using System; using System.Diagnostics; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests; using Org.BouncyCastle.Math.Raw; using Org.BouncyCastle.Security; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Rfc8032 { using F = Rfc7748.X448Field; /// /// A low-level implementation of the Ed448 and Ed448ph instantiations of the Edwards-Curve Digital Signature /// Algorithm specified in RFC 8032. /// /// /// The implementation uses the "signed mult-comb" algorithm (for scalar multiplication by a fixed point) from /// Mike Hamburg, "Fast and compact elliptic-curve cryptography". Standard /// projective coordinates are used /// for most point arithmetic. /// public static class Ed448 { // x^2 + y^2 == 1 - 39081 * x^2 * y^2 public enum Algorithm { Ed448 = 0, Ed448ph = 1, } public sealed class PublicPoint { internal readonly uint[] m_data; internal PublicPoint(uint[] data) { m_data = data; } } private const int CoordUints = 14; private const int PointBytes = CoordUints * 4 + 1; private const int ScalarUints = 14; private const int ScalarBytes = ScalarUints * 4 + 1; public static readonly int PrehashSize = 64; public static readonly int PublicKeySize = PointBytes; public static readonly int SecretKeySize = 57; public static readonly int SignatureSize = PointBytes + ScalarBytes; // "SigEd448" private static readonly byte[] Dom4Prefix = new byte[]{ 0x53, 0x69, 0x67, 0x45, 0x64, 0x34, 0x34, 0x38 }; private static readonly uint[] P = { 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFEU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU }; private static readonly uint[] B_x = { 0x070CC05EU, 0x026A82BCU, 0x00938E26U, 0x080E18B0U, 0x0511433BU, 0x0F72AB66U, 0x0412AE1AU, 0x0A3D3A46U, 0x0A6DE324U, 0x00F1767EU, 0x04657047U, 0x036DA9E1U, 0x05A622BFU, 0x0ED221D1U, 0x066BED0DU, 0x04F1970CU }; private static readonly uint[] B_y = { 0x0230FA14U, 0x008795BFU, 0x07C8AD98U, 0x0132C4EDU, 0x09C4FDBDU, 0x01CE67C3U, 0x073AD3FFU, 0x005A0C2DU, 0x07789C1EU, 0x0A398408U, 0x0A73736CU, 0x0C7624BEU, 0x003756C9U, 0x02488762U, 0x016EB6BCU, 0x0693F467U }; // 2^225 * B private static readonly uint[] B225_x = { 0x06909EE2U, 0x01D7605CU, 0x0995EC8AU, 0x0FC4D970U, 0x0CF2B361U, 0x02D82E9DU, 0x01225F55U, 0x007F0EF6U, 0x0AEE9C55U, 0x0A240C13U, 0x05627B54U, 0x0D449D1EU, 0x03A44575U, 0x007164A7U, 0x0BD4BD71U, 0x061A15FDU }; private static readonly uint[] B225_y = { 0x0D3A9FE4U, 0x030696B9U, 0x07E7E326U, 0x068308C7U, 0x0CE0B8C8U, 0x03AC222BU, 0x0304DB8EU, 0x083EE319U, 0x05E5DB0BU, 0x0ECA503BU, 0x0B1C6539U, 0x078A8DCEU, 0x02D256BCU, 0x04A8B05EU, 0x0BD9FD57U, 0x0A1C3CB8U }; private const int C_d = -39081; //private const int WnafWidth = 6; private const int WnafWidth225 = 5; private const int WnafWidthBase = 7; // ScalarMultBase supports varying blocks, teeth, spacing so long as their product is in range [449, 479] private const int PrecompBlocks = 5; private const int PrecompTeeth = 5; private const int PrecompSpacing = 18; private const int PrecompRange = PrecompBlocks * PrecompTeeth * PrecompSpacing; // 448 < range < 480 private const int PrecompPoints = 1 << (PrecompTeeth - 1); private const int PrecompMask = PrecompPoints - 1; private static readonly object PrecompLock = new object(); private static PointAffine[] PrecompBaseWnaf = null; private static PointAffine[] PrecompBase225Wnaf = null; private static uint[] PrecompBaseComb = null; private struct PointAffine { internal uint[] x, y; } private struct PointProjective { internal uint[] x, y, z; } // Temp space to avoid allocations in point formulae. private struct PointTemp { internal uint[] r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7; } private static byte[] CalculateS(byte[] r, byte[] k, byte[] s) { uint[] t = new uint[ScalarUints * 2]; Scalar448.Decode(r, t); uint[] u = new uint[ScalarUints]; Scalar448.Decode(k, u); uint[] v = new uint[ScalarUints]; Scalar448.Decode(s, v); Nat.MulAddTo(ScalarUints, u, v, t); byte[] result = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; Codec.Encode32(t, 0, t.Length, result, 0); return Scalar448.Reduce(result); } private static bool CheckContextVar(byte[] ctx) { return ctx != null && ctx.Length < 256; } private static int CheckPoint(ref PointAffine p) { uint[] t = F.Create(); uint[] u = F.Create(); uint[] v = F.Create(); F.Sqr(p.x, u); F.Sqr(p.y, v); F.Mul(u, v, t); F.Add(u, v, u); F.Mul(t, -C_d, t); F.SubOne(t); F.Add(t, u, t); F.Normalize(t); return F.IsZero(t); } private static int CheckPoint(PointProjective p) { uint[] t = F.Create(); uint[] u = F.Create(); uint[] v = F.Create(); uint[] w = F.Create(); F.Sqr(p.x, u); F.Sqr(p.y, v); F.Sqr(p.z, w); F.Mul(u, v, t); F.Add(u, v, u); F.Mul(u, w, u); F.Sqr(w, w); F.Mul(t, -C_d, t); F.Sub(t, w, t); F.Add(t, u, t); F.Normalize(t); return F.IsZero(t); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static bool CheckPointFullVar(ReadOnlySpan p) { if ((p[PointBytes - 1] & 0x7F) != 0x00) return false; uint y13 = Codec.Decode32(p[52..]); uint t0 = y13; uint t1 = y13 ^ P[13]; for (int i = CoordUints - 2; i > 0; --i) { uint yi = Codec.Decode32(p[(i * 4)..]); // Reject non-canonical encodings (i.e. >= P) if (t1 == 0 && yi > P[i]) return false; t0 |= yi; t1 |= yi ^ P[i]; } uint y0 = Codec.Decode32(p); // Reject 0 and 1 if (t0 == 0 && y0 <= 1U) return false; // Reject P - 1 and non-canonical encodings (i.e. >= P) if (t1 == 0 && y0 >= (P[0] - 1U)) return false; return true; } #else private static bool CheckPointFullVar(byte[] p) { if ((p[PointBytes - 1] & 0x7F) != 0x00) return false; uint y13 = Codec.Decode32(p, 52); uint t0 = y13; uint t1 = y13 ^ P[13]; for (int i = CoordUints - 2; i > 0; --i) { uint yi = Codec.Decode32(p, i * 4); // Reject non-canonical encodings (i.e. >= P) if (t1 == 0 && yi > P[i]) return false; t0 |= yi; t1 |= yi ^ P[i]; } uint y0 = Codec.Decode32(p, 0); // Reject 0 and 1 if (t0 == 0 && y0 <= 1U) return false; // Reject P - 1 and non-canonical encodings (i.e. >= P) if (t1 == 0 && y0 >= (P[0] - 1U)) return false; return true; } #endif private static bool CheckPointOrderVar(ref PointAffine p) { Init(out PointProjective r); ScalarMultOrderVar(ref p, ref r); return NormalizeToNeutralElementVar(ref r); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static bool CheckPointVar(ReadOnlySpan p) { if ((p[PointBytes - 1] & 0x7F) != 0x00) return false; if (Codec.Decode32(p[52..]) < P[13]) return true; int last = p[28] == 0xFF ? 7 : 0; for (int i = CoordUints - 2; i >= last; --i) { if (Codec.Decode32(p[(i * 4)..]) < P[i]) return true; } return false; } #else private static bool CheckPointVar(byte[] p) { if ((p[PointBytes - 1] & 0x7F) != 0x00) return false; if (Codec.Decode32(p, 52) < P[13]) return true; int last = p[28] == 0xFF ? 7 : 0; for (int i = CoordUints - 2; i >= last; --i) { if (Codec.Decode32(p, i * 4) < P[i]) return true; } return false; } #endif private static byte[] Copy(byte[] buf, int off, int len) { byte[] result = new byte[len]; Array.Copy(buf, off, result, 0, len); return result; } public static IXof CreatePrehash() { return CreateXof(); } private static IXof CreateXof() { return new ShakeDigest(256); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static bool DecodePointVar(ReadOnlySpan p, bool negate, ref PointAffine r) #else private static bool DecodePointVar(byte[] p, bool negate, ref PointAffine r) #endif { int x_0 = (p[PointBytes - 1] & 0x80) >> 7; F.Decode(p, r.y); uint[] u = F.Create(); uint[] v = F.Create(); F.Sqr(r.y, u); F.Mul(u, (uint)-C_d, v); F.Negate(u, u); F.AddOne(u); F.AddOne(v); if (!F.SqrtRatioVar(u, v, r.x)) return false; F.Normalize(r.x); if (x_0 == 1 && F.IsZeroVar(r.x)) return false; if (negate ^ (x_0 != (r.x[0] & 1))) { F.Negate(r.x, r.x); F.Normalize(r.x); } return true; } private static void Dom4(IXof d, byte phflag, byte[] ctx) { Debug.Assert(ctx != null); int n = Dom4Prefix.Length; #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span t = stackalloc byte[n + 2 + ctx.Length]; Dom4Prefix.CopyTo(t); t[n] = phflag; t[n + 1] = (byte)ctx.Length; ctx.CopyTo(t.Slice(n + 2)); d.BlockUpdate(t); #else byte[] t = new byte[n + 2 + ctx.Length]; Dom4Prefix.CopyTo(t, 0); t[n] = phflag; t[n + 1] = (byte)ctx.Length; ctx.CopyTo(t, n + 2); d.BlockUpdate(t, 0, t.Length); #endif } private static void EncodePoint(ref PointAffine p, byte[] r, int rOff) { F.Encode(p.y, r, rOff); r[rOff + PointBytes - 1] = (byte)((p.x[0] & 1) << 7); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static void EncodePoint(ref PointAffine p, Span r) { F.Encode(p.y, r); r[PointBytes - 1] = (byte)((p.x[0] & 1) << 7); } #endif public static void EncodePublicPoint(PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] pk, int pkOff) { F.Encode(publicPoint.m_data, F.Size, pk, pkOff); pk[pkOff + PointBytes - 1] = (byte)((publicPoint.m_data[0] & 1) << 7); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public static void EncodePublicPoint(PublicPoint publicPoint, Span pk) { F.Encode(publicPoint.m_data.AsSpan(F.Size), pk); pk[PointBytes - 1] = (byte)((publicPoint.m_data[0] & 1) << 7); } #endif private static int EncodeResult(ref PointProjective p, byte[] r, int rOff) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER return EncodeResult(ref p, r.AsSpan(rOff)); #else Init(out PointAffine q); NormalizeToAffine(ref p, ref q); int result = CheckPoint(ref q); EncodePoint(ref q, r, rOff); return result; #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static int EncodeResult(ref PointProjective p, Span r) { Init(out PointAffine q); NormalizeToAffine(ref p, ref q); int result = CheckPoint(ref q); EncodePoint(ref q, r); return result; } #endif private static PublicPoint ExportPoint(ref PointAffine p) { uint[] data = new uint[F.Size * 2]; F.Copy(p.x, 0, data, 0); F.Copy(p.y, 0, data, F.Size); return new PublicPoint(data); } public static void GeneratePrivateKey(SecureRandom random, byte[] k) { if (k.Length != SecretKeySize) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(k)); random.NextBytes(k); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public static void GeneratePrivateKey(SecureRandom random, Span k) { if (k.Length != SecretKeySize) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(k)); random.NextBytes(k); } #endif public static void GeneratePublicKey(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER GeneratePublicKey(sk.AsSpan(skOff), pk.AsSpan(pkOff)); #else IXof d = CreateXof(); byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; d.BlockUpdate(sk, skOff, SecretKeySize); d.OutputFinal(h, 0, h.Length); byte[] s = new byte[ScalarBytes]; PruneScalar(h, 0, s); ScalarMultBaseEncoded(s, pk, pkOff); #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public static void GeneratePublicKey(ReadOnlySpan sk, Span pk) { IXof d = CreateXof(); Span h = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; d.BlockUpdate(sk[..SecretKeySize]); d.OutputFinal(h); Span s = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes]; PruneScalar(h, s); ScalarMultBaseEncoded(s, pk); } #endif public static PublicPoint GeneratePublicKey(byte[] sk, int skOff) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER return GeneratePublicKey(sk.AsSpan(skOff)); #else IXof d = CreateXof(); byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; d.BlockUpdate(sk, skOff, SecretKeySize); d.OutputFinal(h, 0, h.Length); byte[] s = new byte[ScalarBytes]; PruneScalar(h, 0, s); Init(out PointProjective p); ScalarMultBase(s, ref p); Init(out PointAffine q); NormalizeToAffine(ref p, ref q); if (0 == CheckPoint(ref q)) throw new InvalidOperationException(); return ExportPoint(ref q); #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public static PublicPoint GeneratePublicKey(ReadOnlySpan sk) { IXof d = CreateXof(); Span h = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; d.BlockUpdate(sk[..SecretKeySize]); d.OutputFinal(h); Span s = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes]; PruneScalar(h, s); Init(out PointProjective p); ScalarMultBase(s, ref p); Init(out PointAffine q); NormalizeToAffine(ref p, ref q); if (0 == CheckPoint(ref q)) throw new InvalidOperationException(); return ExportPoint(ref q); } #endif #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static uint GetWindow4(ReadOnlySpan x, int n) #else private static uint GetWindow4(uint[] x, int n) #endif { int w = (int)((uint)n >> 3), b = (n & 7) << 2; return (x[w] >> b) & 15U; } private static void ImplSign(IXof d, byte[] h, byte[] s, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte phflag, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { Dom4(d, phflag, ctx); d.BlockUpdate(h, ScalarBytes, ScalarBytes); d.BlockUpdate(m, mOff, mLen); d.OutputFinal(h, 0, h.Length); byte[] r = Scalar448.Reduce(h); byte[] R = new byte[PointBytes]; ScalarMultBaseEncoded(r, R, 0); Dom4(d, phflag, ctx); d.BlockUpdate(R, 0, PointBytes); d.BlockUpdate(pk, pkOff, PointBytes); d.BlockUpdate(m, mOff, mLen); d.OutputFinal(h, 0, h.Length); byte[] k = Scalar448.Reduce(h); byte[] S = CalculateS(r, k, s); Array.Copy(R, 0, sig, sigOff, PointBytes); Array.Copy(S, 0, sig, sigOff + PointBytes, ScalarBytes); } private static void ImplSign(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] ctx, byte phflag, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { if (!CheckContextVar(ctx)) throw new ArgumentException("ctx"); IXof d = CreateXof(); byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; d.BlockUpdate(sk, skOff, SecretKeySize); d.OutputFinal(h, 0, h.Length); byte[] s = new byte[ScalarBytes]; PruneScalar(h, 0, s); byte[] pk = new byte[PointBytes]; ScalarMultBaseEncoded(s, pk, 0); ImplSign(d, h, s, pk, 0, ctx, phflag, m, mOff, mLen, sig, sigOff); } private static void ImplSign(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte phflag, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { if (!CheckContextVar(ctx)) throw new ArgumentException("ctx"); IXof d = CreateXof(); byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; d.BlockUpdate(sk, skOff, SecretKeySize); d.OutputFinal(h, 0, h.Length); byte[] s = new byte[ScalarBytes]; PruneScalar(h, 0, s); ImplSign(d, h, s, pk, pkOff, ctx, phflag, m, mOff, mLen, sig, sigOff); } private static bool ImplVerify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte phflag, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen) { if (!CheckContextVar(ctx)) throw new ArgumentException("ctx"); #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span signature = stackalloc byte[SignatureSize]; signature.CopyFrom(sig.AsSpan(sigOff, SignatureSize)); var R = signature[..PointBytes]; var S = signature[PointBytes..]; Span A = stackalloc byte[PublicKeySize]; A.CopyFrom(pk.AsSpan(pkOff)); if (!CheckPointVar(R)) return false; Span nS = stackalloc uint[ScalarUints]; if (!Scalar448.CheckVar(S, nS)) return false; if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pR); if (!DecodePointVar(R, true, ref pR)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pA); if (!DecodePointVar(A, true, ref pA)) return false; IXof d = CreateXof(); Span h = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; Dom4(d, phflag, ctx); d.BlockUpdate(R); d.BlockUpdate(A); d.BlockUpdate(m.AsSpan(mOff, mLen)); d.OutputFinal(h); Span k = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes]; Scalar448.Reduce(h, k); Span nA = stackalloc uint[ScalarUints]; Scalar448.Decode(k, nA); Span v0 = stackalloc uint[8]; Span v1 = stackalloc uint[8]; #else byte[] R = Copy(sig, sigOff, PointBytes); byte[] S = Copy(sig, sigOff + PointBytes, ScalarBytes); byte[] A = Copy(pk, pkOff, PublicKeySize); if (!CheckPointVar(R)) return false; uint[] nS = new uint[ScalarUints]; if (!Scalar448.CheckVar(S, nS)) return false; if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pR); if (!DecodePointVar(R, true, ref pR)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pA); if (!DecodePointVar(A, true, ref pA)) return false; IXof d = CreateXof(); byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; Dom4(d, phflag, ctx); d.BlockUpdate(R, 0, PointBytes); d.BlockUpdate(A, 0, PointBytes); d.BlockUpdate(m, mOff, mLen); d.OutputFinal(h, 0, h.Length); byte[] k = Scalar448.Reduce(h); uint[] nA = new uint[ScalarUints]; Scalar448.Decode(k, nA); uint[] v0 = new uint[8]; uint[] v1 = new uint[8]; #endif Scalar448.ReduceBasisVar(nA, v0, v1); Scalar448.Multiply225Var(nS, v1, nS); Init(out PointProjective pZ); ScalarMultStraus225Var(nS, v0, ref pA, v1, ref pR, ref pZ); return NormalizeToNeutralElementVar(ref pZ); } private static bool ImplVerify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] ctx, byte phflag, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen) { if (!CheckContextVar(ctx)) throw new ArgumentException("ctx"); #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span signature = stackalloc byte[SignatureSize]; signature.CopyFrom(sig.AsSpan(sigOff, SignatureSize)); var R = signature[..PointBytes]; var S = signature[PointBytes..]; if (!CheckPointVar(R)) return false; Span nS = stackalloc uint[ScalarUints]; if (!Scalar448.CheckVar(S, nS)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pR); if (!DecodePointVar(R, true, ref pR)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pA); F.Negate(publicPoint.m_data, pA.x); F.Copy(publicPoint.m_data.AsSpan(F.Size), pA.y); Span A = stackalloc byte[PublicKeySize]; EncodePublicPoint(publicPoint, A); IXof d = CreateXof(); Span h = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; Dom4(d, phflag, ctx); d.BlockUpdate(R); d.BlockUpdate(A); d.BlockUpdate(m.AsSpan(mOff, mLen)); d.OutputFinal(h); Span k = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes]; Scalar448.Reduce(h, k); Span nA = stackalloc uint[ScalarUints]; Scalar448.Decode(k, nA); Span v0 = stackalloc uint[8]; Span v1 = stackalloc uint[8]; #else byte[] R = Copy(sig, sigOff, PointBytes); byte[] S = Copy(sig, sigOff + PointBytes, ScalarBytes); if (!CheckPointVar(R)) return false; uint[] nS = new uint[ScalarUints]; if (!Scalar448.CheckVar(S, nS)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pR); if (!DecodePointVar(R, true, ref pR)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pA); F.Negate(publicPoint.m_data, pA.x); F.Copy(publicPoint.m_data, F.Size, pA.y, 0); byte[] A = new byte[PublicKeySize]; EncodePublicPoint(publicPoint, A, 0); IXof d = CreateXof(); byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2]; Dom4(d, phflag, ctx); d.BlockUpdate(R, 0, PointBytes); d.BlockUpdate(A, 0, PointBytes); d.BlockUpdate(m, mOff, mLen); d.OutputFinal(h, 0, h.Length); byte[] k = Scalar448.Reduce(h); uint[] nA = new uint[ScalarUints]; Scalar448.Decode(k, nA); uint[] v0 = new uint[8]; uint[] v1 = new uint[8]; #endif Scalar448.ReduceBasisVar(nA, v0, v1); Scalar448.Multiply225Var(nS, v1, nS); Init(out PointProjective pZ); ScalarMultStraus225Var(nS, v0, ref pA, v1, ref pR, ref pZ); return NormalizeToNeutralElementVar(ref pZ); } private static void Init(out PointAffine r) { r.x = F.Create(); r.y = F.Create(); } private static void Init(out PointProjective r) { r.x = F.Create(); r.y = F.Create(); r.z = F.Create(); } private static void Init(out PointTemp r) { r.r0 = F.Create(); r.r1 = F.Create(); r.r2 = F.Create(); r.r3 = F.Create(); r.r4 = F.Create(); r.r5 = F.Create(); r.r6 = F.Create(); r.r7 = F.Create(); } private static void InvertZs(PointProjective[] points) { int count = points.Length; uint[] cs = F.CreateTable(count); uint[] u = F.Create(); F.Copy(points[0].z, 0, u, 0); F.Copy(u, 0, cs, 0); int i = 0; while (++i < count) { F.Mul(u, points[i].z, u); F.Copy(u, 0, cs, i * F.Size); } F.InvVar(u, u); --i; uint[] t = F.Create(); while (i > 0) { int j = i--; F.Copy(cs, i * F.Size, t, 0); F.Mul(t, u, t); F.Mul(u, points[j].z, u); F.Copy(t, 0, points[j].z, 0); } F.Copy(u, 0, points[0].z, 0); } //private static bool IsNeutralElementVar(uint[] x, uint[] y) //{ // return F.IsZeroVar(x) && F.IsOneVar(y); //} private static bool IsNeutralElementVar(uint[] x, uint[] y, uint[] z) { return F.IsZeroVar(x) && F.AreEqualVar(y, z); } private static void NormalizeToAffine(ref PointProjective p, ref PointAffine r) { F.Inv(p.z, r.y); F.Mul(r.y, p.x, r.x); F.Mul(r.y, p.y, r.y); F.Normalize(r.x); F.Normalize(r.y); } private static bool NormalizeToNeutralElementVar(ref PointProjective p) { F.Normalize(p.x); F.Normalize(p.y); F.Normalize(p.z); return IsNeutralElementVar(p.x, p.y, p.z); } private static void PointAdd(ref PointAffine p, ref PointProjective r, ref PointTemp t) { uint[] b = t.r1; uint[] c = t.r2; uint[] d = t.r3; uint[] e = t.r4; uint[] f = t.r5; uint[] g = t.r6; uint[] h = t.r7; F.Sqr(r.z, b); F.Mul(p.x, r.x, c); F.Mul(p.y, r.y, d); F.Mul(c, d, e); F.Mul(e, -C_d, e); //F.Apm(b, e, f, g); F.Add(b, e, f); F.Sub(b, e, g); F.Add(p.y, p.x, h); F.Add(r.y, r.x, e); F.Mul(h, e, h); //F.Apm(d, c, b, e); F.Add(d, c, b); F.Sub(d, c, e); F.Carry(b); F.Sub(h, b, h); F.Mul(h, r.z, h); F.Mul(e, r.z, e); F.Mul(f, h, r.x); F.Mul(e, g, r.y); F.Mul(f, g, r.z); } private static void PointAdd(ref PointProjective p, ref PointProjective r, ref PointTemp t) { uint[] a = t.r0; uint[] b = t.r1; uint[] c = t.r2; uint[] d = t.r3; uint[] e = t.r4; uint[] f = t.r5; uint[] g = t.r6; uint[] h = t.r7; F.Mul(p.z, r.z, a); F.Sqr(a, b); F.Mul(p.x, r.x, c); F.Mul(p.y, r.y, d); F.Mul(c, d, e); F.Mul(e, -C_d, e); //F.Apm(b, e, f, g); F.Add(b, e, f); F.Sub(b, e, g); F.Add(p.y, p.x, h); F.Add(r.y, r.x, e); F.Mul(h, e, h); //F.Apm(d, c, b, e); F.Add(d, c, b); F.Sub(d, c, e); F.Carry(b); F.Sub(h, b, h); F.Mul(h, a, h); F.Mul(e, a, e); F.Mul(f, h, r.x); F.Mul(e, g, r.y); F.Mul(f, g, r.z); } private static void PointAddVar(bool negate, ref PointAffine p, ref PointProjective r, ref PointTemp t) { uint[] b = t.r1; uint[] c = t.r2; uint[] d = t.r3; uint[] e = t.r4; uint[] f = t.r5; uint[] g = t.r6; uint[] h = t.r7; uint[] nb, ne, nf, ng; if (negate) { nb = e; ne = b; nf = g; ng = f; F.Sub(p.y, p.x, h); } else { nb = b; ne = e; nf = f; ng = g; F.Add(p.y, p.x, h); } F.Sqr(r.z, b); F.Mul(p.x, r.x, c); F.Mul(p.y, r.y, d); F.Mul(c, d, e); F.Mul(e, -C_d, e); //F.Apm(b, e, nf, ng); F.Add(b, e, nf); F.Sub(b, e, ng); F.Add(r.y, r.x, e); F.Mul(h, e, h); //F.Apm(d, c, nb, ne); F.Add(d, c, nb); F.Sub(d, c, ne); F.Carry(nb); F.Sub(h, b, h); F.Mul(h, r.z, h); F.Mul(e, r.z, e); F.Mul(f, h, r.x); F.Mul(e, g, r.y); F.Mul(f, g, r.z); } private static void PointAddVar(bool negate, ref PointProjective p, ref PointProjective r, ref PointTemp t) { uint[] a = t.r0; uint[] b = t.r1; uint[] c = t.r2; uint[] d = t.r3; uint[] e = t.r4; uint[] f = t.r5; uint[] g = t.r6; uint[] h = t.r7; uint[] nb, ne, nf, ng; if (negate) { nb = e; ne = b; nf = g; ng = f; F.Sub(p.y, p.x, h); } else { nb = b; ne = e; nf = f; ng = g; F.Add(p.y, p.x, h); } F.Mul(p.z, r.z, a); F.Sqr(a, b); F.Mul(p.x, r.x, c); F.Mul(p.y, r.y, d); F.Mul(c, d, e); F.Mul(e, -C_d, e); //F.Apm(b, e, nf, ng); F.Add(b, e, nf); F.Sub(b, e, ng); F.Add(r.y, r.x, e); F.Mul(h, e, h); //F.Apm(d, c, nb, ne); F.Add(d, c, nb); F.Sub(d, c, ne); F.Carry(nb); F.Sub(h, b, h); F.Mul(h, a, h); F.Mul(e, a, e); F.Mul(f, h, r.x); F.Mul(e, g, r.y); F.Mul(f, g, r.z); } private static void PointCopy(ref PointAffine p, ref PointProjective r) { F.Copy(p.x, 0, r.x, 0); F.Copy(p.y, 0, r.y, 0); F.One(r.z); } private static void PointCopy(ref PointProjective p, ref PointProjective r) { F.Copy(p.x, 0, r.x, 0); F.Copy(p.y, 0, r.y, 0); F.Copy(p.z, 0, r.z, 0); } private static void PointDouble(ref PointProjective r, ref PointTemp t) { uint[] b = t.r1; uint[] c = t.r2; uint[] d = t.r3; uint[] e = t.r4; uint[] h = t.r7; uint[] j = t.r0; F.Add(r.x, r.y, b); F.Sqr(b, b); F.Sqr(r.x, c); F.Sqr(r.y, d); F.Add(c, d, e); F.Carry(e); F.Sqr(r.z, h); F.Add(h, h, h); F.Carry(h); F.Sub(e, h, j); F.Sub(b, e, b); F.Sub(c, d, c); F.Mul(b, j, r.x); F.Mul(e, c, r.y); F.Mul(e, j, r.z); } private static void PointLookup(int block, int index, ref PointAffine p) { Debug.Assert(0 <= block && block < PrecompBlocks); Debug.Assert(0 <= index && index < PrecompPoints); int off = block * PrecompPoints * 2 * F.Size; for (int i = 0; i < PrecompPoints; ++i) { int cond = ((i ^ index) - 1) >> 31; F.CMov(cond, PrecompBaseComb, off, p.x, 0); off += F.Size; F.CMov(cond, PrecompBaseComb, off, p.y, 0); off += F.Size; } } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static void PointLookup(ReadOnlySpan x, int n, ReadOnlySpan table, ref PointProjective r) { // TODO This method is currently hardcoded to 4-bit windows and 8 precomputed points uint w = GetWindow4(x, n); int sign = (int)(w >> (4 - 1)) ^ 1; int abs = ((int)w ^ -sign) & 7; Debug.Assert(sign == 0 || sign == 1); Debug.Assert(0 <= abs && abs < 8); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { int cond = ((i ^ abs) - 1) >> 31; F.CMov(cond, table, r.x); table = table[F.Size..]; F.CMov(cond, table, r.y); table = table[F.Size..]; F.CMov(cond, table, r.z); table = table[F.Size..]; } F.CNegate(sign, r.x); } #else private static void PointLookup(uint[] x, int n, uint[] table, ref PointProjective r) { // TODO This method is currently hardcoded to 4-bit windows and 8 precomputed points uint w = GetWindow4(x, n); int sign = (int)(w >> (4 - 1)) ^ 1; int abs = ((int)w ^ -sign) & 7; Debug.Assert(sign == 0 || sign == 1); Debug.Assert(0 <= abs && abs < 8); for (int i = 0, off = 0; i < 8; ++i) { int cond = ((i ^ abs) - 1) >> 31; F.CMov(cond, table, off, r.x, 0); off += F.Size; F.CMov(cond, table, off, r.y, 0); off += F.Size; F.CMov(cond, table, off, r.z, 0); off += F.Size; } F.CNegate(sign, r.x); } #endif private static void PointLookup15(uint[] table, ref PointProjective r) { int off = F.Size * 3 * 7; F.Copy(table, off, r.x, 0); off += F.Size; F.Copy(table, off, r.y, 0); off += F.Size; F.Copy(table, off, r.z, 0); } private static uint[] PointPrecompute(ref PointProjective p, int count, ref PointTemp t) { Debug.Assert(count > 0); Init(out PointProjective q); PointCopy(ref p, ref q); Init(out PointProjective d); PointCopy(ref q, ref d); PointDouble(ref d, ref t); uint[] table = F.CreateTable(count * 3); int off = 0; int i = 0; for (;;) { F.Copy(q.x, 0, table, off); off += F.Size; F.Copy(q.y, 0, table, off); off += F.Size; F.Copy(q.z, 0, table, off); off += F.Size; if (++i == count) break; PointAdd(ref d, ref q, ref t); } return table; } private static void PointPrecompute(ref PointAffine p, PointProjective[] points, int pointsOff, int pointsLen, ref PointTemp t) { Debug.Assert(pointsLen > 0); Init(out PointProjective d); PointCopy(ref p, ref d); PointDouble(ref d, ref t); Init(out points[pointsOff]); PointCopy(ref p, ref points[pointsOff]); for (int i = 1; i < pointsLen; ++i) { Init(out points[pointsOff + i]); PointCopy(ref points[pointsOff + i - 1], ref points[pointsOff + i]); PointAdd(ref d, ref points[pointsOff + i], ref t); } } private static void PointSetNeutral(ref PointProjective p) { F.Zero(p.x); F.One(p.y); F.One(p.z); } public static void Precompute() { lock (PrecompLock) { if (PrecompBaseComb != null) return; Debug.Assert(PrecompRange > 448); Debug.Assert(PrecompRange < 480); int wnafPoints = 1 << (WnafWidthBase - 2); int combPoints = PrecompBlocks * PrecompPoints; int totalPoints = wnafPoints * 2 + combPoints; PointProjective[] points = new PointProjective[totalPoints]; Init(out PointTemp t); Init(out PointAffine B); F.Copy(B_x, 0, B.x, 0); F.Copy(B_y, 0, B.y, 0); PointPrecompute(ref B, points, 0, wnafPoints, ref t); Init(out PointAffine B225); F.Copy(B225_x, 0, B225.x, 0); F.Copy(B225_y, 0, B225.y, 0); PointPrecompute(ref B225, points, wnafPoints, wnafPoints, ref t); Init(out PointProjective p); PointCopy(ref B, ref p); int pointsIndex = wnafPoints * 2; PointProjective[] toothPowers = new PointProjective[PrecompTeeth]; for (int tooth = 0; tooth < PrecompTeeth; ++tooth) { Init(out toothPowers[tooth]); } for (int block = 0; block < PrecompBlocks; ++block) { ref PointProjective sum = ref points[pointsIndex++]; Init(out sum); for (int tooth = 0; tooth < PrecompTeeth; ++tooth) { if (tooth == 0) { PointCopy(ref p, ref sum); } else { PointAdd(ref p, ref sum, ref t); } PointDouble(ref p, ref t); PointCopy(ref p, ref toothPowers[tooth]); if (block + tooth != PrecompBlocks + PrecompTeeth - 2) { for (int spacing = 1; spacing < PrecompSpacing; ++spacing) { PointDouble(ref p, ref t); } } } F.Negate(sum.x, sum.x); for (int tooth = 0; tooth < (PrecompTeeth - 1); ++tooth) { int size = 1 << tooth; for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j, ++pointsIndex) { Init(out points[pointsIndex]); PointCopy(ref points[pointsIndex - size], ref points[pointsIndex]); PointAdd(ref toothPowers[tooth], ref points[pointsIndex], ref t); } } } Debug.Assert(pointsIndex == totalPoints); InvertZs(points); PrecompBaseWnaf = new PointAffine[wnafPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < wnafPoints; ++i) { ref PointProjective q = ref points[i]; ref PointAffine r = ref PrecompBaseWnaf[i]; Init(out r); F.Mul(q.x, q.z, r.x); F.Normalize(r.x); F.Mul(q.y, q.z, r.y); F.Normalize(r.y); } PrecompBase225Wnaf = new PointAffine[wnafPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < wnafPoints; ++i) { ref PointProjective q = ref points[wnafPoints + i]; ref PointAffine r = ref PrecompBase225Wnaf[i]; Init(out r); F.Mul(q.x, q.z, r.x); F.Normalize(r.x); F.Mul(q.y, q.z, r.y); F.Normalize(r.y); } PrecompBaseComb = F.CreateTable(combPoints * 2); int off = 0; for (int i = wnafPoints * 2; i < totalPoints; ++i) { ref PointProjective q = ref points[i]; F.Mul(q.x, q.z, q.x); F.Normalize(q.x); F.Mul(q.y, q.z, q.y); F.Normalize(q.y); F.Copy(q.x, 0, PrecompBaseComb, off); off += F.Size; F.Copy(q.y, 0, PrecompBaseComb, off); off += F.Size; } Debug.Assert(off == PrecompBaseComb.Length); } } private static void PruneScalar(byte[] n, int nOff, byte[] r) { Array.Copy(n, nOff, r, 0, ScalarBytes - 1); r[0] &= 0xFC; r[ScalarBytes - 2] |= 0x80; r[ScalarBytes - 1] = 0x00; } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static void PruneScalar(ReadOnlySpan n, Span r) { n[..(ScalarBytes - 1)].CopyTo(r); r[0] &= 0xFC; r[ScalarBytes - 2] |= 0x80; r[ScalarBytes - 1] = 0x00; } #endif #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static void ScalarMult(ReadOnlySpan k, ref PointProjective p, ref PointProjective r) #else private static void ScalarMult(byte[] k, ref PointProjective p, ref PointProjective r) #endif { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span n = stackalloc uint[ScalarUints + 1]; #else uint[] n = new uint[ScalarUints + 1]; #endif Scalar448.Decode(k, n); Scalar448.ToSignedDigits(449, n, n); // NOTE: Bit 448 is handled explicitly by an initial addition Debug.Assert(n[ScalarUints] == 1U); Init(out PointProjective q); Init(out PointTemp t); uint[] table = PointPrecompute(ref p, 8, ref t); // Replace first 4 doublings (2^4 * P) with 1 addition (P + 15 * P) PointLookup15(table, ref r); PointAdd(ref p, ref r, ref t); int w = 111; for (;;) { PointLookup(n, w, table, ref q); PointAdd(ref q, ref r, ref t); if (--w < 0) break; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { PointDouble(ref r, ref t); } } } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static void ScalarMultBase(ReadOnlySpan k, ref PointProjective r) #else private static void ScalarMultBase(byte[] k, ref PointProjective r) #endif { // Equivalent (but much slower) //Init(out PointProjective p); //F.Copy(B_x, 0, p.x, 0); //F.Copy(B_y, 0, p.y, 0); //F.One(p.z); //ScalarMult(k, ref p, ref r); Precompute(); #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span n = stackalloc uint[ScalarUints + 1]; #else uint[] n = new uint[ScalarUints + 1]; #endif Scalar448.Decode(k, n); Scalar448.ToSignedDigits(PrecompRange, n, n); Init(out PointAffine p); Init(out PointTemp t); PointSetNeutral(ref r); int cOff = PrecompSpacing - 1; for (;;) { int tPos = cOff; for (int block = 0; block < PrecompBlocks; ++block) { uint w = 0; for (int tooth = 0; tooth < PrecompTeeth; ++tooth) { uint tBit = n[tPos >> 5] >> (tPos & 0x1F); w &= ~(1U << tooth); w ^= (tBit << tooth); tPos += PrecompSpacing; } int sign = (int)(w >> (PrecompTeeth - 1)) & 1; int abs = ((int)w ^ -sign) & PrecompMask; Debug.Assert(sign == 0 || sign == 1); Debug.Assert(0 <= abs && abs < PrecompPoints); PointLookup(block, abs, ref p); F.CNegate(sign, p.x); PointAdd(ref p, ref r, ref t); } if (--cOff < 0) break; PointDouble(ref r, ref t); } } private static void ScalarMultBaseEncoded(byte[] k, byte[] r, int rOff) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER ScalarMultBaseEncoded(k.AsSpan(), r.AsSpan(rOff)); #else Init(out PointProjective p); ScalarMultBase(k, ref p); if (0 == EncodeResult(ref p, r, rOff)) throw new InvalidOperationException(); #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static void ScalarMultBaseEncoded(ReadOnlySpan k, Span r) { Init(out PointProjective p); ScalarMultBase(k, ref p); if (0 == EncodeResult(ref p, r)) throw new InvalidOperationException(); } #endif internal static void ScalarMultBaseXY(byte[] k, int kOff, uint[] x, uint[] y) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER ScalarMultBaseXY(k.AsSpan(kOff), x.AsSpan(), y.AsSpan()); #else byte[] n = new byte[ScalarBytes]; PruneScalar(k, kOff, n); Init(out PointProjective p); ScalarMultBase(n, ref p); if (0 == CheckPoint(p)) throw new InvalidOperationException(); F.Copy(p.x, 0, x, 0); F.Copy(p.y, 0, y, 0); #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER internal static void ScalarMultBaseXY(ReadOnlySpan k, Span x, Span y) { Span n = stackalloc byte[ScalarBytes]; PruneScalar(k, n); Init(out PointProjective p); ScalarMultBase(n, ref p); if (0 == CheckPoint(p)) throw new InvalidOperationException(); F.Copy(p.x, x); F.Copy(p.y, y); } #endif private static void ScalarMultOrderVar(ref PointAffine p, ref PointProjective r) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span ws_p = stackalloc sbyte[447]; #else sbyte[] ws_p = new sbyte[447]; #endif // NOTE: WnafWidth225 because of the special structure of the order Scalar448.GetOrderWnafVar(WnafWidth225, ws_p); int count = 1 << (WnafWidth225 - 2); PointProjective[] tp = new PointProjective[count]; Init(out PointTemp t); PointPrecompute(ref p, tp, 0, count, ref t); PointSetNeutral(ref r); for (int bit = 446;;) { int wp = ws_p[bit]; if (wp != 0) { int index = (wp >> 1) ^ (wp >> 31); PointAddVar(wp < 0, ref tp[index], ref r, ref t); } if (--bit < 0) break; PointDouble(ref r, ref t); } } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER private static void ScalarMultStraus225Var(ReadOnlySpan nb, ReadOnlySpan np, ref PointAffine p, ReadOnlySpan nq, ref PointAffine q, ref PointProjective r) #else private static void ScalarMultStraus225Var(uint[] nb, uint[] np, ref PointAffine p, uint[] nq, ref PointAffine q, ref PointProjective r) #endif { Debug.Assert(nb.Length == ScalarUints); Debug.Assert(nb[ScalarUints - 1] >> 30 == 0U); Debug.Assert(np.Length == 8); Debug.Assert((int)np[7] >> 31 == (int)np[7]); Debug.Assert(nq.Length == 8); Debug.Assert((int)nq[7] >> 31 == (int)nq[7]); Precompute(); #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span ws_b = stackalloc sbyte[450]; Span ws_p = stackalloc sbyte[225]; Span ws_q = stackalloc sbyte[225]; #else sbyte[] ws_b = new sbyte[450]; sbyte[] ws_p = new sbyte[225]; sbyte[] ws_q = new sbyte[225]; #endif Wnaf.GetSignedVar(nb, WnafWidthBase, ws_b); Wnaf.GetSignedVar(np, WnafWidth225, ws_p); Wnaf.GetSignedVar(nq, WnafWidth225, ws_q); int count = 1 << (WnafWidth225 - 2); PointProjective[] tp = new PointProjective[count]; PointProjective[] tq = new PointProjective[count]; Init(out PointTemp t); PointPrecompute(ref p, tp, 0, count, ref t); PointPrecompute(ref q, tq, 0, count, ref t); PointSetNeutral(ref r); int bit = 225; while (--bit >= 0) { int wb = ws_b[bit]; if (wb != 0) { int index = (wb >> 1) ^ (wb >> 31); PointAddVar(wb < 0, ref PrecompBaseWnaf[index], ref r, ref t); } int wb225 = ws_b[225 + bit]; if (wb225 != 0) { int index = (wb225 >> 1) ^ (wb225 >> 31); PointAddVar(wb225 < 0, ref PrecompBase225Wnaf[index], ref r, ref t); } int wp = ws_p[bit]; if (wp != 0) { int index = (wp >> 1) ^ (wp >> 31); PointAddVar(wp < 0, ref tp[index], ref r, ref t); } int wq = ws_q[bit]; if (wq != 0) { int index = (wq >> 1) ^ (wq >> 31); PointAddVar(wq < 0, ref tq[index], ref r, ref t); } PointDouble(ref r, ref t); } // NOTE: Together with the final PointDouble of the loop, this clears the cofactor of 4 PointDouble(ref r, ref t); } public static void Sign(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { byte phflag = 0x00; ImplSign(sk, skOff, ctx, phflag, m, mOff, mLen, sig, sigOff); } public static void Sign(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { byte phflag = 0x00; ImplSign(sk, skOff, pk, pkOff, ctx, phflag, m, mOff, mLen, sig, sigOff); } public static void SignPrehash(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] ph, int phOff, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { byte phflag = 0x01; ImplSign(sk, skOff, ctx, phflag, ph, phOff, PrehashSize, sig, sigOff); } public static void SignPrehash(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] ph, int phOff, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { byte phflag = 0x01; ImplSign(sk, skOff, pk, pkOff, ctx, phflag, ph, phOff, PrehashSize, sig, sigOff); } public static void SignPrehash(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] ctx, IXof ph, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { byte[] m = new byte[PrehashSize]; if (PrehashSize != ph.OutputFinal(m, 0, PrehashSize)) throw new ArgumentException("ph"); byte phflag = 0x01; ImplSign(sk, skOff, ctx, phflag, m, 0, m.Length, sig, sigOff); } public static void SignPrehash(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, IXof ph, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { byte[] m = new byte[PrehashSize]; if (PrehashSize != ph.OutputFinal(m, 0, PrehashSize)) throw new ArgumentException("ph"); byte phflag = 0x01; ImplSign(sk, skOff, pk, pkOff, ctx, phflag, m, 0, m.Length, sig, sigOff); } public static bool ValidatePublicKeyFull(byte[] pk, int pkOff) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER return ValidatePublicKeyFull(pk.AsSpan(pkOff)); #else byte[] A = Copy(pk, pkOff, PublicKeySize); if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pA); if (!DecodePointVar(A, false, ref pA)) return false; return CheckPointOrderVar(ref pA); #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public static bool ValidatePublicKeyFull(ReadOnlySpan pk) { Span A = stackalloc byte[PublicKeySize]; A.CopyFrom(pk); if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pA); if (!DecodePointVar(A, false, ref pA)) return false; return CheckPointOrderVar(ref pA); } #endif public static PublicPoint ValidatePublicKeyFullExport(byte[] pk, int pkOff) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER return ValidatePublicKeyFullExport(pk.AsSpan(pkOff)); #else byte[] A = Copy(pk, pkOff, PublicKeySize); if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return null; Init(out PointAffine pA); if (!DecodePointVar(A, false, ref pA)) return null; if (!CheckPointOrderVar(ref pA)) return null; return ExportPoint(ref pA); #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public static PublicPoint ValidatePublicKeyFullExport(ReadOnlySpan pk) { Span A = stackalloc byte[PublicKeySize]; A.CopyFrom(pk); if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return null; Init(out PointAffine pA); if (!DecodePointVar(A, false, ref pA)) return null; if (!CheckPointOrderVar(ref pA)) return null; return ExportPoint(ref pA); } #endif public static bool ValidatePublicKeyPartial(byte[] pk, int pkOff) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER return ValidatePublicKeyPartial(pk.AsSpan(pkOff)); #else byte[] A = Copy(pk, pkOff, PublicKeySize); if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pA); return DecodePointVar(A, false, ref pA); #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public static bool ValidatePublicKeyPartial(ReadOnlySpan pk) { Span A = stackalloc byte[PublicKeySize]; A.CopyFrom(pk); if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return false; Init(out PointAffine pA); return DecodePointVar(A, false, ref pA); } #endif public static PublicPoint ValidatePublicKeyPartialExport(byte[] pk, int pkOff) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER return ValidatePublicKeyPartialExport(pk.AsSpan(pkOff)); #else byte[] A = Copy(pk, pkOff, PublicKeySize); if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return null; Init(out PointAffine pA); if (!DecodePointVar(A, false, ref pA)) return null; return ExportPoint(ref pA); #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public static PublicPoint ValidatePublicKeyPartialExport(ReadOnlySpan pk) { Span A = stackalloc byte[PublicKeySize]; A.CopyFrom(pk); if (!CheckPointFullVar(A)) return null; Init(out PointAffine pA); if (!DecodePointVar(A, false, ref pA)) return null; return ExportPoint(ref pA); } #endif public static bool Verify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen) { byte phflag = 0x00; return ImplVerify(sig, sigOff, pk, pkOff, ctx, phflag, m, mOff, mLen); } public static bool Verify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen) { byte phflag = 0x00; return ImplVerify(sig, sigOff, publicPoint, ctx, phflag, m, mOff, mLen); } public static bool VerifyPrehash(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] ph, int phOff) { byte phflag = 0x01; return ImplVerify(sig, sigOff, pk, pkOff, ctx, phflag, ph, phOff, PrehashSize); } public static bool VerifyPrehash(byte[] sig, int sigOff, PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] ctx, byte[] ph, int phOff) { byte phflag = 0x01; return ImplVerify(sig, sigOff, publicPoint, ctx, phflag, ph, phOff, PrehashSize); } public static bool VerifyPrehash(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, IXof ph) { byte[] m = new byte[PrehashSize]; if (PrehashSize != ph.OutputFinal(m, 0, PrehashSize)) throw new ArgumentException("ph"); byte phflag = 0x01; return ImplVerify(sig, sigOff, pk, pkOff, ctx, phflag, m, 0, m.Length); } public static bool VerifyPrehash(byte[] sig, int sigOff, PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] ctx, IXof ph) { byte[] m = new byte[PrehashSize]; if (PrehashSize != ph.OutputFinal(m, 0, PrehashSize)) throw new ArgumentException("ph"); byte phflag = 0x01; return ImplVerify(sig, sigOff, publicPoint, ctx, phflag, m, 0, m.Length); } } }