using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Org.BouncyCastle.Math; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1 { public class Asn1RelativeOid : Asn1Object { internal class Meta : Asn1UniversalType { internal static readonly Asn1UniversalType Instance = new Meta(); private Meta() : base(typeof(Asn1RelativeOid), Asn1Tags.RelativeOid) {} internal override Asn1Object FromImplicitPrimitive(DerOctetString octetString) { return CreatePrimitive(octetString.GetOctets(), false); } } public static Asn1RelativeOid FromContents(byte[] contents) { return CreatePrimitive(contents, true); } public static Asn1RelativeOid GetInstance(object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj is Asn1RelativeOid asn1RelativeOid) return asn1RelativeOid; if (obj is IAsn1Convertible asn1Convertible) { Asn1Object asn1Object = asn1Convertible.ToAsn1Object(); if (asn1Object is Asn1RelativeOid converted) return converted; } else if (obj is byte[] bytes) { try { return (Asn1RelativeOid)FromByteArray(bytes); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ArgumentException("failed to construct relative OID from byte[]: " + e.Message); } } throw new ArgumentException("illegal object in GetInstance: " + Platform.GetTypeName(obj), "obj"); } public static Asn1RelativeOid GetInstance(Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject, bool declaredExplicit) { return (Asn1RelativeOid)Meta.Instance.GetContextInstance(taggedObject, declaredExplicit); } private const long LongLimit = (long.MaxValue >> 7) - 0x7F; private readonly string identifier; private byte[] contents; public Asn1RelativeOid(string identifier) { if (identifier == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("identifier"); if (!IsValidIdentifier(identifier, 0)) throw new FormatException("string " + identifier + " not a relative OID"); this.identifier = identifier; } private Asn1RelativeOid(Asn1RelativeOid oid, string branchID) { if (!IsValidIdentifier(branchID, 0)) throw new FormatException("string " + branchID + " not a valid relative OID branch"); this.identifier = oid.Id + "." + branchID; } private Asn1RelativeOid(byte[] contents, bool clone) { this.identifier = ParseContents(contents); this.contents = clone ? Arrays.Clone(contents) : contents; } public virtual Asn1RelativeOid Branch(string branchID) { return new Asn1RelativeOid(this, branchID); } public string Id { get { return identifier; } } public override string ToString() { return identifier; } protected override bool Asn1Equals(Asn1Object asn1Object) { Asn1RelativeOid that = asn1Object as Asn1RelativeOid; return null != that && this.identifier == that.identifier; } protected override int Asn1GetHashCode() { return identifier.GetHashCode(); } internal override IAsn1Encoding GetEncoding(int encoding) { return new PrimitiveEncoding(Asn1Tags.Universal, Asn1Tags.RelativeOid, GetContents()); } internal override IAsn1Encoding GetEncodingImplicit(int encoding, int tagClass, int tagNo) { return new PrimitiveEncoding(tagClass, tagNo, GetContents()); } internal sealed override DerEncoding GetEncodingDer() { return new PrimitiveDerEncoding(Asn1Tags.Universal, Asn1Tags.RelativeOid, GetContents()); } internal sealed override DerEncoding GetEncodingDerImplicit(int tagClass, int tagNo) { return new PrimitiveDerEncoding(tagClass, tagNo, GetContents()); } private byte[] GetContents() => Objects.EnsureSingletonInitialized(ref contents, identifier, CreateContents); private static byte[] CreateContents(string identifier) { MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream(); OidTokenizer tok = new OidTokenizer(identifier); while (tok.HasMoreTokens) { string token = tok.NextToken(); if (token.Length <= 18) { WriteField(bOut, long.Parse(token)); } else { WriteField(bOut, new BigInteger(token)); } } return bOut.ToArray(); } internal static Asn1RelativeOid CreatePrimitive(byte[] contents, bool clone) { return new Asn1RelativeOid(contents, clone); } internal static bool IsValidIdentifier(string identifier, int from) { int digitCount = 0; int pos = identifier.Length; while (--pos >= from) { char ch = identifier[pos]; if (ch == '.') { if (0 == digitCount || (digitCount > 1 && identifier[pos + 1] == '0')) return false; digitCount = 0; } else if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { ++digitCount; } else { return false; } } if (0 == digitCount || (digitCount > 1 && identifier[pos + 1] == '0')) return false; return true; } internal static void WriteField(Stream outputStream, long fieldValue) { #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span result = stackalloc byte[9]; #else byte[] result = new byte[9]; #endif int pos = 8; result[pos] = (byte)((int)fieldValue & 0x7F); while (fieldValue >= (1L << 7)) { fieldValue >>= 7; result[--pos] = (byte)((int)fieldValue | 0x80); } #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER outputStream.Write(result[pos..]); #else outputStream.Write(result, pos, 9 - pos); #endif } internal static void WriteField(Stream outputStream, BigInteger fieldValue) { int byteCount = (fieldValue.BitLength + 6) / 7; if (byteCount == 0) { outputStream.WriteByte(0); } else { BigInteger tmpValue = fieldValue; #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER Span tmp = byteCount <= 16 ? stackalloc byte[byteCount] : new byte[byteCount]; #else byte[] tmp = new byte[byteCount]; #endif for (int i = byteCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tmp[i] = (byte)(tmpValue.IntValue | 0x80); tmpValue = tmpValue.ShiftRight(7); } tmp[byteCount - 1] &= 0x7F; #if NETCOREAPP2_1_OR_GREATER || NETSTANDARD2_1_OR_GREATER outputStream.Write(tmp); #else outputStream.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length); #endif } } private static string ParseContents(byte[] contents) { StringBuilder objId = new StringBuilder(); long value = 0; BigInteger bigValue = null; bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i != contents.Length; i++) { int b = contents[i]; if (value <= LongLimit) { value += b & 0x7F; if ((b & 0x80) == 0) { if (first) { first = false; } else { objId.Append('.'); } objId.Append(value); value = 0; } else { value <<= 7; } } else { if (bigValue == null) { bigValue = BigInteger.ValueOf(value); } bigValue = bigValue.Or(BigInteger.ValueOf(b & 0x7F)); if ((b & 0x80) == 0) { if (first) { first = false; } else { objId.Append('.'); } objId.Append(bigValue); bigValue = null; value = 0; } else { bigValue = bigValue.ShiftLeft(7); } } } return objId.ToString(); } } }