using System; using System.IO; using Org.BouncyCastle.Math; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1 { public class DerInteger : Asn1Object { internal class Meta : Asn1UniversalType { internal static readonly Asn1UniversalType Instance = new Meta(); private Meta() : base(typeof(DerInteger), Asn1Tags.Integer) {} internal override Asn1Object FromImplicitPrimitive(DerOctetString octetString) { return CreatePrimitive(octetString.GetOctets()); } } public const string AllowUnsafeProperty = "Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.AllowUnsafeInteger"; public static readonly DerInteger Zero = new DerInteger(0); public static readonly DerInteger One = new DerInteger(1); public static readonly DerInteger Two = new DerInteger(2); public static readonly DerInteger Three = new DerInteger(3); public static readonly DerInteger Four = new DerInteger(4); public static readonly DerInteger Five = new DerInteger(5); internal static bool AllowUnsafe() { string allowUnsafeValue = Platform.GetEnvironmentVariable(AllowUnsafeProperty); return allowUnsafeValue != null && Platform.EqualsIgnoreCase("true", allowUnsafeValue); } internal const int SignExtSigned = -1; internal const int SignExtUnsigned = 0xFF; private readonly byte[] bytes; private readonly int start; /** * return an integer from the passed in object * * @exception ArgumentException if the object cannot be converted. */ public static DerInteger GetInstance(object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj is DerInteger derInteger) return derInteger; if (obj is IAsn1Convertible asn1Convertible) { if (!(obj is Asn1Object) && asn1Convertible.ToAsn1Object() is DerInteger converted) return converted; } else if (obj is byte[] bytes) { try { return (DerInteger)Meta.Instance.FromByteArray(bytes); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ArgumentException("failed to construct integer from byte[]: " + e.Message); } } throw new ArgumentException("illegal object in GetInstance: " + Platform.GetTypeName(obj)); } /** * return an Integer from a tagged object. * * @param taggedObject the tagged object holding the object we want * @param declaredExplicit true if the object is meant to be explicitly tagged false otherwise. * @exception ArgumentException if the tagged object cannot be converted. */ public static DerInteger GetInstance(Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject, bool declaredExplicit) { return (DerInteger)Meta.Instance.GetContextInstance(taggedObject, declaredExplicit); } public static DerInteger GetOptional(Asn1Encodable element) { if (element == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element)); if (element is DerInteger existing) return existing; return null; } public static DerInteger GetTagged(Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject, bool declaredExplicit) { return (DerInteger)Meta.Instance.GetTagged(taggedObject, declaredExplicit); } public DerInteger(int value) { this.bytes = BigInteger.ValueOf(value).ToByteArray(); this.start = 0; } public DerInteger(long value) { this.bytes = BigInteger.ValueOf(value).ToByteArray(); this.start = 0; } public DerInteger(BigInteger value) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); this.bytes = value.ToByteArray(); this.start = 0; } public DerInteger(byte[] bytes) : this(bytes, true) { } internal DerInteger(byte[] bytes, bool clone) { if (IsMalformed(bytes)) throw new ArgumentException("malformed integer", "bytes"); this.bytes = clone ? Arrays.Clone(bytes) : bytes; this.start = SignBytesToSkip(bytes); } /** * in some cases positive values Get crammed into a space, * that's not quite big enough... */ public BigInteger PositiveValue { get { return new BigInteger(1, bytes); } } public BigInteger Value { get { return new BigInteger(bytes); } } public bool HasValue(int x) { return (bytes.Length - start) <= 4 && IntValue(bytes, start, SignExtSigned) == x; } public bool HasValue(long x) { return (bytes.Length - start) <= 8 && LongValue(bytes, start, SignExtSigned) == x; } public bool HasValue(BigInteger x) { return null != x // Fast check to avoid allocation && IntValue(bytes, start, SignExtSigned) == x.IntValue && Value.Equals(x); } public int IntPositiveValueExact { get { int count = bytes.Length - start; if (count > 4 || (count == 4 && 0 != (bytes[start] & 0x80))) throw new ArithmeticException("ASN.1 Integer out of positive int range"); return IntValue(bytes, start, SignExtUnsigned); } } public int IntValueExact { get { int count = bytes.Length - start; if (count > 4) throw new ArithmeticException("ASN.1 Integer out of int range"); return IntValue(bytes, start, SignExtSigned); } } public long LongValueExact { get { int count = bytes.Length - start; if (count > 8) throw new ArithmeticException("ASN.1 Integer out of long range"); return LongValue(bytes, start, SignExtSigned); } } public bool TryGetIntPositiveValueExact(out int value) { int count = bytes.Length - start; if (count > 4 || (count == 4 && 0 != (bytes[start] & 0x80))) { value = default; return false; } value = IntValue(bytes, start, SignExtUnsigned); return true; } public bool TryGetIntValueExact(out int value) { int count = bytes.Length - start; if (count > 4) { value = default; return false; } value = IntValue(bytes, start, SignExtSigned); return true; } public bool TryGetLongValueExact(out long value) { int count = bytes.Length - start; if (count > 8) { value = default; return false; } value = LongValue(bytes, start, SignExtSigned); return true; } internal override IAsn1Encoding GetEncoding(int encoding) { return new PrimitiveEncoding(Asn1Tags.Universal, Asn1Tags.Integer, bytes); } internal override IAsn1Encoding GetEncodingImplicit(int encoding, int tagClass, int tagNo) { return new PrimitiveEncoding(tagClass, tagNo, bytes); } internal sealed override DerEncoding GetEncodingDer() { return new PrimitiveDerEncoding(Asn1Tags.Universal, Asn1Tags.Integer, bytes); } internal sealed override DerEncoding GetEncodingDerImplicit(int tagClass, int tagNo) { return new PrimitiveDerEncoding(tagClass, tagNo, bytes); } protected override int Asn1GetHashCode() { return Arrays.GetHashCode(bytes); } protected override bool Asn1Equals(Asn1Object asn1Object) { DerInteger other = asn1Object as DerInteger; if (other == null) return false; return Arrays.AreEqual(this.bytes, other.bytes); } public override string ToString() { return Value.ToString(); } internal static DerInteger CreatePrimitive(byte[] contents) { return new DerInteger(contents, false); } internal static int GetEncodingLength(BigInteger x) { return Asn1OutputStream.GetLengthOfEncodingDL(Asn1Tags.Integer, BigIntegers.GetByteLength(x)); } internal static int IntValue(byte[] bytes, int start, int signExt) { int length = bytes.Length; int pos = System.Math.Max(start, length - 4); int val = (sbyte)bytes[pos] & signExt; while (++pos < length) { val = (val << 8) | bytes[pos]; } return val; } internal static long LongValue(byte[] bytes, int start, int signExt) { int length = bytes.Length; int pos = System.Math.Max(start, length - 8); long val = (sbyte)bytes[pos] & signExt; while (++pos < length) { val = (val << 8) | bytes[pos]; } return val; } /** * Apply the correct validation for an INTEGER primitive following the BER rules. * * @param bytes The raw encoding of the integer. * @return true if the (in)put fails this validation. */ internal static bool IsMalformed(byte[] bytes) { switch (bytes.Length) { case 0: return true; case 1: return false; default: return (sbyte)bytes[0] == ((sbyte)bytes[1] >> 7) && !AllowUnsafe(); } } internal static int SignBytesToSkip(byte[] bytes) { int pos = 0, last = bytes.Length - 1; while (pos < last && (sbyte)bytes[pos] == ((sbyte)bytes[pos + 1] >> 7)) { ++pos; } return pos; } } }