summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/crypto/crypto.csproj
diff options
authorPeter Dettman <>2013-06-28 15:26:06 +0700
committerPeter Dettman <>2013-06-28 15:26:06 +0700
commit44288db4414158ac9b98a507b15e81d0d3c66ca6 (patch)
treeaa5ef88948ebb68ed6c8df81eb5da889641a9b50 /crypto/crypto.csproj
parentSet up text/binary handling for existing file types (diff)
Initial import of old CVS repository
Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/crypto.csproj')
1 files changed, 10628 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/crypto.csproj b/crypto/crypto.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76c91ae2b
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+++ b/crypto/crypto.csproj
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    RelPath = "src\asn1\crmf\PopoSigningKeyInput.cs"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    RelPath = "src\asn1\cryptopro\ECGOST3410ParamSetParameters.cs"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    RelPath = "src\asn1\isismtt\x509\ProcurationSyntax.cs"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\asn1\x9\X9FieldElement.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\asn1\x9\X9IntegerConverter.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\asn1\x9\X9ObjectIdentifiers.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\ArmoredInputStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\ArmoredOutputStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\CompressionAlgorithmTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\ContainedPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\DSAPublicBCPGKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\DSASecretBCPGKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\ElGamalPublicBCPGKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\ElGamalSecretBCPGKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\ExperimentalPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\HashAlgorithmTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\IBcpgKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\InputStreamPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\LiteralDataPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\ModDetectionCodePacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\MPInteger.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\OnePassSignaturePacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\OutputStreamPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\Packet.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\PacketTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\PublicKeyEncSessionPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\PublicKeyPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\PublicSubkeyPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\RSAPublicBCPGKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\RSASecretBCPGKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\S2K.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SecretKeyPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SecretSubkeyPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SignaturePacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SignatureSubpacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SignatureSubpacketsReader.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SignatureSubpacketTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SymmetricEncDataPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SymmetricEncIntegrityPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\SymmetricKeyEncSessionPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\TrustPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\UserAttributePacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\UserAttributeSubpacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\UserAttributeSubpacketsReader.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\UserAttributeSubpacketTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\UserIDPacket.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\attr\ImageAttrib.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\EmbeddedSignature.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\Exportable.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\IssuerKeyID.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\KeyExpirationTime.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\KeyFlags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\NotationData.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\PreferredAlgorithms.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\PrimaryUserID.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\Revocable.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\RevocationKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\RevocationKeyTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\RevocationReason.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\RevocationReasonTags.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\SignatureCreationTime.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\SignatureExpirationTime.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\SignerUserID.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\bcpg\sig\TrustSignature.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\BaseDigestCalculator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSAttributeTableGenerationException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSAttributeTableGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSAuthenticatedDataStreamGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSAuthenticatedGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSAuthEnvelopedGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSEnvelopedDataStreamGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSEnvelopedGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSEnvelopedHelper.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSPBEKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSProcessable.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSProcessableFile.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSProcessableInputStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSReadable.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSSecureReadable.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSSignedGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSSignedHelper.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSStreamException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSTypedStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CMSUtils.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\CounterSignatureDigestCalculator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\DefaultAuthenticatedAttributeTableGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\DigOutputStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\IDigestCalculator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\KEKRecipientInfoGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\KEKRecipientInformation.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\KeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\KeyAgreeRecipientInformation.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\KeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\KeyTransRecipientInformation.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\MacOutputStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\NullOutputStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\OriginatorId.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\OriginatorInfoGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\OriginatorInformation.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\PasswordRecipientInfoGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\PasswordRecipientInformation.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\PKCS5Scheme2PBEKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\PKCS5Scheme2UTF8PBEKey.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\RecipientId.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\RecipientInfoGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\RecipientInformation.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\RecipientInformationStore.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\SignerId.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\SignerInfoGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\SignerInformation.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\SignerInformationStore.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\cms\SigOutputStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\cms\SimpleAttributeTableGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\AsymmetricCipherKeyPair.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\AsymmetricKeyParameter.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\BufferedAeadBlockCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\BufferedAsymmetricBlockCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\BufferedBlockCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\BufferedIesCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\BufferedStreamCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\CipherKeyGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\CryptoException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\DataLengthException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\IAsymmetricBlockCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\IBasicAgreement.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\IBlockCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\IBufferedCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\ICipherParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\IDerivationFunction.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\IDerivationParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\IDigest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\InvalidCipherTextException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\agreement\kdf\ECDHKekGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\agreement\srp\SRP6Utilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\agreement\srp\SRP6VerifierGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\digests\TigerDigest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\encodings\ISO9796d1Encoding.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\AESLightEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\AESWrapEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\CamelliaWrapEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\DesEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\GOST28147Engine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\HC128Engine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\HC256Engine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\NoekeonEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\RC532Engine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\RC564Engine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\RFC3211WrapEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\RFC3394WrapEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\RSABlindedEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\RSABlindingEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\RSAEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\Salsa20Engine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\SEEDEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\SEEDWrapEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\SerpentEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\SkipjackEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\TEAEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\TwofishEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\VMPCEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\VMPCKSA3Engine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\engines\XTEAEngine.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\BaseKDFBytesGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DESedeKeyGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DESKeyGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DHBasicKeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DHKeyGeneratorHelper.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DHKeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DHParametersGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DHParametersHelper.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DSAKeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\DSAParametersGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\ECKeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\ElGamalKeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\ElGamalParametersGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\GOST3410KeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\GOST3410ParametersGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\KDF1BytesGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\NaccacheSternKeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\OpenSSLPBEParametersGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\PKCS12ParametersGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\PKCS5S1ParametersGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\RSABlindingFactorGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\generators\RSAKeyPairGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\macs\CFBBlockCipherMac.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\macs\HMac.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\macs\ISO9797Alg3Mac.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\modes\gcm\BasicGcmExponentiator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\modes\gcm\BasicGcmMultiplier.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\modes\gcm\GcmUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\modes\gcm\IGcmExponentiator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\modes\gcm\IGcmMultiplier.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\modes\gcm\Tables1kGcmExponentiator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\modes\gcm\Tables64kGcmMultiplier.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\modes\gcm\Tables8kGcmMultiplier.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\paddings\ISO10126d2Padding.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\paddings\PaddedBufferedBlockCipher.cs"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\paddings\ZeroBytePadding.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\ElGamalKeyParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\GOST3410KeyGenerationParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\GOST3410KeyParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\GOST3410Parameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\GOST3410PrivateKeyParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\GOST3410PublicKeyParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\GOST3410ValidationParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\IESParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\IESWithCipherParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\ISO18033KDFParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\KDFParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\KeyParameter.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\MGFParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\NaccacheSternKeyGenerationParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\NaccacheSternKeyParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\NaccacheSternPrivateKeyParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\ParametersWithIV.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\ParametersWithRandom.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\ParametersWithSalt.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\ParametersWithSBox.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\parameters\RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\prng\CryptoApiRandomGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\prng\DigestRandomGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\prng\ReversedWindowGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\prng\ThreadedSeedGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\prng\VMPCRandomGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\signers\ECGOST3410Signer.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\signers\ECNRSigner.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\signers\GOST3410Signer.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\signers\ISO9796d2PSSSigner.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\signers\ISO9796d2Signer.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\AlertLevel.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\AlwaysValidVerifyer.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\ByteQueue.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\Certificate.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\CertificateRequest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\CipherSuite.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\ClientCertificateType.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\CombinedHash.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\ContentType.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\DefaultTlsAgreementCredentials.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\DefaultTlsCipherFactory.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\DefaultTlsClient.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\DefaultTlsSignerCredentials.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\DigestAlgorithm.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\ECPointFormat.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\EncryptionAlgorithm.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\ExtensionType.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\HandshakeType.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\ICertificateVerifyer.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\KeyExchangeAlgorithm.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\LegacyTlsAuthentication.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\LegacyTlsClient.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\SecurityParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsDssSigner.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsECDheKeyExchange.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsECDHKeyExchange.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsECDsaSigner.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsFatalAlert.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsKeyExchange.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsMac.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsNullCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsNullCompression.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsProtocolHandler.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsPskKeyExchange.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsPskIdentity.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsRsaKeyExchange.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsRsaSigner.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsSigner.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsSignerCredentials.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsSrpKeyExchange.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsStreamCipher.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\tls\TlsUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\crypto\util\Pack.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\math\BigInteger.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\math\ec\ECAlgorithms.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\math\ec\ECCurve.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\math\ec\ECFieldElement.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\math\ec\ECPoint.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\math\ec\IntArray.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\math\ec\multiplier\FpNafMultiplier.cs"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\math\ec\multiplier\WTauNafPreCompInfo.cs"
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+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\ocsp\UnknownStatus.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PGPPublicKeyRing.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PGPSecretKeyRing.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PgpSecretKeyRingBundle.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PGPSignatureSubpacketVector.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVector.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVectorGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PgpUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\PGPV3SignatureGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openpgp\WrappedGeneratorStream.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\EncryptionException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\IPasswordFinder.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\MiscPemGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\PasswordException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\PEMException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\PEMReader.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\PEMUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\PEMWriter.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\openssl\Pkcs8Generator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkcs\AsymmetricKeyEntry.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkcs\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoFactory.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkcs\PKCS10CertificationRequest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkcs\Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkcs\PrivateKeyInfoFactory.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkcs\X509CertificateEntry.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\CertStatus.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixAttrCertChecker.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixAttrCertPathBuilder.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixAttrCertPathValidator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixBuilderParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPath.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPathBuilder.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPathBuilderException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPathBuilderResult.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPathChecker.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPathValidator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPathValidatorException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPathValidatorResult.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixCrlUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixNameConstraintValidator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixNameConstraintValidatorException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixParameters.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\PkixPolicyNode.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\ReasonsMask.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\Rfc3280CertPathUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\Rfc3281CertPathUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\pkix\TrustAnchor.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\CipherUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\DotNetUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\GeneralSecurityException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\GeneratorUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\InvalidKeyException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\InvalidParameterException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\KeyException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\MacUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\NoSuchAlgorithmException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\ParameterUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\PbeUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\PrivateKeyFactory.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\SecureRandom.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\SecurityUtilityException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\SignatureException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\SignerUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\security\WrapperUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\cert\CertificateEncodingException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\cert\CertificateException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\cert\CertificateExpiredException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\cert\CertificateNotYetValidException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\cert\CertificateParsingException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\security\cert\CrlException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\GenTimeAccuracy.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TimeStampRequestGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TimeStampResponse.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TimeStampResponseGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TimeStampToken.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TimeStampTokenGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TimeStampTokenInfo.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TSPAlgorithms.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TSPException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\tsp\TSPValidationException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\util\Arrays.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\util\Enums.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\util\Strings.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\util\collections\EmptyEnumerable.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\util\collections\EnumerableProxy.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\util\collections\HashSet.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "src\util\collections\ISet.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                <File
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+                <File
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidLongSerialNumberTest18EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidMappingToanyPolicyTest8EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidMissingbasicConstraintsTest1EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidMissingCRLTest1EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidNameChainingOrderTest2EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidNameChainingTest1EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidNegativeSerialNumberTest15EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidOldCRLnextUpdateTest11EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidonlyContainsAttributeCertsTest14EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidonlyContainsCACertsTest12EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidonlyContainsUserCertsTest11EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidonlySomeReasonsTest15EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidPolicyMappingTest2EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidPolicyMappingTest4EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidRevokedCATest2EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidRevokedEETest3EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidRFC822nameConstraintsTest22EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidRFC822nameConstraintsTest24EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidRFC822nameConstraintsTest26EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedinhibitAnyPolicyTest10EE.crt"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedinhibitAnyPolicyTest8EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedinhibitPolicyMappingTest10EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedinhibitPolicyMappingTest11EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedinhibitPolicyMappingTest8EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedinhibitPolicyMappingTest9EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedpathLenConstraintTest16EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedrequireExplicitPolicyTest7EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSelfIssuedrequireExplicitPolicyTest8EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSeparateCertificateandCRLKeysTest20EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidSeparateCertificateandCRLKeysTest21EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidUnknownCriticalCertificateExtensionTest2EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidUnknownCRLEntryExtensionTest8EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidUnknownCRLExtensionTest10EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidUnknownCRLExtensionTest9EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidURInameConstraintsTest35EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidURInameConstraintsTest37EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\InvalidWrongCRLTest6EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\keyUsageCriticalcRLSignFalseCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\keyUsageCriticalkeyCertSignFalseCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\keyUsageNotCriticalCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\keyUsageNotCriticalcRLSignFalseCACert.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\keyUsageNotCriticalkeyCertSignFalseCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\LongSerialNumberCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\Mapping1to2CACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\MappingFromanyPolicyCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\MappingToanyPolicyCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\MissingbasicConstraintsCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\nameConstraintsDN1CACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\nameConstraintsDN1SelfIssuedCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\nameConstraintsDN1subCA1Cert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\nameConstraintsDN1subCA2Cert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\nameConstraintsDN1subCA3Cert.crt"
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\pathLenConstraint6subsubCA00Cert.crt"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\pathLenConstraint6subsubCA11Cert.crt"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\pathLenConstraint6subsubCA41Cert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\pathLenConstraint6subsubsubCA11XCert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\pathLenConstraint6subsubsubCA41XCert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\PoliciesP1234CACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\PoliciesP1234subCAP123Cert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy2SelfIssuedsubCACert.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy2subCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy4CACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy4subCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy4subsubCACert.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy4subsubsubCACert.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy5CACert.crt"
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy7CACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy7subCARE2Cert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy7subsubCARE2RE4Cert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\requireExplicitPolicy7subsubsubCARE2RE4Cert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\RevokedsubCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\RFC3280MandatoryAttributeTypesCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\RFC3280OptionalAttributeTypesCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\RolloverfromPrintableStringtoUTF8StringCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\SeparateCertificateandCRLKeysCA2CertificateSigningCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\SeparateCertificateandCRLKeysCA2CRLSigningCert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\SeparateCertificateandCRLKeysCertificateSigningCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\SeparateCertificateandCRLKeysCRLSigningCert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\TrustAnchorRootCertificate.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\TwoCRLsCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UIDCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UnknownCRLEntryExtensionCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UnknownCRLExtensionCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UserNoticeQualifierTest15EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UserNoticeQualifierTest16EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UserNoticeQualifierTest17EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UserNoticeQualifierTest18EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UserNoticeQualifierTest19EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UTF8StringCaseInsensitiveMatchCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\UTF8StringEncodedNamesCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidbasicConstraintsNotCriticalTest4EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidBasicSelfIssuedCRLSigningKeyTest6EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidBasicSelfIssuedNewWithOldTest3EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidBasicSelfIssuedNewWithOldTest4EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidBasicSelfIssuedOldWithNewTest1EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidCertificatePathTest1EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidcRLIssuerTest28EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidcRLIssuerTest29EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidcRLIssuerTest30EE.crt"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidcRLIssuerTest33EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValiddeltaCRLTest2EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValiddeltaCRLTest5EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValiddeltaCRLTest7EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValiddeltaCRLTest8EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValiddistributionPointTest1EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValiddistributionPointTest4EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValiddistributionPointTest7EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNandRFC822nameConstraintsTest27EE.crt"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNnameConstraintsTest11EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNnameConstraintsTest14EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNnameConstraintsTest18EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNnameConstraintsTest19EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNnameConstraintsTest1EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNnameConstraintsTest4EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNnameConstraintsTest5EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNnameConstraintsTest6EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNSnameConstraintsTest30EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDNSnameConstraintsTest32EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDSAParameterInheritanceTest5EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidDSASignaturesTest4EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidGeneralizedTimeCRLnextUpdateTest13EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidGeneralizedTimenotAfterDateTest8EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidGeneralizedTimenotBeforeDateTest4EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidIDPwithindirectCRLTest22EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidIDPwithindirectCRLTest24EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidIDPwithindirectCRLTest25EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidinhibitAnyPolicyTest2EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidinhibitPolicyMappingTest2EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidinhibitPolicyMappingTest4EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidkeyUsageNotCriticalTest3EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidLongSerialNumberTest16EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidLongSerialNumberTest17EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
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+                />
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidrequireExplicitPolicyTest4EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidRFC3280MandatoryAttributeTypesTest7EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidRFC3280OptionalAttributeTypesTest8EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidRolloverfromPrintableStringtoUTF8StringTest10EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidSelfIssuedinhibitAnyPolicyTest7EE.crt"
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+                />
+                <File
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+                <File
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidSelfIssuedpathLenConstraintTest15EE.crt"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidSelfIssuedpathLenConstraintTest17EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidSeparateCertificateandCRLKeysTest19EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidTwoCRLsTest7EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidUnknownNotCriticalCertificateExtensionTest1EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidURInameConstraintsTest34EE.crt"
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+                />
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidUTF8StringCaseInsensitiveMatchTest11EE.crt"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\ValidUTF8StringEncodedNamesTest9EE.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\certs\WrongCRLCACert.crt"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\anyPolicyCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BadCRLIssuerNameCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BadCRLSignatureCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BadnotAfterDateCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BadnotBeforeDateCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BadSignedCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\basicConstraintsCriticalcAFalseCACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\basicConstraintsNotCriticalCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\basicConstraintsNotCriticalcAFalseCACRL.crl"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BasicSelfIssuedCRLSigningKeyCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BasicSelfIssuedCRLSigningKeyCRLCertCRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BasicSelfIssuedNewKeyCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BasicSelfIssuedOldKeyCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\BasicSelfIssuedOldKeySelfIssuedCertCRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\deltaCRLCA1CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                />
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+                />
+                <File
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\deltaCRLCA3deltaCRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\deltaCRLIndicatorNoBaseCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\distributionPoint1CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\distributionPoint2CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\DSACACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\DSAParametersInheritedCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\GeneralizedTimeCRLnextUpdateCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\GoodCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\GoodsubCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\GoodsubCAPanyPolicyMapping1to2CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\indirectCRLCA1CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\indirectCRLCA3CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\indirectCRLCA3cRLIssuerCRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\indirectCRLCA4cRLIssuerCRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\indirectCRLCA5CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitAnyPolicy0CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitAnyPolicy1CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitAnyPolicy1subCA1CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitAnyPolicy1subCA2CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitAnyPolicy1subCAIAP5CRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
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+                />
+                <File
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitAnyPolicy5subCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitAnyPolicy5subsubCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping0CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping0subCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping1P12CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping1P12subCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping1P12subsubCACRL.crl"
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+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping1P1CACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping1P1subCACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping1P1subsubCACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping5CACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping5subCACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping5subsubCACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\inhibitPolicyMapping5subsubsubCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\keyUsageCriticalcRLSignFalseCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\keyUsageCriticalkeyCertSignFalseCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\keyUsageNotCriticalCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\keyUsageNotCriticalcRLSignFalseCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\keyUsageNotCriticalkeyCertSignFalseCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\LongSerialNumberCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\Mapping1to2CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\MappingFromanyPolicyCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\MappingToanyPolicyCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\MissingbasicConstraintsCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN1CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN1subCA2CRL.crl"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN1subCA3CRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN2CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN3CACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN3subCA1CRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN3subCA2CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN4CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDN5CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDNS1CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsDNS2CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsRFC822CA1CRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsRFC822CA2CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsRFC822CA3CRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsURI1CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\nameConstraintsURI2CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\NameOrderCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\NegativeSerialNumberCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\NoissuingDistributionPointCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\NoPoliciesCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\OldCRLnextUpdateCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlyContainsAttributeCertsCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlyContainsCACertsCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlyContainsUserCertsCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlySomeReasonsCA1compromiseCRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlySomeReasonsCA1otherreasonsCRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlySomeReasonsCA2CRL1.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlySomeReasonsCA2CRL2.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlySomeReasonsCA3compromiseCRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlySomeReasonsCA3otherreasonsCRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlySomeReasonsCA4compromiseCRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\onlySomeReasonsCA4otherreasonsCRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\P12Mapping1to3CACRL.crl"
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+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\P12Mapping1to3subCACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\P12Mapping1to3subsubCACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\P1anyPolicyMapping1to2CACRL.crl"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\P1Mapping1to234CACRL.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\PKITS\crls\P1Mapping1to234subCACRL.crl"
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\rfc4134\CarlDSSCRLForCarl.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\data\rfc4134\CarlRSACRLForCarl.crl"
+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
+                />
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
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+                    BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
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+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\DERApplicationSpecificTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\DERUTF8StringTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\EqualsAndHashCodeTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\EssCertIDv2UnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\GeneralizedTimeTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\GeneralNameTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\GenerationTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\InputStreamTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\Iso4217CurrencyCodeUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\IssuingDistributionPointTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\KeyUsageTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\LDSSecurityObjectUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\MiscTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\MonetaryLimitUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\MonetaryValueUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\NameOrPseudonymUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\NamingAuthorityUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\NetscapeCertTypeTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\OCSPTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\OctetStringTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\OIDTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\OtherCertIDUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\OtherSigningCertificateUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\ParseTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\ParsingTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\PersonalDataUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\PKCS10Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\PKCS12Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\PKIFailureInfoTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\ProcurationSyntaxUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\ProfessionInfoUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\QCStatementUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\ReasonFlagsTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\RegressionTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\RequestedCertificateUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\RestrictionUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\SemanticsInformationUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\SetTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\SignerLocationUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\SMIMETest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\StringTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\SubjectKeyIdentifierTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\TagTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\TargetInformationTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\TimeTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\TypeOfBiometricDataUnitTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\UTCTimeTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\X509ExtensionsTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\X509NameTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\asn1\test\X9Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\AllTests.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\AuthenticatedDataStreamTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\AuthenticatedDataTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\CMSSampleMessages.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\CMSTestUtil.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\CompressedDataStreamTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\CompressedDataTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\EnvelopedDataStreamTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\EnvelopedDataTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\MiscDataStreamTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\Rfc4134Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\SignedDataStreamTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\cms\test\SignedDataTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\examples\DESExample.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\io\test\AllTests.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\io\test\CipherStreamTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\AESFastTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\AESLightTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\AESTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\AESWrapTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\AllTests.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\BlockCipherMonteCarloTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\BlockCipherVectorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\BlowfishTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\CamelliaLightTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\CamelliaTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\Cast5Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\CAST6Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\CCMTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\CipherTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\CMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\CTSTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\DESedeTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\DESTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\DHKEKGeneratorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\DHTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\DigestRandomNumberTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\DSATest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\EAXTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ECDHKEKGeneratorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ECGOST3410Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ECIESTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ECNRTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ECTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ElGamalTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\EqualsHashCodeTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\GcmReorderTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\GCMTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\OCBTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\GOST28147MacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\GOST28147Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\GOST3410Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\GOST3411DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\HCFamilyTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\HCFamilyVecTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\IDEATest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ISAACTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ISO9796Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ISO9797Alg3MacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\KDF1GeneratorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\KDF2GeneratorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\MacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\MD2DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\MD4DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\MD5DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\MD5HMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\MGF1GeneratorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ModeTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\NaccacheSternTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\NoekeonTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\NullTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\OAEPTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\PaddingTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\Pkcs12Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\Pkcs5Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\PSSBlindTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\PSSTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RC2Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RC2WrapTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RC4Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RC5Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RC6Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RegressionTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RFC3211WrapTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RijndaelTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RipeMD128DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RipeMD128HMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RipeMD160DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RipeMD160HMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RipeMD256DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RipeMD320DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RSABlindedTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\RsaTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\Salsa20Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SCryptTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SEEDTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SerpentTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA1DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA1HMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA224DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA224HMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA256DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA256HMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA384DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA512DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA512t224DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA512t256DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SHA512HMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\ShortenedDigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SipHashTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SkipjackTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\SRP6Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\StreamCipherVectorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\TEATest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\TigerDigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\TwofishTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\VMPCKSA3Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\VMPCMacTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\WhirlpoolDigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\crypto\test\XTEATest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\math\ec\test\ECPointPerformanceTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\math\ec\test\ECPointTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\math\ec\test\F2mProofer.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\math\ec\test\TnafTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\ocsp\test\AllTests.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\ocsp\test\OCSPTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\ClearSignedFileProcessor.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\DetachedSignatureProcessor.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\DirectKeySignature.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\DsaElGamalKeyRingGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\KeyBasedFileProcessor.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\KeyBasedLargeFileProcessor.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\PbeFileProcessor.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\PgpExampleUtilities.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\PublicKeyRingDump.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\RsaKeyRingGenerator.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\SignedFileProcessor.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\examples\test\AllTests.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\DSA2Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPArmoredTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPClearSignedSignatureTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPCompressionTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPDSAElGamalTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPDSATest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PgpKeyRingTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PgpMarkerTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPPacketTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPPBETest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPRSATest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\PGPSignatureTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openpgp\test\RegressionTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openssl\test\AllTests.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openssl\test\ReaderTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\openssl\test\WriterTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\pkcs\examples\PKCS12Example.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\pkcs\test\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\pkcs\test\PKCS10Test.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\pkcs\test\PKCS12StoreTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\security\test\SecureRandomTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\security\test\TestDigestUtil.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\security\test\TestDotNetUtil.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\security\test\TestEncodings.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\security\test\TestParameterUtil.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\security\test\TestSignerUtil.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\AESSICTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\AESTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\AttrCertSelectorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\AttrCertTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\BaseBlockCipherTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\BlockCipherTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\CamelliaTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\CertPathBuilderTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\CertPathTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\CertPathValidatorTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\CipherStreamTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\DHTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\DigestTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\FIPSDESTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\PkixPolicyMappingTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\PkixTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                    SubType = "Code"
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+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\X509CertificatePairTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\X509StoreTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\test\nist\NistCertPathTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\tsp\test\GenTimeAccuracyTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\tsp\test\TimeStampTokenInfoTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\tsp\test\TSPTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\tsp\test\TSPTestUtil.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\util\io\pem\test\AllTests.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\util\net\test\IPAddressTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\util\test\SimpleTest.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
+                <File
+                    RelPath = "test\src\util\test\SimpleTestResult.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\util\test\TestFailedException.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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+                    RelPath = "test\src\x509\test\TestCertificateGen.cs"
+                    SubType = "Code"
+                    BuildAction = "Compile"
+                />
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