using System; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cmp { /** * GenMsg: {id-it TBD1}, SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF CRLStatus * GenRep: {id-it TBD2}, SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF * CertificateList | < absent > *
* CRLSource ::= CHOICE { * dpn [0] DistributionPointName, * issuer [1] GeneralNames } *
*/ public class CrlSource : Asn1Encodable, IAsn1Choice { public static CrlSource GetInstance(object obj) { if (obj is CrlSource crlSource) return crlSource; if (obj != null) return new CrlSource(Asn1TaggedObject.GetInstance(obj)); return null; } private readonly DistributionPointName m_dpn; private readonly GeneralNames m_issuer; private CrlSource(Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject) { switch (taggedObject.TagNo) { case 0: m_dpn = DistributionPointName.GetInstance(taggedObject, true); m_issuer = null; break; case 1: m_dpn = null; m_issuer = GeneralNames.GetInstance(taggedObject, true); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("unknown tag: " + Asn1Utilities.GetTagText(taggedObject)); } } public CrlSource(DistributionPointName dpn, GeneralNames issuer) { if ((dpn == null) == (issuer == null)) throw new ArgumentException("either dpn or issuer must be set"); m_dpn = dpn; m_issuer = issuer; } public virtual DistributionPointName Dpn => m_dpn; public virtual GeneralNames Issuer => m_issuer; public override Asn1Object ToAsn1Object() { if (m_dpn != null) return new DerTaggedObject(true, 0, m_dpn); return new DerTaggedObject(true, 1, m_issuer); } } }