using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.Sig;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Date;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.IO;
namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg
/// Generic signature packet.
public class SignaturePacket
: ContainedPacket
private int version;
private int signatureType;
private long creationTime;
private long keyId;
private PublicKeyAlgorithmTag keyAlgorithm;
private HashAlgorithmTag hashAlgorithm;
private MPInteger[] signature;
private byte[] fingerprint;
private SignatureSubpacket[] hashedData;
private SignatureSubpacket[] unhashedData;
private byte[] signatureEncoding;
internal SignaturePacket(
BcpgInputStream bcpgIn)
version = bcpgIn.ReadByte();
if (version == 3 || version == 2)
// int l =
signatureType = bcpgIn.ReadByte();
creationTime = (((long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 24) | ((long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 16)
| ((long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 8) | (uint)bcpgIn.ReadByte()) * 1000L;
keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 56;
keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 48;
keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 40;
keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 32;
keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 24;
keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 16;
keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 8;
keyId |= (uint)bcpgIn.ReadByte();
keyAlgorithm = (PublicKeyAlgorithmTag) bcpgIn.ReadByte();
hashAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithmTag) bcpgIn.ReadByte();
else if (version == 4)
signatureType = bcpgIn.ReadByte();
keyAlgorithm = (PublicKeyAlgorithmTag) bcpgIn.ReadByte();
hashAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithmTag) bcpgIn.ReadByte();
int hashedLength = (bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 8) | bcpgIn.ReadByte();
byte[] hashed = new byte[hashedLength];
// read the signature sub packet data.
SignatureSubpacketsParser sIn = new SignatureSubpacketsParser(
new MemoryStream(hashed, false));
var v = new List();
SignatureSubpacket sub;
while ((sub = sIn.ReadPacket()) != null)
hashedData = v.ToArray();
foreach (var p in hashedData)
if (p is IssuerKeyId issuerKeyId)
keyId = issuerKeyId.KeyId;
else if (p is SignatureCreationTime sigCreationTime)
creationTime = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeToUnixMs(sigCreationTime.GetTime());
int unhashedLength = (bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 8) | bcpgIn.ReadByte();
byte[] unhashed = new byte[unhashedLength];
sIn = new SignatureSubpacketsParser(new MemoryStream(unhashed, false));
while ((sub = sIn.ReadPacket()) != null)
unhashedData = v.ToArray();
foreach (var p in unhashedData)
if (p is IssuerKeyId issuerKeyId)
keyId = issuerKeyId.KeyId;
throw new UnsupportedPacketVersionException("unsupported version: " + version);
fingerprint = new byte[2];
switch (keyAlgorithm)
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.RsaGeneral:
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.RsaSign:
MPInteger v = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
signature = new MPInteger[1]{ v };
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.Dsa:
MPInteger r = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
MPInteger s = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
signature = new MPInteger[2]{ r, s };
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.ElGamalEncrypt: // yep, this really does happen sometimes.
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.ElGamalGeneral:
MPInteger p = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
MPInteger g = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
MPInteger y = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
signature = new MPInteger[3]{ p, g, y };
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.ECDsa:
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.EdDsa:
MPInteger ecR = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
MPInteger ecS = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
signature = new MPInteger[2]{ ecR, ecS };
if (keyAlgorithm < PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.Experimental_1 || keyAlgorithm > PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.Experimental_11)
throw new IOException("unknown signature key algorithm: " + keyAlgorithm);
signature = null;
MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream();
int ch;
while ((ch = bcpgIn.ReadByte()) >= 0)
bOut.WriteByte((byte) ch);
signatureEncoding = bOut.ToArray();
* Generate a version 4 signature packet.
* @param signatureType
* @param keyAlgorithm
* @param hashAlgorithm
* @param hashedData
* @param unhashedData
* @param fingerprint
* @param signature
public SignaturePacket(
int signatureType,
long keyId,
PublicKeyAlgorithmTag keyAlgorithm,
HashAlgorithmTag hashAlgorithm,
SignatureSubpacket[] hashedData,
SignatureSubpacket[] unhashedData,
byte[] fingerprint,
MPInteger[] signature)
: this(4, signatureType, keyId, keyAlgorithm, hashAlgorithm, hashedData, unhashedData, fingerprint, signature)
* Generate a version 2/3 signature packet.
* @param signatureType
* @param keyAlgorithm
* @param hashAlgorithm
* @param fingerprint
* @param signature
public SignaturePacket(
int version,
int signatureType,
long keyId,
PublicKeyAlgorithmTag keyAlgorithm,
HashAlgorithmTag hashAlgorithm,
long creationTime,
byte[] fingerprint,
MPInteger[] signature)
: this(version, signatureType, keyId, keyAlgorithm, hashAlgorithm, null, null, fingerprint, signature)
this.creationTime = creationTime;
public SignaturePacket(
int version,
int signatureType,
long keyId,
PublicKeyAlgorithmTag keyAlgorithm,
HashAlgorithmTag hashAlgorithm,
SignatureSubpacket[] hashedData,
SignatureSubpacket[] unhashedData,
byte[] fingerprint,
MPInteger[] signature)
this.version = version;
this.signatureType = signatureType;
this.keyId = keyId;
this.keyAlgorithm = keyAlgorithm;
this.hashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm;
this.hashedData = hashedData;
this.unhashedData = unhashedData;
this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
this.signature = signature;
if (hashedData != null)
public int Version
get { return version; }
public int SignatureType
get { return signatureType; }
* return the keyId
* @return the keyId that created the signature.
public long KeyId
get { return keyId; }
* return the signature trailer that must be included with the data
* to reconstruct the signature
* @return byte[]
public byte[] GetSignatureTrailer()
if (version == 3)
long time = creationTime / 1000L;
byte[] trailer = new byte[5];
trailer[0] = (byte)signatureType;
trailer[1] = (byte)(time >> 24);
trailer[2] = (byte)(time >> 16);
trailer[3] = (byte)(time >> 8);
trailer[4] = (byte)(time );
return trailer;
MemoryStream sOut = new MemoryStream();
// Mark position an reserve two bytes for length
long lengthPosition = sOut.Position;
SignatureSubpacket[] hashed = GetHashedSubPackets();
for (int i = 0; i != hashed.Length; i++)
ushort dataLength = Convert.ToUInt16(sOut.Position - lengthPosition - 2);
uint hDataLength = Convert.ToUInt32(sOut.Position);
sOut.WriteByte((byte)(hDataLength >> 24));
sOut.WriteByte((byte)(hDataLength >> 16));
sOut.WriteByte((byte)(hDataLength >> 8));
sOut.WriteByte((byte)(hDataLength ));
// Reset position and fill in length
sOut.Position = lengthPosition;
sOut.WriteByte((byte)(dataLength >> 8));
sOut.WriteByte((byte)(dataLength ));
return sOut.ToArray();
public PublicKeyAlgorithmTag KeyAlgorithm
get { return keyAlgorithm; }
public HashAlgorithmTag HashAlgorithm
get { return hashAlgorithm; }
* return the signature as a set of integers - note this is normalised to be the
* ASN.1 encoding of what appears in the signature packet.
public MPInteger[] GetSignature()
return signature;
* Return the byte encoding of the signature section.
* @return uninterpreted signature bytes.
public byte[] GetSignatureBytes()
if (signatureEncoding != null)
return (byte[]) signatureEncoding.Clone();
MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream();
BcpgOutputStream bcOut = new BcpgOutputStream(bOut);
foreach (MPInteger sigObj in signature)
catch (IOException e)
throw new Exception("internal error: " + e);
return bOut.ToArray();
public SignatureSubpacket[] GetHashedSubPackets()
return hashedData;
public SignatureSubpacket[] GetUnhashedSubPackets()
return unhashedData;
/// Return the creation time in milliseconds since 1 Jan., 1970 UTC.
public long CreationTime
get { return creationTime; }
public override void Encode(BcpgOutputStream bcpgOut)
MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream();
using (var pOut = new BcpgOutputStream(bOut))
if (version == 3 || version == 2)
byte nextBlockLength = 5;
pOut.Write(nextBlockLength, (byte)signatureType);
pOut.WriteInt((int)(creationTime / 1000L));
pOut.Write((byte)keyAlgorithm, (byte)hashAlgorithm);
else if (version == 4)
pOut.Write((byte)signatureType, (byte)keyAlgorithm, (byte)hashAlgorithm);
EncodeLengthAndData(pOut, GetEncodedSubpackets(hashedData));
EncodeLengthAndData(pOut, GetEncodedSubpackets(unhashedData));
throw new IOException("unknown version: " + version);
if (signature != null)
bcpgOut.WritePacket(PacketTag.Signature, bOut.ToArray(), true);
private static void EncodeLengthAndData(
BcpgOutputStream pOut,
byte[] data)
pOut.WriteShort((short) data.Length);
private static byte[] GetEncodedSubpackets(
SignatureSubpacket[] ps)
MemoryStream sOut = new MemoryStream();
foreach (SignatureSubpacket p in ps)
return sOut.ToArray();
private void SetCreationTime()
foreach (SignatureSubpacket p in hashedData)
if (p is SignatureCreationTime signatureCreationTime)
creationTime = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeToUnixMs(signatureCreationTime.GetTime());
public static SignaturePacket FromByteArray(byte[] data)
BcpgInputStream input = BcpgInputStream.Wrap(new MemoryStream(data));
return new SignaturePacket(input);