using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509 { /** * Generator for Version 2 TbsCertList structures. *
     *  TbsCertList  ::=  Sequence  {
     *       version                 Version OPTIONAL,
     *                                    -- if present, shall be v2
     *       signature               AlgorithmIdentifier,
     *       issuer                  Name,
     *       thisUpdate              Time,
     *       nextUpdate              Time OPTIONAL,
     *       revokedCertificates     Sequence OF Sequence  {
     *            userCertificate         CertificateSerialNumber,
     *            revocationDate          Time,
     *            crlEntryExtensions      Extensions OPTIONAL
     *                                          -- if present, shall be v2
     *                                 }  OPTIONAL,
     *       crlExtensions           [0]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
     *                                          -- if present, shall be v2
     *                                 }
* * Note: This class may be subject to change */ public class V2TbsCertListGenerator { private DerInteger version = DerInteger.One; private AlgorithmIdentifier signature; private X509Name issuer; private Time thisUpdate, nextUpdate; private X509Extensions extensions; private List crlEntries; public V2TbsCertListGenerator() { } public void SetSignature(AlgorithmIdentifier signature) { this.signature = signature; } public void SetIssuer(X509Name issuer) { this.issuer = issuer; } public void SetThisUpdate(Asn1UtcTime thisUpdate) { this.thisUpdate = new Time(thisUpdate); } public void SetNextUpdate(Asn1UtcTime nextUpdate) { this.nextUpdate = (nextUpdate != null) ? new Time(nextUpdate) : null; } public void SetThisUpdate(Time thisUpdate) { this.thisUpdate = thisUpdate; } public void SetNextUpdate(Time nextUpdate) { this.nextUpdate = nextUpdate; } public void AddCrlEntry(Asn1Sequence crlEntry) { if (crlEntries == null) { crlEntries = new List(); } crlEntries.Add(crlEntry); } public void AddCrlEntry(DerInteger userCertificate, Asn1UtcTime revocationDate, int reason) { AddCrlEntry(userCertificate, new Time(revocationDate), reason); } public void AddCrlEntry(DerInteger userCertificate, Time revocationDate, int reason) { AddCrlEntry(userCertificate, revocationDate, reason, null); } public void AddCrlEntry(DerInteger userCertificate, Time revocationDate, int reason, Asn1GeneralizedTime invalidityDate) { var extOids = new List(); var extValues = new List(); if (reason != 0) { CrlReason crlReason = new CrlReason(reason); try { extOids.Add(X509Extensions.ReasonCode); extValues.Add(new X509Extension(false, new DerOctetString(crlReason.GetEncoded()))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ArgumentException("error encoding reason: " + e); } } if (invalidityDate != null) { try { extOids.Add(X509Extensions.InvalidityDate); extValues.Add(new X509Extension(false, new DerOctetString(invalidityDate.GetEncoded()))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ArgumentException("error encoding invalidityDate: " + e); } } if (extOids.Count != 0) { AddCrlEntry(userCertificate, revocationDate, new X509Extensions(extOids, extValues)); } else { AddCrlEntry(userCertificate, revocationDate, null); } } public void AddCrlEntry(DerInteger userCertificate, Time revocationDate, X509Extensions extensions) { Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector(userCertificate, revocationDate); if (extensions != null) { v.Add(extensions); } AddCrlEntry(new DerSequence(v)); } public void SetExtensions(X509Extensions extensions) { this.extensions = extensions; } public Asn1Sequence GeneratePreTbsCertList() { if (signature != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("signature should not be set in PreTBSCertList generator"); if ((issuer == null) || (thisUpdate == null)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not all mandatory fields set in V2 PreTBSCertList generator"); return GenerateTbsCertificateStructure(); } public TbsCertificateList GenerateTbsCertList() { if ((signature == null) || (issuer == null) || (thisUpdate == null)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not all mandatory fields set in V2 TbsCertList generator."); return TbsCertificateList.GetInstance(GenerateTbsCertificateStructure()); } private Asn1Sequence GenerateTbsCertificateStructure() { Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector(7); v.Add(version); v.AddOptional(signature); v.Add(issuer); v.Add(thisUpdate); v.AddOptional(nextUpdate); // Add CRLEntries if they exist if (crlEntries != null && crlEntries.Count > 0) { v.Add(new DerSequence(crlEntries.ToArray())); } v.AddOptionalTagged(true, 0, extensions); return new DerSequence(v); } } }