using System; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms { public class AuthenticatedData : Asn1Encodable { public static AuthenticatedData GetInstance(object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj is AuthenticatedData authenticatedData) return authenticatedData; return new AuthenticatedData(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(obj)); } public static AuthenticatedData GetInstance(Asn1TaggedObject obj, bool isExplicit) { return new AuthenticatedData(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(obj, isExplicit)); } private readonly DerInteger m_version; private readonly OriginatorInfo m_originatorInfo; private readonly Asn1Set m_recipientInfos; private readonly AlgorithmIdentifier m_macAlgorithm; private readonly AlgorithmIdentifier m_digestAlgorithm; private readonly ContentInfo m_encapsulatedContentInfo; private readonly Asn1Set m_authAttrs; private readonly Asn1OctetString m_mac; private readonly Asn1Set m_unauthAttrs; public AuthenticatedData(OriginatorInfo originatorInfo, Asn1Set recipientInfos, AlgorithmIdentifier macAlgorithm, AlgorithmIdentifier digestAlgorithm, ContentInfo encapsulatedContent, Asn1Set authAttrs, Asn1OctetString mac, Asn1Set unauthAttrs) { if ((digestAlgorithm == null) != (authAttrs == null)) throw new ArgumentException("digestAlgorithm and authAttrs must be set together"); m_version = CalculateVersionField(originatorInfo); m_originatorInfo = originatorInfo; m_macAlgorithm = macAlgorithm ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(macAlgorithm)); m_digestAlgorithm = digestAlgorithm; m_recipientInfos = recipientInfos ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(recipientInfos)); m_encapsulatedContentInfo = encapsulatedContent ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(encapsulatedContent)); m_authAttrs = authAttrs; m_mac = mac ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mac)); m_unauthAttrs = unauthAttrs; } private AuthenticatedData(Asn1Sequence seq) { int count = seq.Count, pos = 0; if (count < 5 || count > 9) throw new ArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + count, nameof(seq)); m_version = DerInteger.GetInstance(seq[pos++]); m_originatorInfo = Asn1Utilities.ReadOptionalContextTagged(seq, ref pos, 0, false, OriginatorInfo.GetTagged); m_recipientInfos = Asn1Set.GetInstance(seq[pos++]); m_macAlgorithm = AlgorithmIdentifier.GetInstance(seq[pos++]); m_digestAlgorithm = Asn1Utilities.ReadOptionalContextTagged(seq, ref pos, 1, false, AlgorithmIdentifier.GetTagged); m_encapsulatedContentInfo = ContentInfo.GetInstance(seq[pos++]); m_authAttrs = Asn1Utilities.ReadOptionalContextTagged(seq, ref pos, 2, false, Asn1Set.GetTagged); m_mac = Asn1OctetString.GetInstance(seq[pos++]); m_unauthAttrs = Asn1Utilities.ReadOptionalContextTagged(seq, ref pos, 3, false, Asn1Set.GetTagged); if (pos != count) throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected elements in sequence", nameof(seq)); } public DerInteger Version => m_version; public OriginatorInfo OriginatorInfo => m_originatorInfo; public Asn1Set RecipientInfos => m_recipientInfos; public AlgorithmIdentifier MacAlgorithm => m_macAlgorithm; public AlgorithmIdentifier DigestAlgorithm => m_digestAlgorithm; public ContentInfo EncapsulatedContentInfo => m_encapsulatedContentInfo; public Asn1Set AuthAttrs => m_authAttrs; public Asn1OctetString Mac => m_mac; public Asn1Set UnauthAttrs => m_unauthAttrs; /** * Produce an object suitable for an Asn1OutputStream. *
		 * AuthenticatedData ::= SEQUENCE {
		 *       version CMSVersion,
		 *       originatorInfo [0] IMPLICIT OriginatorInfo OPTIONAL,
		 *       recipientInfos RecipientInfos,
		 *       macAlgorithm MessageAuthenticationCodeAlgorithm,
		 *       digestAlgorithm [1] DigestAlgorithmIdentifier OPTIONAL,
		 *       encapContentInfo EncapsulatedContentInfo,
		 *       authAttrs [2] IMPLICIT AuthAttributes OPTIONAL,
		 *       mac MessageAuthenticationCode,
		 *       unauthAttrs [3] IMPLICIT UnauthAttributes OPTIONAL }
		 * AuthAttributes ::= SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF Attribute
		 * UnauthAttributes ::= SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF Attribute
		 * MessageAuthenticationCode ::= OCTET STRING
*/ public override Asn1Object ToAsn1Object() { Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector(9); v.Add(m_version); v.AddOptionalTagged(false, 0, m_originatorInfo); v.Add(m_recipientInfos, m_macAlgorithm); v.AddOptionalTagged(false, 1, m_digestAlgorithm); v.Add(m_encapsulatedContentInfo); v.AddOptionalTagged(false, 2, m_authAttrs); v.Add(m_mac); v.AddOptionalTagged(false, 3, m_unauthAttrs); return new BerSequence(v); } public static int CalculateVersion(OriginatorInfo origInfo) => CalculateVersionField(origInfo).IntValueExact; private static DerInteger CalculateVersionField(OriginatorInfo originatorInfo) { /* * IF (originatorInfo is present) AND * ((any certificates with a type of other are present) OR * (any crls with a type of other are present)) * THEN version is 3 * ELSE * IF ((originatorInfo is present) AND * (any version 2 attribute certificates are present)) * THEN version is 1 * ELSE version is 0 */ if (originatorInfo != null) { var crls = originatorInfo.Crls; if (crls != null) { foreach (var element in crls) { var tagged = Asn1TaggedObject.GetOptional(element); if (tagged != null) { // RevocationInfoChoice.other if (tagged.HasContextTag(1)) return DerInteger.Three; } } } var certs = originatorInfo.Certificates; if (certs != null) { bool anyV2AttrCerts = false; foreach (var element in certs) { var tagged = Asn1TaggedObject.GetOptional(element); if (tagged != null) { // CertificateChoices.other if (tagged.HasContextTag(3)) return DerInteger.Three; // CertificateChoices.v2AttrCert anyV2AttrCerts = anyV2AttrCerts || tagged.HasContextTag(2); } } if (anyV2AttrCerts) return DerInteger.One; } } return DerInteger.Zero; } } }