEpoch recordEpoch = null; if (epoch == m_readEpoch.Epoch) { recordEpoch = m_readEpoch; } else if (recordType == ContentType.handshake && null != m_retransmitEpoch && epoch == m_retransmitEpoch.Epoch) { recordEpoch = m_retransmitEpoch; } if (null == recordEpoch) return -1; long seq = TlsUtilities.ReadUint48(record, 5); if (recordEpoch.ReplayWindow.ShouldDiscard(seq)) return -1; ProtocolVersion recordVersion = TlsUtilities.ReadVersion(record, 1); if (!recordVersion.IsDtls) return -1; if (null != m_readVersion && !m_readVersion.Equals(recordVersion)) { /* * Special-case handling for retransmitted ClientHello records. * * TODO Revisit how 'readVersion' works, since this is quite awkward. */ bool isClientHelloFragment = ReadEpoch == 0 && length > 0 && ContentType.handshake == recordType && HandshakeType.client_hello == TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(record, RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH); if (!isClientHelloFragment) return -1; } long macSeqNo = GetMacSequenceNumber(recordEpoch.Epoch, seq); TlsDecodeResult decoded = recordEpoch.Cipher.DecodeCiphertext(macSeqNo, recordType, recordVersion, record, RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH, length); recordEpoch.ReplayWindow.ReportAuthenticated(seq); if (decoded.len > m_plaintextLimit) return -1; if (decoded.len < 1 && decoded.contentType != ContentType.application_data) return -1; if (null == m_readVersion) { bool isHelloVerifyRequest = ReadEpoch == 0 && length > 0 && ContentType.handshake == recordType && HandshakeType.hello_verify_request == TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(record, RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH); if (isHelloVerifyRequest) { /* * RFC 6347 4.2.1 DTLS 1.2 server implementations SHOULD use DTLS version 1.0 * regardless of the version of TLS that is expected to be negotiated. DTLS 1.2 and * 1.0 clients MUST use the version solely to indicate packet formatting (which is * the same in both DTLS 1.2 and 1.0) and not as part of version negotiation. */ if (!ProtocolVersion.DTLSv12.IsEqualOrLaterVersionOf(recordVersion)) return -1; } else { this.m_readVersion = recordVersion; } } switch (decoded.contentType) { case ContentType.alert: { if (decoded.len == 2) { short alertLevel = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(decoded.buf,; short alertDescription = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(decoded.buf, + 1); m_peer.NotifyAlertReceived(alertLevel, alertDescription); if (alertLevel == AlertLevel.fatal) { Failed(); throw new TlsFatalAlert(alertDescription); } // TODO Can close_notify be a fatal alert? if (alertDescription == AlertDescription.close_notify) { CloseTransport(); } } return -1; } case ContentType.application_data: { if (m_inHandshake) { // TODO Consider buffering application data for new epoch that arrives // out-of-order with the Finished message return -1; } break; } case ContentType.change_cipher_spec: { // Implicitly receive change_cipher_spec and change to pending cipher state for (int i = 0; i < decoded.len; ++i) { short message = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(decoded.buf, + i); if (message != ChangeCipherSpec.change_cipher_spec) continue; if (m_pendingEpoch != null) { m_readEpoch = m_pendingEpoch; } } return -1; } case ContentType.handshake: { if (!m_inHandshake) { if (null != m_retransmit) { m_retransmit.ReceivedHandshakeRecord(epoch, decoded.buf,, decoded.len); } // TODO Consider support for HelloRequest return -1; } break; } case ContentType.heartbeat: { if (null != m_heartbeatInFlight || m_heartBeatResponder) { try { MemoryStream input = new MemoryStream(decoded.buf,, decoded.len, false); HeartbeatMessage heartbeatMessage = HeartbeatMessage.Parse(input); if (null != heartbeatMessage) { switch (heartbeatMessage.Type) { case HeartbeatMessageType.heartbeat_request: { if (m_heartBeatResponder) { HeartbeatMessage response = HeartbeatMessage.Create(m_context, HeartbeatMessageType.heartbeat_response, heartbeatMessage.Payload); SendHeartbeatMessage(response); } break; } case HeartbeatMessageType.heartbeat_response: { if (null != m_heartbeatInFlight && Arrays.AreEqual(heartbeatMessage.Payload, m_heartbeatInFlight.Payload)) { ResetHeartbeat(); } break; } default: break; } } } catch (Exception) { // Ignore } } return -1; } default: return -1; } /* * NOTE: If we receive any non-handshake data in the new epoch implies the peer has * received our final flight. */ if (!m_inHandshake && null != m_retransmit) { this.m_retransmit = null; this.m_retransmitEpoch = null; this.m_retransmitTimeout = null; } Array.Copy(decoded.buf,, buf, off, decoded.len); return decoded.len; } /// private int ReceiveRecord(byte[] buf, int off, int len, int waitMillis) { if (m_recordQueue.Available > 0) { int length = 0; if (m_recordQueue.Available >= RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH) { byte[] lengthBytes = new byte[2]; m_recordQueue.Read(lengthBytes, 0, 2, 11); length = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(lengthBytes, 0); } int received = System.Math.Min(m_recordQueue.Available, RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH + length); m_recordQueue.RemoveData(buf, off, received, 0); return received; } { int received = ReceiveDatagram(buf, off, len, waitMillis); if (received >= RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH) { this.m_inConnection = true; int fragmentLength = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(buf, off + 11); int recordLength = RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH + fragmentLength; if (received > recordLength) { m_recordQueue.AddData(buf, off + recordLength, received - recordLength); received = recordLength; } } return received; } } private void ResetHeartbeat() { this.m_heartbeatInFlight = null; this.m_heartbeatResendMillis = -1; this.m_heartbeatResendTimeout = null; this.m_heartbeatTimeout = new Timeout(m_heartbeat.IdleMillis); } /// private void SendHeartbeatMessage(HeartbeatMessage heartbeatMessage) { MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); heartbeatMessage.Encode(output); byte[] buf = output.ToArray(); SendRecord(ContentType.heartbeat, buf, 0, buf.Length); } /* * Currently uses synchronization to ensure heartbeat sends and application data sends don't * interfere with each other. It may be overly cautious; the sequence number allocation is * atomic, and if we synchronize only on the datagram send instead, then the only effect should * be possible reordering of records (which might surprise a reliable transport implementation). */ /// private void SendRecord(short contentType, byte[] buf, int off, int len) { // Never send anything until a valid ClientHello has been received if (m_writeVersion == null) return; if (len > m_plaintextLimit) throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); /* * RFC 5246 6.2.1 Implementations MUST NOT send zero-length fragments of Handshake, Alert, * or ChangeCipherSpec content types. */ if (len < 1 && contentType != ContentType.application_data) throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); lock (m_writeLock) { int recordEpoch = m_writeEpoch.Epoch; long recordSequenceNumber = m_writeEpoch.AllocateSequenceNumber(); long macSequenceNumber = GetMacSequenceNumber(recordEpoch, recordSequenceNumber); ProtocolVersion recordVersion = m_writeVersion; TlsEncodeResult encoded = m_writeEpoch.Cipher.EncodePlaintext(macSequenceNumber, contentType, recordVersion, RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH, buf, off, len); int ciphertextLength = encoded.len - RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH; TlsUtilities.CheckUint16(ciphertextLength); TlsUtilities.WriteUint8(encoded.recordType, encoded.buf, + 0); TlsUtilities.WriteVersion(recordVersion, encoded.buf, + 1); TlsUtilities.WriteUint16(recordEpoch, encoded.buf, + 3); TlsUtilities.WriteUint48(recordSequenceNumber, encoded.buf, + 5); TlsUtilities.WriteUint16(ciphertextLength, encoded.buf, + 11); SendDatagram(m_transport, encoded.buf,, encoded.len); } } private static long GetMacSequenceNumber(int epoch, long sequence_number) { return ((epoch & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 48) | sequence_number; } } }