using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.Sig { /** * Class provided a NotationData object according to * RFC2440, Chapter Notation Data */ public class NotationData : SignatureSubpacket { public const int HeaderFlagLength = 4; public const int HeaderNameLength = 2; public const int HeaderValueLength = 2; public NotationData( bool critical, bool isLongLength, byte[] data) : base(SignatureSubpacketTag.NotationData, critical, isLongLength, data) { } public NotationData( bool critical, bool humanReadable, string notationName, string notationValue) : base(SignatureSubpacketTag.NotationData, critical, false, CreateData(humanReadable, notationName, notationValue)) { } private static byte[] CreateData( bool humanReadable, string notationName, string notationValue) { MemoryStream os = new MemoryStream(); // (4 octets of flags, 2 octets of name length (M), // 2 octets of value length (N), // M octets of name data, // N octets of value data) // flags os.WriteByte(humanReadable ? (byte)0x80 : (byte)0x00); os.WriteByte(0x0); os.WriteByte(0x0); os.WriteByte(0x0); byte[] nameData, valueData = null; int nameLength, valueLength; nameData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(notationName); nameLength = System.Math.Min(nameData.Length, 0xFF); valueData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(notationValue); valueLength = System.Math.Min(valueData.Length, 0xFF); // name length os.WriteByte((byte)(nameLength >> 8)); os.WriteByte((byte)(nameLength >> 0)); // value length os.WriteByte((byte)(valueLength >> 8)); os.WriteByte((byte)(valueLength >> 0)); // name os.Write(nameData, 0, nameLength); // value os.Write(valueData, 0, valueLength); return os.ToArray(); } public bool IsHumanReadable { get { return data[0] == (byte)0x80; } } public string GetNotationName() { int nameLength = ((data[HeaderFlagLength] << 8) + (data[HeaderFlagLength + 1] << 0)); int namePos = HeaderFlagLength + HeaderNameLength + HeaderValueLength; return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, namePos, nameLength); } public string GetNotationValue() { int nameLength = ((data[HeaderFlagLength] << 8) + (data[HeaderFlagLength + 1] << 0)); int valueLength = ((data[HeaderFlagLength + HeaderNameLength] << 8) + (data[HeaderFlagLength + HeaderNameLength + 1] << 0)); int valuePos = HeaderFlagLength + HeaderNameLength + HeaderValueLength + nameLength; return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, valuePos, valueLength); } public byte[] GetNotationValueBytes() { int nameLength = ((data[HeaderFlagLength] << 8) + (data[HeaderFlagLength + 1] << 0)); int valueLength = ((data[HeaderFlagLength + HeaderNameLength] << 8) + (data[HeaderFlagLength + HeaderNameLength + 1] << 0)); int valuePos = HeaderFlagLength + HeaderNameLength + HeaderValueLength + nameLength; byte[] bytes = new byte[valueLength]; Array.Copy(data, valuePos, bytes, 0, valueLength); return bytes; } } }