using System; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X500; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.SigI { /** * Structure for a name or pseudonym. * *
	*       NameOrPseudonym ::= CHOICE {
	*     	   surAndGivenName SEQUENCE {
	*     	     surName DirectoryString,
	*     	     givenName SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString 
	*         },
	*     	   pseudonym DirectoryString 
	*       }
* * @see org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.sigi.PersonalData * */ public class NameOrPseudonym : Asn1Encodable, IAsn1Choice { private readonly DirectoryString pseudonym; private readonly DirectoryString surname; private readonly Asn1Sequence givenName; public static NameOrPseudonym GetInstance( object obj) { if (obj == null || obj is NameOrPseudonym) { return (NameOrPseudonym)obj; } if (obj is IAsn1String) { return new NameOrPseudonym(DirectoryString.GetInstance(obj)); } if (obj is Asn1Sequence) { return new NameOrPseudonym((Asn1Sequence) obj); } throw new ArgumentException("unknown object in factory: " + Platform.GetTypeName(obj), "obj"); } /** * Constructor from DERString. *

* The sequence is of type NameOrPseudonym: *


		*       NameOrPseudonym ::= CHOICE {
		*     	   surAndGivenName SEQUENCE {
		*     	     surName DirectoryString,
		*     	     givenName SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString
		*         },
		*     	   pseudonym DirectoryString
		*       }
* @param pseudonym pseudonym value to use. */ public NameOrPseudonym( DirectoryString pseudonym) { this.pseudonym = pseudonym; } /** * Constructor from Asn1Sequence. *

* The sequence is of type NameOrPseudonym: *


		*       NameOrPseudonym ::= CHOICE {
		*     	   surAndGivenName SEQUENCE {
		*     	     surName DirectoryString,
		*     	     givenName SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString
		*         },
		*     	   pseudonym DirectoryString
		*       }
* * @param seq The ASN.1 sequence. */ private NameOrPseudonym( Asn1Sequence seq) { if (seq.Count != 2) throw new ArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + seq.Count); if (!(seq[0] is IAsn1String)) throw new ArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + Platform.GetTypeName(seq[0])); surname = DirectoryString.GetInstance(seq[0]); givenName = Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(seq[1]); } /** * Constructor from a given details. * * @param pseudonym The pseudonym. */ public NameOrPseudonym( string pseudonym) : this(new DirectoryString(pseudonym)) { } /** * Constructor from a given details. * * @param surname The surname. * @param givenName A sequence of directory strings making up the givenName */ public NameOrPseudonym( DirectoryString surname, Asn1Sequence givenName) { this.surname = surname; this.givenName = givenName; } public DirectoryString Pseudonym { get { return pseudonym; } } public DirectoryString Surname { get { return surname; } } public DirectoryString[] GetGivenName() { DirectoryString[] items = new DirectoryString[givenName.Count]; int count = 0; foreach (object o in givenName) { items[count++] = DirectoryString.GetInstance(o); } return items; } /** * Produce an object suitable for an Asn1OutputStream. *

* Returns: *


		*       NameOrPseudonym ::= CHOICE {
		*     	   surAndGivenName SEQUENCE {
		*     	     surName DirectoryString,
		*     	     givenName SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString
		*         },
		*     	   pseudonym DirectoryString
		*       }
* * @return an Asn1Object */ public override Asn1Object ToAsn1Object() { if (pseudonym != null) { return pseudonym.ToAsn1Object(); } return new DerSequence(surname, givenName); } } }