using System; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Crmf { public class PopoPrivKey : Asn1Encodable, IAsn1Choice { public const int thisMessage = 0; public const int subsequentMessage = 1; public const int dhMAC = 2; public const int agreeMAC = 3; public const int encryptedKey = 4; public static PopoPrivKey GetInstance(object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj is Asn1Encodable element) { var result = GetOptional(element); if (result != null) return result; } throw new ArgumentException("Invalid object: " + Platform.GetTypeName(obj), nameof(obj)); } public static PopoPrivKey GetInstance(Asn1TaggedObject tagged, bool isExplicit) => Asn1Utilities.GetInstanceChoice(tagged, isExplicit, GetInstance); public static PopoPrivKey GetOptional(Asn1Encodable element) { if (element == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element)); if (element is PopoPrivKey popoPrivKey) return popoPrivKey; if (element is Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject) { Asn1Encodable baseObject = GetOptionalBaseObject(taggedObject); if (baseObject != null) return new PopoPrivKey(taggedObject.TagNo, baseObject); } return null; } public static PopoPrivKey GetTagged(Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject, bool declaredExplicit) => Asn1Utilities.GetTaggedChoice(taggedObject, declaredExplicit, GetInstance); private static Asn1Encodable GetOptionalBaseObject(Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject) { if (taggedObject.HasContextTag()) { switch (taggedObject.TagNo) { case thisMessage: case dhMAC: return DerBitString.GetInstance(taggedObject, false); case subsequentMessage: return SubsequentMessage.ValueOf(DerInteger.GetInstance(taggedObject, false).IntValueExact); case agreeMAC: return PKMacValue.GetInstance(taggedObject, false); case encryptedKey: return EnvelopedData.GetInstance(taggedObject, false); } } return null; } private readonly int m_tagNo; private readonly Asn1Encodable m_obj; private PopoPrivKey(int tagNo, Asn1Encodable obj) { m_tagNo = tagNo; m_obj = obj ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj)); } public PopoPrivKey(PKMacValue pkMacValue) : this(agreeMAC, pkMacValue) { } public PopoPrivKey(SubsequentMessage msg) : this(subsequentMessage, msg) { } public virtual int Type => m_tagNo; public virtual Asn1Encodable Value => m_obj; /** *
         * PopoPrivKey ::= CHOICE {
         *        thisMessage       [0] BIT STRING,         -- Deprecated
         *         -- possession is proven in this message (which contains the private
         *         -- key itself (encrypted for the CA))
         *        subsequentMessage [1] SubsequentMessage,
         *         -- possession will be proven in a subsequent message
         *        dhMAC             [2] BIT STRING,         -- Deprecated
         *        agreeMAC          [3] PKMACValue,
         *        encryptedKey      [4] EnvelopedData }
*/ public override Asn1Object ToAsn1Object() => new DerTaggedObject(false, m_tagNo, m_obj); } }