using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Org.BouncyCastle.Math; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1 { public class DerBitString : DerStringBase, Asn1BitStringParser { internal class Meta : Asn1UniversalType { internal static readonly Asn1UniversalType Instance = new Meta(); private Meta() : base(typeof(DerBitString), Asn1Tags.BitString) { } internal override Asn1Object FromImplicitPrimitive(DerOctetString octetString) { return CreatePrimitive(octetString.GetOctets()); } internal override Asn1Object FromImplicitConstructed(Asn1Sequence sequence) { return sequence.ToAsn1BitString(); } } private static readonly char[] table = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; public static DerBitString GetInstance(object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj is DerBitString derBitString) return derBitString; if (obj is IAsn1Convertible asn1Convertible) { Asn1Object asn1Object = asn1Convertible.ToAsn1Object(); if (asn1Object is DerBitString converted) return converted; } else if (obj is byte[] bytes) { try { return GetInstance(FromByteArray(bytes)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ArgumentException("failed to construct BIT STRING from byte[]: " + e.Message); } } throw new ArgumentException("illegal object in GetInstance: " + Platform.GetTypeName(obj)); } public static DerBitString GetInstance(Asn1TaggedObject obj, bool isExplicit) { return (DerBitString)Meta.Instance.GetContextInstance(obj, isExplicit); } internal readonly byte[] contents; public DerBitString(byte data, int padBits) { if (padBits > 7 || padBits < 0) throw new ArgumentException("pad bits cannot be greater than 7 or less than 0", "padBits"); this.contents = new byte[] { (byte)padBits, data }; } public DerBitString(byte[] data) : this(data, 0) { } /** * @param data the octets making up the bit string. * @param padBits the number of extra bits at the end of the string. */ public DerBitString(byte[] data, int padBits) { if (data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("data"); if (padBits < 0 || padBits > 7) throw new ArgumentException("must be in the range 0 to 7", "padBits"); if (data.Length == 0 && padBits != 0) throw new ArgumentException("if 'data' is empty, 'padBits' must be 0"); this.contents = Arrays.Prepend(data, (byte)padBits); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER public DerBitString(ReadOnlySpan data) : this(data, 0) { } public DerBitString(ReadOnlySpan data, int padBits) { if (padBits < 0 || padBits > 7) throw new ArgumentException("must be in the range 0 to 7", "padBits"); if (data.IsEmpty && padBits != 0) throw new ArgumentException("if 'data' is empty, 'padBits' must be 0"); this.contents = Arrays.Prepend(data, (byte)padBits); } #endif public DerBitString(int namedBits) { if (namedBits == 0) { this.contents = new byte[]{ 0 }; return; } int bits = 32 - Integers.NumberOfLeadingZeros(namedBits); int bytes = (bits + 7) / 8; Debug.Assert(0 < bytes && bytes <= 4); byte[] data = new byte[1 + bytes]; for (int i = 1; i < bytes; i++) { data[i] = (byte)namedBits; namedBits >>= 8; } Debug.Assert((namedBits & 0xFF) != 0); data[bytes] = (byte)namedBits; int padBits = 0; while ((namedBits & (1 << padBits)) == 0) { ++padBits; } Debug.Assert(padBits < 8); data[0] = (byte)padBits; this.contents = data; } public DerBitString(Asn1Encodable obj) : this(obj.GetDerEncoded()) { } internal DerBitString(byte[] contents, bool check) { if (check) { if (null == contents) throw new ArgumentNullException("contents"); if (contents.Length < 1) throw new ArgumentException("cannot be empty", "contents"); int padBits = contents[0]; if (padBits > 0) { if (contents.Length < 2) throw new ArgumentException("zero length data with non-zero pad bits", "contents"); if (padBits > 7) throw new ArgumentException("pad bits cannot be greater than 7 or less than 0", "contents"); } } this.contents = contents; } /** * Return the octets contained in this BIT STRING, checking that this BIT STRING really * does represent an octet aligned string. Only use this method when the standard you are * following dictates that the BIT STRING will be octet aligned. * * @return a copy of the octet aligned data. */ public virtual byte[] GetOctets() { if (contents[0] != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("attempt to get non-octet aligned data from BIT STRING"); return Arrays.CopyOfRange(contents, 1, contents.Length); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER internal ReadOnlyMemory GetOctetsMemory() { if (contents[0] != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("attempt to get non-octet aligned data from BIT STRING"); return contents.AsMemory(1); } internal ReadOnlySpan GetOctetsSpan() { if (contents[0] != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("attempt to get non-octet aligned data from BIT STRING"); return contents.AsSpan(1); } #endif public virtual byte[] GetBytes() { if (contents.Length == 1) return Asn1OctetString.EmptyOctets; int padBits = contents[0]; byte[] rv = Arrays.CopyOfRange(contents, 1, contents.Length); // DER requires pad bits be zero rv[rv.Length - 1] &= (byte)(0xFF << padBits); return rv; } public virtual int PadBits { get { return contents[0]; } } /** * @return the value of the bit string as an int (truncating if necessary) */ public virtual int IntValue { get { int value = 0, end = System.Math.Min(5, contents.Length - 1); for (int i = 1; i < end; ++i) { value |= (int)contents[i] << (8 * (i - 1)); } if (1 <= end && end < 5) { int padBits = contents[0]; byte der = (byte)(contents[end] & (0xFF << padBits)); value |= (int)der << (8 * (end - 1)); } return value; } } internal override IAsn1Encoding GetEncoding(int encoding) { int padBits = contents[0]; if (padBits != 0) { int last = contents.Length - 1; byte lastBer = contents[last]; byte lastDer = (byte)(lastBer & (0xFF << padBits)); if (lastBer != lastDer) return new PrimitiveEncodingSuffixed(Asn1Tags.Universal, Asn1Tags.BitString, contents, lastDer); } return new PrimitiveEncoding(Asn1Tags.Universal, Asn1Tags.BitString, contents); } internal override IAsn1Encoding GetEncodingImplicit(int encoding, int tagClass, int tagNo) { int padBits = contents[0]; if (padBits != 0) { int last = contents.Length - 1; byte lastBer = contents[last]; byte lastDer = (byte)(lastBer & (0xFF << padBits)); if (lastBer != lastDer) return new PrimitiveEncodingSuffixed(tagClass, tagNo, contents, lastDer); } return new PrimitiveEncoding(tagClass, tagNo, contents); } internal sealed override DerEncoding GetEncodingDer() { int padBits = contents[0]; if (padBits != 0) { int last = contents.Length - 1; byte lastBer = contents[last]; byte lastDer = (byte)(lastBer & (0xFF << padBits)); if (lastBer != lastDer) return new PrimitiveDerEncodingSuffixed(Asn1Tags.Universal, Asn1Tags.BitString, contents, lastDer); } return new PrimitiveDerEncoding(Asn1Tags.Universal, Asn1Tags.BitString, contents); } internal sealed override DerEncoding GetEncodingDerImplicit(int tagClass, int tagNo) { int padBits = contents[0]; if (padBits != 0) { int last = contents.Length - 1; byte lastBer = contents[last]; byte lastDer = (byte)(lastBer & (0xFF << padBits)); if (lastBer != lastDer) return new PrimitiveDerEncodingSuffixed(tagClass, tagNo, contents, lastDer); } return new PrimitiveDerEncoding(tagClass, tagNo, contents); } protected override int Asn1GetHashCode() { if (contents.Length < 2) return 1; int padBits = contents[0]; int last = contents.Length - 1; byte lastDer = (byte)(contents[last] & (0xFF << padBits)); int hc = Arrays.GetHashCode(contents, 0, last); hc *= 257; hc ^= lastDer; return hc; } protected override bool Asn1Equals(Asn1Object asn1Object) { DerBitString that = asn1Object as DerBitString; if (null == that) return false; byte[] thisContents = this.contents, thatContents = that.contents; int length = thisContents.Length; if (thatContents.Length != length) return false; if (length == 1) return true; int last = length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < last; ++i) { if (thisContents[i] != thatContents[i]) return false; } int padBits = thisContents[0]; byte thisLastDer = (byte)(thisContents[last] & (0xFF << padBits)); byte thatLastDer = (byte)(thatContents[last] & (0xFF << padBits)); return thisLastDer == thatLastDer; } public Stream GetBitStream() { return new MemoryStream(contents, 1, contents.Length - 1, false); } public Stream GetOctetStream() { int padBits = contents[0] & 0xFF; if (0 != padBits) throw new IOException("expected octet-aligned bitstring, but found padBits: " + padBits); return GetBitStream(); } public Asn1BitStringParser Parser { get { return this; } } public override string GetString() { byte[] str = GetDerEncoded(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(1 + str.Length * 2); buffer.Append('#'); for (int i = 0; i != str.Length; i++) { uint u8 = str[i]; buffer.Append(table[u8 >> 4]); buffer.Append(table[u8 & 0xF]); } return buffer.ToString(); } internal static DerBitString CreatePrimitive(byte[] contents) { int length = contents.Length; if (length < 1) throw new ArgumentException("truncated BIT STRING detected", "contents"); int padBits = contents[0]; if (padBits > 0) { if (padBits > 7 || length < 2) throw new ArgumentException("invalid pad bits detected", "contents"); byte finalOctet = contents[length - 1]; if (finalOctet != (byte)(finalOctet & (0xFF << padBits))) return new DLBitString(contents, false); } return new DerBitString(contents, false); } } }