using System; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.IO; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg { /** * Packet representing AEAD encrypted data. At the moment this appears to exist in the following * expired draft only, but it's appearing despite this. * * @ref */ public class AeadEncDataPacket : InputStreamPacket { private readonly byte m_version; private readonly SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag m_algorithm; private readonly AeadAlgorithmTag m_aeadAlgorithm; private readonly byte m_chunkSize; private readonly byte[] m_iv; public AeadEncDataPacket(BcpgInputStream bcpgIn) : base(bcpgIn) { m_version = (byte)bcpgIn.ReadByte(); if (m_version != 1) throw new ArgumentException("wrong AEAD packet version: " + m_version); m_algorithm = (SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag)bcpgIn.ReadByte(); m_aeadAlgorithm = (AeadAlgorithmTag)bcpgIn.ReadByte(); m_chunkSize = (byte)bcpgIn.ReadByte(); m_iv = new byte[GetIVLength(m_aeadAlgorithm)]; bcpgIn.ReadFully(m_iv); } public AeadEncDataPacket(SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag algorithm, AeadAlgorithmTag aeadAlgorithm, int chunkSize, byte[] iv) : base(null) { m_version = 1; m_algorithm = algorithm; m_aeadAlgorithm = aeadAlgorithm; m_chunkSize = (byte)chunkSize; m_iv = Arrays.Clone(iv); } public byte Version => m_version; public SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag Algorithm => m_algorithm; public AeadAlgorithmTag AeadAlgorithm => m_aeadAlgorithm; public int ChunkSize => m_chunkSize; public byte[] GetIV() { return m_iv; } public static int GetIVLength(AeadAlgorithmTag aeadAlgorithm) { switch (aeadAlgorithm) { case AeadAlgorithmTag.Eax: return 16; case AeadAlgorithmTag.Ocb: return 15; case AeadAlgorithmTag.Gcm: return 12; default: throw new ArgumentException("unknown mode: " + aeadAlgorithm); } } } }