using System; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Pkcs { /** * RFC 5958 * *
     *  OneAsymmetricKey ::= SEQUENCE {
     *      version                   Version,
     *      privateKeyAlgorithm       PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier,
     *      privateKey                PrivateKey,
     *      attributes            [0] Attributes OPTIONAL,
     *      ...,
     *      [[2: publicKey        [1] PublicKey OPTIONAL ]],
     *      ...
     *  }
     *  PrivateKeyInfo ::= OneAsymmetricKey
     *  Version ::= INTEGER { v1(0), v2(1) } (v1, ..., v2)
     *  PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier
     *                                     { PUBLIC-KEY,
     *                                       { PrivateKeyAlgorithms } }
     *  PrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING
     *                     -- Content varies based on type of key.  The
     *                     -- algorithm identifier dictates the format of
     *                     -- the key.
     *  PublicKey ::= BIT STRING
     *                     -- Content varies based on type of key.  The
     *                     -- algorithm identifier dictates the format of
     *                     -- the key.
     *  Attributes ::= SET OF Attribute { { OneAsymmetricKeyAttributes } }
*/ public class PrivateKeyInfo : Asn1Encodable { public static PrivateKeyInfo GetInstance(object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj is PrivateKeyInfo privateKeyInfo) return privateKeyInfo; return new PrivateKeyInfo(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(obj)); } public static PrivateKeyInfo GetInstance(Asn1TaggedObject obj, bool explicitly) => new PrivateKeyInfo(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(obj, explicitly)); public static PrivateKeyInfo GetOptional(Asn1Encodable element) { if (element == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element)); if (element is PrivateKeyInfo privateKeyInfo) return privateKeyInfo; Asn1Sequence asn1Sequence = Asn1Sequence.GetOptional(element); if (asn1Sequence != null) return new PrivateKeyInfo(asn1Sequence); return null; } public static PrivateKeyInfo GetTagged(Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject, bool declaredExplicit) => new PrivateKeyInfo(Asn1Sequence.GetTagged(taggedObject, declaredExplicit)); private readonly DerInteger m_version; private readonly AlgorithmIdentifier m_privateKeyAlgorithm; private readonly Asn1OctetString m_privateKey; private readonly Asn1Set m_attributes; private readonly DerBitString m_publicKey; private PrivateKeyInfo(Asn1Sequence seq) { int count = seq.Count, pos = 0; if (count < 3 || count > 5) throw new ArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + count, nameof(seq)); m_version = DerInteger.GetInstance(seq[pos++]); m_privateKeyAlgorithm = AlgorithmIdentifier.GetInstance(seq[pos++]); m_privateKey = Asn1OctetString.GetInstance(seq[pos++]); m_attributes = Asn1Utilities.ReadOptionalContextTagged(seq, ref pos, 0, false, Asn1Set.GetTagged); m_publicKey = Asn1Utilities.ReadOptionalContextTagged(seq, ref pos, 1, false, DerBitString.GetTagged); if (pos != count) throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected elements in sequence", nameof(seq)); int versionValue = GetVersionValue(m_version); if (m_publicKey != null && versionValue < 1) throw new ArgumentException("'publicKey' requires version v2(1) or later", nameof(seq)); } public PrivateKeyInfo(AlgorithmIdentifier privateKeyAlgorithm, Asn1Encodable privateKey) : this(privateKeyAlgorithm, privateKey, null, null) { } public PrivateKeyInfo(AlgorithmIdentifier privateKeyAlgorithm, Asn1Encodable privateKey, Asn1Set attributes) : this(privateKeyAlgorithm, privateKey, attributes, null) { } public PrivateKeyInfo(AlgorithmIdentifier privateKeyAlgorithm, Asn1Encodable privateKey, Asn1Set attributes, byte[] publicKey) { m_version = new DerInteger(publicKey != null ? 1 : 0); m_privateKeyAlgorithm = privateKeyAlgorithm ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(privateKeyAlgorithm)); m_privateKey = new DerOctetString(privateKey); m_attributes = attributes; m_publicKey = publicKey == null ? null : new DerBitString(publicKey); } public virtual DerInteger Version => m_version; public virtual Asn1Set Attributes => m_attributes; /// Return true if a public key is present, false otherwise. public virtual bool HasPublicKey => m_publicKey != null; public virtual AlgorithmIdentifier PrivateKeyAlgorithm => m_privateKeyAlgorithm; public virtual Asn1OctetString PrivateKey => m_privateKey; [Obsolete("Use 'PrivateKey' instead")] public virtual Asn1OctetString PrivateKeyData => m_privateKey; public virtual int PrivateKeyLength => m_privateKey.GetOctetsLength(); public virtual Asn1Object ParsePrivateKey() => Asn1Object.FromByteArray(m_privateKey.GetOctets()); /// For when the public key is an ASN.1 encoding. public virtual Asn1Object ParsePublicKey() { return m_publicKey == null ? null : Asn1Object.FromByteArray(m_publicKey.GetOctets()); } public virtual DerBitString PublicKey => m_publicKey; /// Return the public key as a raw bit string. [Obsolete("Use 'PublicKey' instead")] public virtual DerBitString PublicKeyData => m_publicKey; public override Asn1Object ToAsn1Object() { Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector(5); v.Add(m_version, m_privateKeyAlgorithm, m_privateKey); v.AddOptionalTagged(false, 0, m_attributes); v.AddOptionalTagged(false, 1, m_publicKey); return new DerSequence(v); } private static int GetVersionValue(DerInteger version) { if (version.TryGetIntPositiveValueExact(out int value)) { if (value >= 0 && value <= 1) return value; } throw new ArgumentException("Invalid version for PrivateKeyInfo", nameof(version)); } } }