using System; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms { /** * Produce an object suitable for an Asn1OutputStream. * *
	 * AuthEnvelopedData ::= SEQUENCE {
	 *   version CMSVersion,
	 *   originatorInfo [0] IMPLICIT OriginatorInfo OPTIONAL,
	 *   recipientInfos RecipientInfos,
	 *   authEncryptedContentInfo EncryptedContentInfo,
	 *   authAttrs [1] IMPLICIT AuthAttributes OPTIONAL,
	 *   mac MessageAuthenticationCode,
	 *   unauthAttrs [2] IMPLICIT UnauthAttributes OPTIONAL }
*/ public class AuthEnvelopedDataParser { private Asn1SequenceParser seq; private DerInteger version; private IAsn1Convertible nextObject; private bool originatorInfoCalled; private bool isData; public AuthEnvelopedDataParser( Asn1SequenceParser seq) { this.seq = seq; // "It MUST be set to 0." this.version = (DerInteger)seq.ReadObject(); if (!version.HasValue(0)) throw new Asn1ParsingException("AuthEnvelopedData version number must be 0"); } public DerInteger Version { get { return version; } } public OriginatorInfo GetOriginatorInfo() { originatorInfoCalled = true; if (nextObject == null) { nextObject = seq.ReadObject(); } if (nextObject is Asn1TaggedObjectParser o) { if (o.HasContextTag(0)) { Asn1SequenceParser originatorInfo = (Asn1SequenceParser)o.ParseBaseUniversal(false, Asn1Tags.Sequence); nextObject = null; return OriginatorInfo.GetInstance(originatorInfo.ToAsn1Object()); } } return null; } public Asn1SetParser GetRecipientInfos() { if (!originatorInfoCalled) { GetOriginatorInfo(); } if (nextObject == null) { nextObject = seq.ReadObject(); } Asn1SetParser recipientInfos = (Asn1SetParser)nextObject; nextObject = null; return recipientInfos; } public EncryptedContentInfoParser GetAuthEncryptedContentInfo() { if (nextObject == null) { nextObject = seq.ReadObject(); } if (nextObject != null) { Asn1SequenceParser o = (Asn1SequenceParser) nextObject; nextObject = null; EncryptedContentInfoParser encryptedContentInfoParser = new EncryptedContentInfoParser(o); isData = CmsObjectIdentifiers.Data.Equals(encryptedContentInfoParser.ContentType); return encryptedContentInfoParser; } return null; } public Asn1SetParser GetAuthAttrs() { if (nextObject == null) { nextObject = seq.ReadObject(); } if (nextObject is Asn1TaggedObjectParser o) { nextObject = null; return (Asn1SetParser)Asn1Utilities.ParseContextBaseUniversal(o, 1, false, Asn1Tags.SetOf); } // "The authAttrs MUST be present if the content type carried in EncryptedContentInfo is not id-data." if (!isData) throw new Asn1ParsingException("authAttrs must be present with non-data content"); return null; } public Asn1OctetString GetMac() { if (nextObject == null) { nextObject = seq.ReadObject(); } IAsn1Convertible o = nextObject; nextObject = null; return Asn1OctetString.GetInstance(o.ToAsn1Object()); } public Asn1SetParser GetUnauthAttrs() { if (nextObject == null) { nextObject = seq.ReadObject(); } if (nextObject != null) { Asn1TaggedObjectParser o = (Asn1TaggedObjectParser)nextObject; nextObject = null; return (Asn1SetParser)Asn1Utilities.ParseContextBaseUniversal(o, 2, false, Asn1Tags.SetOf); } return null; } } }