using System; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests { /* The BLAKE2 cryptographic hash function was designed by Jean- Philippe Aumasson, Samuel Neves, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn, and Christian Winnerlein. Reference Implementation and Description can be found at: */ /** * Implementation of the eXtendable Output Function (XOF) BLAKE2xs. *

* BLAKE2xs offers a built-in keying mechanism to be used directly * for authentication ("Prefix-MAC") rather than a HMAC construction. *

* BLAKE2xs offers a built-in support for a salt for randomized hashing * and a personal string for defining a unique hash function for each application. *

* BLAKE2xs is optimized for 32-bit platforms and produces digests of any size * between 1 and 2^16-2 bytes. The length can also be unknown and then the maximum * length will be 2^32 blocks of 32 bytes. */ public sealed class Blake2xsDigest : IXof { /** * Magic number to indicate an unknown length of digest */ public const int UnknownDigestLength = 65535; private const int DigestLength = 32; private const long MaxNumberBlocks = 1L << 32; /** * Expected digest length for the xof. It can be unknown. */ private int digestLength; /** * Root hash that will take the updates */ private Blake2sDigest hash; /** * Digest of the root hash */ private byte[] h0 = null; /** * Digest of each round of the XOF */ private byte[] buf = new byte[32]; /** * Current position for a round */ private int bufPos = 32; /** * Overall position of the digest. It is useful when the length is known * in advance to get last block length. */ private int digestPos = 0; /** * Keep track of the round number to detect the end of the digest after * 2^32 blocks of 32 bytes. */ private long blockPos = 0; /** * Current node offset incremented by 1 every round. */ private long nodeOffset; /** * BLAKE2xs for hashing with unknown digest length */ public Blake2xsDigest() : this(UnknownDigestLength) { } /** * BLAKE2xs for hashing * * @param digestBytes The desired digest length in bytes. Must be above 1 and less than 2^16-1 */ public Blake2xsDigest(int digestBytes) : this(digestBytes, null, null, null) { } /** * BLAKE2xs with key * * @param digestBytes The desired digest length in bytes. Must be above 1 and less than 2^16-1 * @param key A key up to 32 bytes or null */ public Blake2xsDigest(int digestBytes, byte[] key) : this(digestBytes, key, null, null) { } /** * BLAKE2xs with key, salt and personalization * * @param digestBytes The desired digest length in bytes. Must be above 1 and less than 2^16-1 * @param key A key up to 32 bytes or null * @param salt 8 bytes or null * @param personalization 8 bytes or null */ public Blake2xsDigest(int digestBytes, byte[] key, byte[] salt, byte[] personalization) { if (digestBytes < 1 || digestBytes > UnknownDigestLength) throw new ArgumentException("BLAKE2xs digest length must be between 1 and 2^16-1"); digestLength = digestBytes; nodeOffset = ComputeNodeOffset(); hash = new Blake2sDigest(DigestLength, key, salt, personalization, nodeOffset); } public Blake2xsDigest(Blake2xsDigest digest) { digestLength = digest.digestLength; hash = new Blake2sDigest(digest.hash); h0 = Arrays.Clone(digest.h0); buf = Arrays.Clone(digest.buf); bufPos = digest.bufPos; digestPos = digest.digestPos; blockPos = digest.blockPos; nodeOffset = digest.nodeOffset; } /** * Return the algorithm name. * * @return the algorithm name */ public string AlgorithmName => "BLAKE2xs"; /** * Return the size in bytes of the digest produced by this message digest. * * @return the size in bytes of the digest produced by this message digest. */ public int GetDigestSize() => digestLength; /** * Return the size in bytes of the internal buffer the digest applies its * compression function to. * * @return byte length of the digest's internal buffer. */ public int GetByteLength() => hash.GetByteLength(); /** * Return the maximum size in bytes the digest can produce when the length * is unknown * * @return byte length of the largest digest with unknown length */ public long GetUnknownMaxLength() { return MaxNumberBlocks * DigestLength; } /** * Update the message digest with a single byte. * * @param in the input byte to be entered. */ public void Update(byte b) { hash.Update(b); } /** * Update the message digest with a block of bytes. * * @param in the byte array containing the data. * @param inOff the offset into the byte array where the data starts. * @param len the length of the data. */ public void BlockUpdate(byte[] input, int inOff, int inLen) { hash.BlockUpdate(input, inOff, inLen); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public void BlockUpdate(ReadOnlySpan input) { hash.BlockUpdate(input); } #endif /** * Reset the digest back to its initial state. The key, the salt and the * personal string will remain for further computations. */ public void Reset() { hash.Reset(); h0 = null; bufPos = DigestLength; digestPos = 0; blockPos = 0; nodeOffset = ComputeNodeOffset(); } /** * Close the digest, producing the final digest value. The doFinal() call * leaves the digest reset. Key, salt and personal string remain. * * @param out the array the digest is to be copied into. * @param outOffset the offset into the out array the digest is to start at. */ public int DoFinal(byte[] output, int outOff) { return OutputFinal(output, outOff, digestLength); } /** * Close the digest, producing the final digest value. The doFinal() call * leaves the digest reset. Key, salt, personal string remain. * * @param out output array to write the output bytes to. * @param outOff offset to start writing the bytes at. * @param outLen the number of output bytes requested. */ public int OutputFinal(byte[] output, int outOff, int outLen) { int ret = Output(output, outOff, outLen); Reset(); return ret; } /** * Start outputting the results of the final calculation for this digest. Unlike doFinal, this method * will continue producing output until the Xof is explicitly reset, or signals otherwise. * * @param out output array to write the output bytes to. * @param outOff offset to start writing the bytes at. * @param outLen the number of output bytes requested. * @return the number of bytes written */ public int Output(byte[] output, int outOff, int outLen) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER return Output(output.AsSpan(outOff, outLen)); #else if (h0 == null) { h0 = new byte[hash.GetDigestSize()]; hash.DoFinal(h0, 0); } if (digestLength != UnknownDigestLength) { if (digestPos + outLen > digestLength) throw new ArgumentException("Output length is above the digest length"); } else if (blockPos << 5 >= GetUnknownMaxLength()) { throw new ArgumentException("Maximum length is 2^32 blocks of 32 bytes"); } for (int i = 0; i < outLen; i++) { if (bufPos >= DigestLength) { Blake2sDigest h = new Blake2sDigest(ComputeStepLength(), DigestLength, nodeOffset); h.BlockUpdate(h0, 0, h0.Length); Arrays.Fill(buf, 0); h.DoFinal(buf, 0); bufPos = 0; nodeOffset++; blockPos++; } output[outOff + i] = buf[bufPos]; bufPos++; digestPos++; } return outLen; #endif } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public int DoFinal(Span output) { return OutputFinal(output[..digestLength]); } public int OutputFinal(Span output) { int ret = Output(output); Reset(); return ret; } public int Output(Span output) { int outLen = output.Length; if (h0 == null) { h0 = new byte[hash.GetDigestSize()]; hash.DoFinal(h0); } if (digestLength != UnknownDigestLength) { if (digestPos + outLen > digestLength) throw new ArgumentException("Output length is above the digest length"); } else if (blockPos << 5 >= GetUnknownMaxLength()) { throw new ArgumentException("Maximum length is 2^32 blocks of 32 bytes"); } for (int i = 0; i < outLen; i++) { if (bufPos >= DigestLength) { Blake2sDigest h = new Blake2sDigest(ComputeStepLength(), DigestLength, nodeOffset); h.BlockUpdate(h0); Arrays.Fill(buf, 0); h.DoFinal(buf); bufPos = 0; nodeOffset++; blockPos++; } output[i] = buf[bufPos]; bufPos++; digestPos++; } return outLen; } #endif // get the next round length. If the length is unknown, the digest length is always the maximum. private int ComputeStepLength() { if (digestLength == UnknownDigestLength) return DigestLength; return System.Math.Min(DigestLength, digestLength - digestPos); } private long ComputeNodeOffset() { return digestLength * 0x100000000L; } } }