using System; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Multiplier { public class FixedPointUtilities { public static readonly string PRECOMP_NAME = "bc_fixed_point"; public static int GetCombSize(ECCurve c) { BigInteger order = c.Order; return order == null ? c.FieldSize + 1 : order.BitLength; } public static FixedPointPreCompInfo GetFixedPointPreCompInfo(PreCompInfo preCompInfo) { if ((preCompInfo != null) && (preCompInfo is FixedPointPreCompInfo)) { return (FixedPointPreCompInfo)preCompInfo; } return new FixedPointPreCompInfo(); } [Obsolete("Use 'Precompute(ECPoint)' instead, as minWidth parameter is now ignored")] public static FixedPointPreCompInfo Precompute(ECPoint p, int minWidth) { return Precompute(p); } public static FixedPointPreCompInfo Precompute(ECPoint p) { ECCurve c = p.Curve; int minWidth = GetCombSize(c) > 257 ? 6 : 5; int n = 1 << minWidth; FixedPointPreCompInfo info = GetFixedPointPreCompInfo(c.GetPreCompInfo(p, PRECOMP_NAME)); ECPoint[] lookupTable = info.PreComp; if (lookupTable == null || lookupTable.Length < n) { int bits = GetCombSize(c); int d = (bits + minWidth - 1) / minWidth; ECPoint[] pow2Table = new ECPoint[minWidth + 1]; pow2Table[0] = p; for (int i = 1; i < minWidth; ++i) { pow2Table[i] = pow2Table[i - 1].TimesPow2(d); } // This will be the 'offset' value pow2Table[minWidth] = pow2Table[0].Subtract(pow2Table[1]); c.NormalizeAll(pow2Table); lookupTable = new ECPoint[n]; lookupTable[0] = pow2Table[0]; for (int bit = minWidth - 1; bit >= 0; --bit) { ECPoint pow2 = pow2Table[bit]; int step = 1 << bit; for (int i = step; i < n; i += (step << 1)) { lookupTable[i] = lookupTable[i - step].Add(pow2); } } c.NormalizeAll(lookupTable); info.LookupTable = c.CreateCacheSafeLookupTable(lookupTable, 0, lookupTable.Length); info.Offset = pow2Table[minWidth]; info.PreComp = lookupTable; info.Width = minWidth; c.SetPreCompInfo(p, PRECOMP_NAME, info); } return info; } } }