using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.Crypto; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Tls { /// Base class for a TLS server. public abstract class AbstractTlsServer : AbstractTlsPeer, TlsServer { protected TlsServerContext m_context; protected ProtocolVersion[] m_protocolVersions; protected int[] m_cipherSuites; protected int[] m_offeredCipherSuites; protected IDictionary m_clientExtensions; protected bool m_encryptThenMACOffered; protected short m_maxFragmentLengthOffered; protected bool m_truncatedHMacOffered; protected bool m_clientSentECPointFormats; protected CertificateStatusRequest m_certificateStatusRequest; protected IList m_statusRequestV2; protected IList m_trustedCAKeys; protected int m_selectedCipherSuite; protected IList m_clientProtocolNames; protected ProtocolName m_selectedProtocolName; protected readonly IDictionary m_serverExtensions = new Dictionary(); public AbstractTlsServer(TlsCrypto crypto) : base(crypto) { } protected virtual bool AllowCertificateStatus() { return true; } protected virtual bool AllowEncryptThenMac() { return true; } protected virtual bool AllowMultiCertStatus() { return false; } protected virtual bool AllowTruncatedHmac() { return false; } protected virtual bool AllowTrustedCAIndication() { return false; } protected virtual int GetMaximumNegotiableCurveBits() { int[] clientSupportedGroups = m_context.SecurityParameters.ClientSupportedGroups; if (clientSupportedGroups == null) { /* * RFC 4492 4. A client that proposes ECC cipher suites may choose not to include these * extensions. In this case, the server is free to choose any one of the elliptic curves * or point formats [...]. */ return NamedGroup.GetMaximumCurveBits(); } int maxBits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < clientSupportedGroups.Length; ++i) { maxBits = System.Math.Max(maxBits, NamedGroup.GetCurveBits(clientSupportedGroups[i])); } return maxBits; } protected virtual int GetMaximumNegotiableFiniteFieldBits() { int[] clientSupportedGroups = m_context.SecurityParameters.ClientSupportedGroups; if (clientSupportedGroups == null) { return NamedGroup.GetMaximumFiniteFieldBits(); } int maxBits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < clientSupportedGroups.Length; ++i) { maxBits = System.Math.Max(maxBits, NamedGroup.GetFiniteFieldBits(clientSupportedGroups[i])); } return maxBits; } protected virtual IList GetProtocolNames() { return null; } protected virtual bool IsSelectableCipherSuite(int cipherSuite, int availCurveBits, int availFiniteFieldBits, IList sigAlgs) { // TODO[tls13] The version check should be separated out (eventually select ciphersuite before version) return TlsUtilities.IsValidVersionForCipherSuite(cipherSuite, m_context.ServerVersion) && availCurveBits >= TlsEccUtilities.GetMinimumCurveBits(cipherSuite) && availFiniteFieldBits >= TlsDHUtilities.GetMinimumFiniteFieldBits(cipherSuite) && TlsUtilities.IsValidCipherSuiteForSignatureAlgorithms(cipherSuite, sigAlgs); } protected virtual bool PreferLocalCipherSuites() { return false; } /// protected virtual bool SelectCipherSuite(int cipherSuite) { this.m_selectedCipherSuite = cipherSuite; return true; } protected virtual int SelectDH(int minimumFiniteFieldBits) { int[] clientSupportedGroups = m_context.SecurityParameters.ClientSupportedGroups; if (clientSupportedGroups == null) return SelectDHDefault(minimumFiniteFieldBits); // Try to find a supported named group of the required size from the client's list. for (int i = 0; i < clientSupportedGroups.Length; ++i) { int namedGroup = clientSupportedGroups[i]; if (NamedGroup.GetFiniteFieldBits(namedGroup) >= minimumFiniteFieldBits) return namedGroup; } return -1; } protected virtual int SelectDHDefault(int minimumFiniteFieldBits) { return minimumFiniteFieldBits <= 2048 ? NamedGroup.ffdhe2048 : minimumFiniteFieldBits <= 3072 ? NamedGroup.ffdhe3072 : minimumFiniteFieldBits <= 4096 ? NamedGroup.ffdhe4096 : minimumFiniteFieldBits <= 6144 ? NamedGroup.ffdhe6144 : minimumFiniteFieldBits <= 8192 ? NamedGroup.ffdhe8192 : -1; } protected virtual int SelectECDH(int minimumCurveBits) { int[] clientSupportedGroups = m_context.SecurityParameters.ClientSupportedGroups; if (clientSupportedGroups == null) return SelectECDHDefault(minimumCurveBits); // Try to find a supported named group of the required size from the client's list. for (int i = 0; i < clientSupportedGroups.Length; ++i) { int namedGroup = clientSupportedGroups[i]; if (NamedGroup.GetCurveBits(namedGroup) >= minimumCurveBits) return namedGroup; } return -1; } protected virtual int SelectECDHDefault(int minimumCurveBits) { return minimumCurveBits <= 256 ? NamedGroup.secp256r1 : minimumCurveBits <= 384 ? NamedGroup.secp384r1 : minimumCurveBits <= 521 ? NamedGroup.secp521r1 : -1; } protected virtual ProtocolName SelectProtocolName() { IList serverProtocolNames = GetProtocolNames(); if (null == serverProtocolNames || serverProtocolNames.Count < 1) return null; ProtocolName result = SelectProtocolName(m_clientProtocolNames, serverProtocolNames); if (null == result) throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.no_application_protocol); return result; } protected virtual ProtocolName SelectProtocolName(IList clientProtocolNames, IList serverProtocolNames) { foreach (ProtocolName serverProtocolName in serverProtocolNames) { if (clientProtocolNames.Contains(serverProtocolName)) return serverProtocolName; } return null; } protected virtual bool ShouldSelectProtocolNameEarly() { return true; } public virtual void Init(TlsServerContext context) { this.m_context = context; this.m_protocolVersions = GetSupportedVersions(); this.m_cipherSuites = GetSupportedCipherSuites(); } public override ProtocolVersion[] GetProtocolVersions() { return m_protocolVersions; } public override int[] GetCipherSuites() { return m_cipherSuites; } public override void NotifyHandshakeBeginning() { base.NotifyHandshakeBeginning(); this.m_offeredCipherSuites = null; this.m_clientExtensions = null; this.m_encryptThenMACOffered = false; this.m_maxFragmentLengthOffered = 0; this.m_truncatedHMacOffered = false; this.m_clientSentECPointFormats = false; this.m_certificateStatusRequest = null; this.m_selectedCipherSuite = -1; this.m_selectedProtocolName = null; this.m_serverExtensions.Clear(); } public virtual TlsSession GetSessionToResume(byte[] sessionID) { return null; } public virtual byte[] GetNewSessionID() { return null; } public virtual TlsPskExternal GetExternalPsk(IList identities) { return null; } public virtual void NotifySession(TlsSession session) { } public virtual void NotifyClientVersion(ProtocolVersion clientVersion) { } public virtual void NotifyFallback(bool isFallback) { /* * RFC 7507 3. If TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV appears in ClientHello.cipher_suites and the highest * protocol version supported by the server is higher than the version indicated in * ClientHello.client_version, the server MUST respond with a fatal inappropriate_fallback * alert [..]. */ if (isFallback) { ProtocolVersion[] serverVersions = GetProtocolVersions(); ProtocolVersion clientVersion = m_context.ClientVersion; ProtocolVersion latestServerVersion; if (clientVersion.IsTls) { latestServerVersion = ProtocolVersion.GetLatestTls(serverVersions); } else if (clientVersion.IsDtls) { latestServerVersion = ProtocolVersion.GetLatestDtls(serverVersions); } else { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } if (null != latestServerVersion && latestServerVersion.IsLaterVersionOf(clientVersion)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.inappropriate_fallback); } } } public virtual void NotifyOfferedCipherSuites(int[] offeredCipherSuites) { this.m_offeredCipherSuites = offeredCipherSuites; } public virtual void ProcessClientExtensions(IDictionary clientExtensions) { this.m_clientExtensions = clientExtensions; if (null != clientExtensions) { this.m_clientProtocolNames = TlsExtensionsUtilities.GetAlpnExtensionClient(clientExtensions); if (ShouldSelectProtocolNameEarly()) { if (null != m_clientProtocolNames && m_clientProtocolNames.Count > 0) { this.m_selectedProtocolName = SelectProtocolName(); } } // TODO[tls13] Don't need these if we have negotiated (D)TLS 1.3+ { this.m_encryptThenMACOffered = TlsExtensionsUtilities.HasEncryptThenMacExtension(clientExtensions); this.m_truncatedHMacOffered = TlsExtensionsUtilities.HasTruncatedHmacExtension(clientExtensions); this.m_statusRequestV2 = TlsExtensionsUtilities.GetStatusRequestV2Extension(clientExtensions); this.m_trustedCAKeys = TlsExtensionsUtilities.GetTrustedCAKeysExtensionClient(clientExtensions); // We only support uncompressed format, this is just to validate the extension, and note its presence. this.m_clientSentECPointFormats = null != TlsExtensionsUtilities.GetSupportedPointFormatsExtension(clientExtensions); } this.m_certificateStatusRequest = TlsExtensionsUtilities.GetStatusRequestExtension(clientExtensions); this.m_maxFragmentLengthOffered = TlsExtensionsUtilities.GetMaxFragmentLengthExtension(clientExtensions); if (m_maxFragmentLengthOffered >= 0 && !MaxFragmentLength.IsValid(m_maxFragmentLengthOffered)) throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter); } } public virtual ProtocolVersion GetServerVersion() { ProtocolVersion[] serverVersions = GetProtocolVersions(); ProtocolVersion[] clientVersions = m_context.ClientSupportedVersions; foreach (ProtocolVersion clientVersion in clientVersions) { if (ProtocolVersion.Contains(serverVersions, clientVersion)) return clientVersion; } throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.protocol_version); } public virtual int[] GetSupportedGroups() { // TODO[tls13] The rest of this class assumes all named groups are supported return new int[]{ NamedGroup.x25519, NamedGroup.x448, NamedGroup.secp256r1, NamedGroup.secp384r1, NamedGroup.ffdhe2048, NamedGroup.ffdhe3072, NamedGroup.ffdhe4096 }; } public virtual int GetSelectedCipherSuite() { SecurityParameters securityParameters = m_context.SecurityParameters; ProtocolVersion negotiatedVersion = securityParameters.NegotiatedVersion; if (TlsUtilities.IsTlsV13(negotiatedVersion)) { int commonCipherSuite13 = TlsUtilities.GetCommonCipherSuite13(negotiatedVersion, m_offeredCipherSuites, GetCipherSuites(), PreferLocalCipherSuites()); if (commonCipherSuite13 >= 0 && SelectCipherSuite(commonCipherSuite13)) { return commonCipherSuite13; } } else { /* * RFC 5246 7.4.3. In order to negotiate correctly, the server MUST check any candidate * cipher suites against the "signature_algorithms" extension before selecting them. This is * somewhat inelegant but is a compromise designed to minimize changes to the original * cipher suite design. */ var sigAlgs = TlsUtilities.GetUsableSignatureAlgorithms(securityParameters.ClientSigAlgs); /* * RFC 4429 5.1. A server that receives a ClientHello containing one or both of these * extensions MUST use the client's enumerated capabilities to guide its selection of an * appropriate cipher suite. One of the proposed ECC cipher suites must be negotiated only * if the server can successfully complete the handshake while using the curves and point * formats supported by the client [...]. */ int availCurveBits = GetMaximumNegotiableCurveBits(); int availFiniteFieldBits = GetMaximumNegotiableFiniteFieldBits(); int[] cipherSuites = TlsUtilities.GetCommonCipherSuites(m_offeredCipherSuites, GetCipherSuites(), PreferLocalCipherSuites()); for (int i = 0; i < cipherSuites.Length; ++i) { int cipherSuite = cipherSuites[i]; if (IsSelectableCipherSuite(cipherSuite, availCurveBits, availFiniteFieldBits, sigAlgs) && SelectCipherSuite(cipherSuite)) { return cipherSuite; } } } throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.handshake_failure, "No selectable cipher suite"); } // IDictionary is (Int32 -> byte[]) public virtual IDictionary GetServerExtensions() { bool isTlsV13 = TlsUtilities.IsTlsV13(m_context); if (isTlsV13) { if (null != m_certificateStatusRequest && AllowCertificateStatus()) { /* * TODO[tls13] RFC 8446 OCSP Status and SCT Extensions. * * OCSP information is carried in an extension for a CertificateEntry. */ } } else { if (m_encryptThenMACOffered && AllowEncryptThenMac()) { /* * RFC 7366 3. If a server receives an encrypt-then-MAC request extension from a client * and then selects a stream or Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) * ciphersuite, it MUST NOT send an encrypt-then-MAC response extension back to the * client. */ if (TlsUtilities.IsBlockCipherSuite(m_selectedCipherSuite)) { TlsExtensionsUtilities.AddEncryptThenMacExtension(m_serverExtensions); } } if (m_truncatedHMacOffered && AllowTruncatedHmac()) { TlsExtensionsUtilities.AddTruncatedHmacExtension(m_serverExtensions); } if (m_clientSentECPointFormats && TlsEccUtilities.IsEccCipherSuite(m_selectedCipherSuite)) { /* * RFC 4492 5.2. A server that selects an ECC cipher suite in response to a ClientHello * message including a Supported Point Formats Extension appends this extension (along * with others) to its ServerHello message, enumerating the point formats it can parse. */ TlsExtensionsUtilities.AddSupportedPointFormatsExtension(m_serverExtensions, new short[]{ ECPointFormat.uncompressed }); } // TODO[tls13] See RFC 8446 if (null != m_statusRequestV2 && AllowMultiCertStatus()) { /* * RFC 6961 2.2. If a server returns a "CertificateStatus" message in response to a * "status_request_v2" request, then the server MUST have included an extension of type * "status_request_v2" with empty "extension_data" in the extended server hello.. */ TlsExtensionsUtilities.AddEmptyExtensionData(m_serverExtensions, ExtensionType.status_request_v2); } else if (null != this.m_certificateStatusRequest && AllowCertificateStatus()) { /* * RFC 6066 8. If a server returns a "CertificateStatus" message, then the server MUST * have included an extension of type "status_request" with empty "extension_data" in * the extended server hello. */ TlsExtensionsUtilities.AddEmptyExtensionData(m_serverExtensions, ExtensionType.status_request); } if (null != m_trustedCAKeys && AllowTrustedCAIndication()) { TlsExtensionsUtilities.AddTrustedCAKeysExtensionServer(m_serverExtensions); } } if (m_maxFragmentLengthOffered >= 0 && MaxFragmentLength.IsValid(m_maxFragmentLengthOffered)) { TlsExtensionsUtilities.AddMaxFragmentLengthExtension(m_serverExtensions, m_maxFragmentLengthOffered); } return m_serverExtensions; } public virtual void GetServerExtensionsForConnection(IDictionary serverExtensions) { if (!ShouldSelectProtocolNameEarly()) { if (null != m_clientProtocolNames && m_clientProtocolNames.Count > 0) { this.m_selectedProtocolName = SelectProtocolName(); } } /* * RFC 7301 3.1. When session resumption or session tickets [...] are used, the previous * contents of this extension are irrelevant, and only the values in the new handshake * messages are considered. */ if (null == m_selectedProtocolName) { serverExtensions.Remove(ExtensionType.application_layer_protocol_negotiation); } else { TlsExtensionsUtilities.AddAlpnExtensionServer(serverExtensions, m_selectedProtocolName); } } public virtual IList GetServerSupplementalData() { return null; } public abstract TlsCredentials GetCredentials(); public virtual CertificateStatus GetCertificateStatus() { return null; } public virtual CertificateRequest GetCertificateRequest() { return null; } public virtual TlsPskIdentityManager GetPskIdentityManager() { return null; } public virtual TlsSrpLoginParameters GetSrpLoginParameters() { return null; } public virtual TlsDHConfig GetDHConfig() { int minimumFiniteFieldBits = TlsDHUtilities.GetMinimumFiniteFieldBits(m_selectedCipherSuite); int namedGroup = SelectDH(minimumFiniteFieldBits); return TlsDHUtilities.CreateNamedDHConfig(m_context, namedGroup); } public virtual TlsECConfig GetECDHConfig() { int minimumCurveBits = TlsEccUtilities.GetMinimumCurveBits(m_selectedCipherSuite); int namedGroup = SelectECDH(minimumCurveBits); return TlsEccUtilities.CreateNamedECConfig(m_context, namedGroup); } public virtual void ProcessClientSupplementalData(IList clientSupplementalData) { if (clientSupplementalData != null) throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unexpected_message); } public virtual void NotifyClientCertificate(Certificate clientCertificate) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } public virtual NewSessionTicket GetNewSessionTicket() { /* * RFC 5077 3.3. If the server determines that it does not want to include a ticket after it * has included the SessionTicket extension in the ServerHello, then it sends a zero-length * ticket in the NewSessionTicket handshake message. */ return new NewSessionTicket(0L, TlsUtilities.EmptyBytes); } } }