using System; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X500 { /** * Holding class for the AttributeTypeAndValue structures that make up an RDN. */ public class AttributeTypeAndValue : Asn1Encodable { private readonly DerObjectIdentifier type; private readonly Asn1Encodable value; private AttributeTypeAndValue(Asn1Sequence seq) { type = (DerObjectIdentifier)seq[0]; value = seq[1]; } public static AttributeTypeAndValue GetInstance(object obj) { if (obj is AttributeTypeAndValue) return (AttributeTypeAndValue)obj; if (null != obj) return new AttributeTypeAndValue(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(obj)); throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); } public AttributeTypeAndValue( DerObjectIdentifier type, Asn1Encodable value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } public virtual DerObjectIdentifier Type { get { return type; } } public virtual Asn1Encodable Value { get { return value; } } /** *
         * AttributeTypeAndValue ::= SEQUENCE {
         *           type         OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
         *           value        ANY DEFINED BY type }
* @return a basic ASN.1 object representation. */ public override Asn1Object ToAsn1Object() { return new DerSequence(type, value); } } }