using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security.Certificates;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Collections;
using Org.BouncyCastle.X509;
using Org.BouncyCastle.X509.Store;
namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Pkix
internal static class Rfc3281CertPathUtilities
internal static void ProcessAttrCert7(
X509V2AttributeCertificate attrCert,
PkixCertPath certPath,
PkixCertPath holderCertPath,
PkixParameters pkixParams)
// TODO:
// AA Controls
// Attribute encryption
// Proxy
var critExtOids = attrCert.GetCriticalExtensionOids();
// 7.1
// process extensions
// target information checked in step 6 / X509AttributeCertStoreSelector
if (critExtOids.Contains(X509Extensions.TargetInformation.Id))
.GetExtensionValue(attrCert, X509Extensions.TargetInformation));
catch (Exception e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Target information extension could not be read.", e);
foreach (PkixAttrCertChecker checker in pkixParams.GetAttrCertCheckers())
checker.Check(attrCert, certPath, holderCertPath, critExtOids);
if (critExtOids.Count > 0)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate contains unsupported critical extensions: " + critExtOids);
* Checks if an attribute certificate is revoked.
* @param attrCert Attribute certificate to check if it is revoked.
* @param paramsPKIX PKIX parameters.
* @param issuerCert The issuer certificate of the attribute certificate
* attrCert
* @param validDate The date when the certificate revocation status should
* be checked.
* @param certPathCerts The certificates of the certification path to be
* checked.
* @throws CertPathValidatorException if the certificate is revoked or the
* status cannot be checked or some error occurs.
internal static void CheckCrls(
X509V2AttributeCertificate attrCert,
PkixParameters paramsPKIX,
X509Certificate issuerCert,
DateTime validDate,
IList certPathCerts)
if (!paramsPKIX.IsRevocationEnabled)
// check if revocation is available
if (attrCert.GetExtensionValue(X509Extensions.NoRevAvail) != null)
if (attrCert.GetExtensionValue(X509Extensions.CrlDistributionPoints) != null ||
attrCert.GetExtensionValue(X509Extensions.AuthorityInfoAccess) != null)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"No rev avail extension is set, but also an AC revocation pointer.");
CrlDistPoint crldp;
crldp = CrlDistPoint.GetInstance(
PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.GetExtensionValue(attrCert, X509Extensions.CrlDistributionPoints));
catch (Exception e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException("CRL distribution point extension could not be read.", e);
PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.AddAdditionalStoresFromCrlDistributionPoint(crldp, paramsPKIX);
catch (Exception e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"No additional CRL locations could be decoded from CRL distribution point extension.", e);
CertStatus certStatus = new CertStatus();
ReasonsMask reasonsMask = new ReasonsMask();
Exception lastException = null;
bool validCrlFound = false;
// for each distribution point
if (crldp != null)
DistributionPoint[] dps;
dps = crldp.GetDistributionPoints();
catch (Exception e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException("Distribution points could not be read.", e);
for (int i = 0;
i < dps.Length && certStatus.Status == CertStatus.Unrevoked && !reasonsMask.IsAllReasons;
PkixParameters paramsPKIXClone = (PkixParameters)paramsPKIX.Clone();
CheckCrl(dps[i], attrCert, paramsPKIXClone,validDate, issuerCert, certStatus, reasonsMask,
validCrlFound = true;
catch (Exception e)
lastException = new Exception("No valid CRL for distribution point found.", e);
* If the revocation status has not been determined, repeat the
* process above with any available CRLs not specified in a
* distribution point but issued by the certificate issuer.
if (certStatus.Status == CertStatus.Unrevoked && !reasonsMask.IsAllReasons)
* assume a DP with both the reasons and the cRLIssuer
* fields omitted and a distribution point name of the
* certificate issuer.
X509Name issuer;
issuer = X509Name.GetInstance(attrCert.Issuer.GetPrincipals()[0].GetEncoded());
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception("Issuer from certificate for CRL could not be reencoded.", e);
DistributionPoint dp = new DistributionPoint(
new DistributionPointName(0, new GeneralNames(
new GeneralName(GeneralName.DirectoryName, issuer))), null, null);
PkixParameters paramsPKIXClone = (PkixParameters) paramsPKIX.Clone();
CheckCrl(dp, attrCert, paramsPKIXClone, validDate,
issuerCert, certStatus, reasonsMask, certPathCerts);
validCrlFound = true;
catch (Exception e)
lastException = new Exception("No valid CRL for distribution point found.", e);
if (!validCrlFound)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException("No valid CRL found.", lastException);
if (certStatus.Status != CertStatus.Unrevoked)
// This format is enforced by the NistCertPath tests
string formattedDate = certStatus.RevocationDate.Value.ToString("ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss K yyyy");
string message = "Attribute certificate revocation after " + formattedDate + ", reason: "
+ Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.CrlReasons[certStatus.Status];
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(message);
if (!reasonsMask.IsAllReasons
&& certStatus.Status == CertStatus.Unrevoked)
certStatus.Status = CertStatus.Undetermined;
if (certStatus.Status == CertStatus.Undetermined)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate status could not be determined.");
internal static void AdditionalChecks(
X509V2AttributeCertificate attrCert,
PkixParameters pkixParams)
// 1
foreach (string oid in pkixParams.GetProhibitedACAttributes())
if (attrCert.GetAttributes(oid) != null)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate contains prohibited attribute: "
+ oid + ".");
foreach (string oid in pkixParams.GetNecessaryACAttributes())
if (attrCert.GetAttributes(oid) == null)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate does not contain necessary attribute: "
+ oid + ".");
internal static void ProcessAttrCert5(
X509V2AttributeCertificate attrCert,
PkixParameters pkixParams)
catch (CertificateExpiredException e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate is not valid.", e);
catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate is not valid.", e);
internal static void ProcessAttrCert4(
X509Certificate acIssuerCert,
PkixParameters pkixParams)
var set = pkixParams.GetTrustedACIssuers();
bool trusted = false;
foreach (TrustAnchor anchor in set)
var symbols = X509Name.RFC2253Symbols;
if (acIssuerCert.SubjectDN.ToString(false, symbols).Equals(anchor.CAName)
|| acIssuerCert.Equals(anchor.TrustedCert))
trusted = true;
if (!trusted)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate issuer is not directly trusted.");
internal static void ProcessAttrCert3(
X509Certificate acIssuerCert,
PkixParameters pkixParams)
if (acIssuerCert.GetKeyUsage() != null
&& (!acIssuerCert.GetKeyUsage()[0] && !acIssuerCert.GetKeyUsage()[1]))
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate issuer public key cannot be used to validate digital signatures.");
if (acIssuerCert.GetBasicConstraints() != -1)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Attribute certificate issuer is also a public key certificate issuer.");
internal static PkixCertPathValidatorResult ProcessAttrCert2(
PkixCertPath certPath,
PkixParameters pkixParams)
PkixCertPathValidator validator = new PkixCertPathValidator();
return validator.Validate(certPath, pkixParams);
catch (PkixCertPathValidatorException e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Certification path for issuer certificate of attribute certificate could not be validated.",
* Searches for a holder public key certificate and verifies its
* certification path.
* @param attrCert the attribute certificate.
* @param pkixParams The PKIX parameters.
* @return The certificate path of the holder certificate.
* @throws Exception if
* - no public key certificate can be found although holder
* information is given by an entity name or a base certificate
* ID
* - support classes cannot be created
* - no certification path for the public key certificate can
* be built
internal static PkixCertPath ProcessAttrCert1(
X509V2AttributeCertificate attrCert,
PkixParameters pkixParams)
PkixCertPathBuilderResult result = null;
// find holder PKCs
var holderPKCs = new HashSet();
if (attrCert.Holder.GetIssuer() != null)
X509CertStoreSelector selector = new X509CertStoreSelector();
selector.SerialNumber = attrCert.Holder.SerialNumber;
X509Name[] principals = attrCert.Holder.GetIssuer();
for (int i = 0; i < principals.Length; i++)
// TODO Replace loop with a single multiprincipal selector (or don't even use selector)
selector.Issuer = principals[i];
CollectionUtilities.CollectMatches(holderPKCs, selector, pkixParams.GetStoresCert());
catch (Exception e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Public key certificate for attribute certificate cannot be searched.",
if (holderPKCs.Count < 1)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Public key certificate specified in base certificate ID for attribute certificate cannot be found.");
if (attrCert.Holder.GetEntityNames() != null)
X509CertStoreSelector selector = new X509CertStoreSelector();
X509Name[] principals = attrCert.Holder.GetEntityNames();
for (int i = 0; i < principals.Length; i++)
// TODO Replace loop with a single multiprincipal selector (or don't even use selector)
selector.Issuer = principals[i];
CollectionUtilities.CollectMatches(holderPKCs, selector, pkixParams.GetStoresCert());
catch (Exception e)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Public key certificate for attribute certificate cannot be searched.",
if (holderPKCs.Count < 1)
throw new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Public key certificate specified in entity name for attribute certificate cannot be found.");
// verify cert paths for PKCs
PkixBuilderParameters parameters = PkixBuilderParameters.GetInstance(pkixParams);
PkixCertPathValidatorException lastException = null;
foreach (X509Certificate cert in holderPKCs)
X509CertStoreSelector certSelector = new X509CertStoreSelector();
certSelector.Certificate = cert;
PkixCertPathBuilder builder = new PkixCertPathBuilder();
result = builder.Build(parameters);
catch (PkixCertPathBuilderException e)
lastException = new PkixCertPathValidatorException(
"Certification path for public key certificate of attribute certificate could not be build.",
if (lastException != null)
throw lastException;
return result.CertPath;
* Checks a distribution point for revocation information for the
* certificate attrCert
* @param dp The distribution point to consider.
* @param attrCert The attribute certificate which should be checked.
* @param paramsPKIX PKIX parameters.
* @param validDate The date when the certificate revocation status should
* be checked.
* @param issuerCert Certificate to check if it is revoked.
* @param reasonMask The reasons mask which is already checked.
* @param certPathCerts The certificates of the certification path to be
* checked.
* @throws Exception if the certificate is revoked or the status
* cannot be checked or some error occurs.
private static void CheckCrl(
DistributionPoint dp,
X509V2AttributeCertificate attrCert,
PkixParameters paramsPKIX,
DateTime validDate,
X509Certificate issuerCert,
CertStatus certStatus,
ReasonsMask reasonMask,
IList certPathCerts)
* 4.3.6 No Revocation Available
* The noRevAvail extension, defined in [X.509-2000], allows an AC
* issuer to indicate that no revocation information will be made
* available for this AC.
if (attrCert.GetExtensionValue(X509Extensions.NoRevAvail) != null)
DateTime currentDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (validDate.CompareTo(currentDate) > 0)
throw new Exception("Validation time is in future.");
// (a)
* We always get timely valid CRLs, so there is no step (a) (1).
* "locally cached" CRLs are assumed to be in getStore(), additional
* CRLs must be enabled in the ExtendedPkixParameters and are in
* getAdditionalStore()
var crls = PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.GetCompleteCrls(dp, attrCert, currentDate, paramsPKIX);
bool validCrlFound = false;
Exception lastException = null;
var crl_iter = crls.GetEnumerator();
while (crl_iter.MoveNext()
&& certStatus.Status == CertStatus.Unrevoked
&& !reasonMask.IsAllReasons)
X509Crl crl = crl_iter.Current;
// (d)
ReasonsMask interimReasonsMask = Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlD(crl, dp);
// (e)
* The reasons mask is updated at the end, so only valid CRLs
* can update it. If this CRL does not contain new reasons it
* must be ignored.
if (!interimReasonsMask.HasNewReasons(reasonMask))
// (f)
var keys = Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlF(crl, attrCert,null, null, paramsPKIX,
// (g)
AsymmetricKeyParameter pubKey = Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlG(crl, keys);
X509Crl deltaCRL = null;
if (paramsPKIX.IsUseDeltasEnabled)
// get delta CRLs
var deltaCRLs = PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.GetDeltaCrls(currentDate, paramsPKIX, crl);
// we only want one valid delta CRL
// (h)
deltaCRL = Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlH(deltaCRLs, pubKey);
* CRL must be be valid at the current time, not the validation
* time. If a certificate is revoked with reason keyCompromise,
* cACompromise, it can be used for forgery, also for the past.
* This reason may not be contained in older CRLs.
* in the chain model signatures stay valid also after the
* certificate has been expired, so they do not have to be in
* the CRL vality time
if (paramsPKIX.ValidityModel != PkixParameters.ChainValidityModel)
* if a certificate has expired, but was revoked, it is not
* more in the CRL, so it would be regarded as valid if the
* first check is not done
if (attrCert.NotAfter.CompareTo(crl.ThisUpdate) < 0)
throw new Exception("No valid CRL for current time found.");
Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlB1(dp, attrCert, crl);
// (b) (2)
Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlB2(dp, attrCert, crl);
// (c)
Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlC(deltaCRL, crl, paramsPKIX);
// (i)
Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlI(validDate, deltaCRL,
attrCert, certStatus, paramsPKIX);
// (j)
Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.ProcessCrlJ(validDate, crl, attrCert,
// (k)
if (certStatus.Status == CrlReason.RemoveFromCrl)
certStatus.Status = CertStatus.Unrevoked;
// update reasons mask
validCrlFound = true;
catch (Exception e)
lastException = e;
if (!validCrlFound)
throw lastException;